<h1><strong>Infant Development</strong></h1>

Infant Development

It's natural to wonder if your baby is growing as they should. Understanding infant development stages gives you an idea of what to expect and when. It also enables you to better support their all-round development and intervene when it is needed.

Learn more about Monthly Development

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Baby rolling over

It is one of the earliest milestones in a baby's development that strengthens muscles and improves coordination. It typically occurs between 3 and 5 months.  

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Tummy time for babies

Tummy time is the practice of placing your baby on their tummy while they are awake to help strengthen their neck, back, and shoulder muscles. It is vital for encouraging motor skill development and preventing flat head syndrome. Start with 2-3 minutes, 3 times a day, and gradually increase to 20-30 minutes daily by 3 months. 

Motor development in infants

Motor development in infants includes both gross motor skills, which involve large muscles, and fine motor skills which focus on smaller, more precise movements. 

AgeGross motor skillFine motor skill
3 monthsLifting their head during tummy timeGrasping a rattle
6 monthsRolling overPassing objects between hands
12 monthsCrawling, attempting to standPincer grasp (using thumb and finger)


Baby crawling

Babies begin with tummy crawling and then advance to hands-and-knee movements between 6 to 10 months. But it's normal for some babies to skip it altogether and start walking.

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Baby sitting

Most babies can sit with support by 4 months and unassisted by 6-7 months. But this depends on when they develop the necessary muscle strength. As parents, you can help them here.

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Baby walking

Most babies take their first steps between 12 and 18 months. Early signs your baby will walk soon include pulling up, cruising along furniture, and standing unassisted.

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Cognitive development

Infants experience rapid brain or cognitive development in their early years, marked by milestones like recognising faces, responding to names, and solving simple problems. 

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Piaget's theory of cognitive development

This theory outlines four stages of cognitive development that children go through. These stages explain how a child learns and understands the world at different ages.

  • Sensorimotor stage (0-2 years): Infants explore the world through their senses and actions, learning object permanence.
  • Preoperational stage (2-7 years): Children begin to think symbolically but lack logical reasoning.
  • Concrete operational stage (7-11 years): Logical thinking develops, and children understand concrete concepts like conservation.
  • Formal operational stage (12+ years): Abstract and logical thinking emerges, enabling problem-solving and hypothesis testing.

Bayley scales of infant development

The Bayley Scales of Infant Development measure a baby’s cognitive, motor, and social-emotional growth to track their progress against a standard baby milestones chart. 

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AgeCognitive milestonesMotor milestonesSocial-emotional milestones
1-3 monthsFocuses on faces, tracks objectsLifts head during tummy timeSmiles at caregivers
4-6 monthsExplores objects with hands/mouthRolls over, reaches for toysRecognises familiar people
7-9 monthsLooks for hidden objects (peek-a-boo)Sits without support, begins crawlingResponds to name, enjoys social play
10-12 monthsImitates gestures like waving Pulls to stand, takes first stepsShows preferences for specific people

Cognitive Development In Infants

Cognitive development helps your baby learn to think, reason, and understand the world around them. Some key moments of cognitive development in infants include recognising familiar faces, responding to their name, and exploring objects. Problem-solving and communication follow soon after. 

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Be prepared as they grow at an amazing pace during the first year. Some key moments of cognitive development in infants include your baby recognising familiar faces, responding to their names, and exploring objects. Problem-solving and starting to communicate are also exciting cognitive development examples you’ll notice along the way.

Top tips for optimal development of your Infant


Talk and bond

Engage your baby with soothing words, eye contact, and a playful voice to form a bond.


Sensitive care

Respond quickly when your baby cries to ensure they feel comforted and secure.


Playful learning

Get toys with different textures and patterns to help stimulate your baby’s growth.


Bonding moments

Hold your baby often to help them feel secure, which supports their brain development.


Baby’s routine

Try building a daily schedule for your baby's feeding, napping, and bath times.

Baby Brain Development

The early years are crucial for a baby’s brain development, as their growth is rapidly influenced by stimulation and nutrition.

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This is why baby talk gives infant brains a boost, helping them develop language and social skills. Feeding your baby brain-friendly foods such as spinach, eggs, and fish also supports healthy development.

Infant Height & Weight

Tracking your baby’s height and weight helps ensure they’re developing as expected. So let’s explore what’s normal and how to support their healthy development.

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Infant weight

Monitoring your baby's weight is crucial for assessing healthy growth. In India, the average birth weight ranges from 2.8 to 3.2 kg.

Infant height

Tracking your baby’s growth is a sign that they are on the right track. In India, the normal height of an infant at birth ranges between 48-53 cm. 

Baby Milestones Month by Month

Tracking your baby's development assures that they are growing well. Here’s a quick look at what you should expect.

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Tracking your baby's development month by month gives you a glimpse into what to expect. So what are the baby development stages month by month? Here’s a quick look at what you should expect.

  • 1-3 months: Smiles, lifts head, tracks objects.
  • 4-6 months: Rolls over, sits with support.
  • 7-9 months: Crawls, babbles, responds to name.
  • 10-12 months: Stands, takes first steps, says first words.


When do infants start rolling over?

Most infants roll over between 3 to 5 months, starting with tummy-to-back rolls. Back-to-tummy rolling usually comes a bit later as babies build stronger muscles through activities like tummy time.

When do infants begin crawling?

Crawling typically starts between 6 to 10 months. Some babies begin with tummy crawling (dragging themselves forward with their arms) before moving on to hands-and-knee crawling.

What are typical milestones for 1-year-olds?

By their first birthday, most babies can stand with support, take a few steps while holding onto furniture, and say their first words like "mama" or "dada." Other common milestones include clapping hands, waving goodbye, and curiosity.

When should my baby sit up?

Babies usually begin sitting up unassisted between 4 to 7 months. They start by propping themselves up with their hands and gradually develop the core strength to sit independently.

When do babies start walking?

Most babies start walking between 12 and 18 months, but it’s perfectly normal if your baby takes a bit longer. Early signs of walking include pulling themselves up to stand, cruising along furniture, and balancing briefly without support.