
Week 17 of Pregnancy

Your baby is growing rapidly, and you may start noticing visible changes in your body. Learn about key developments, baby growth, and helpful pregnancy tips.

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All you need to know

You're now 17 weeks pregnant, and the second trimester is in full swing. By this point, you might be feeling more confident and comfortable with your pregnancy. With noticeable physical changes and the excitement of feeling your baby move, this week brings new developments both for you and your little one.

Let’s dive into what's happening to your body and your baby during Week 17.

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Week 17 Pregnancy Symptoms

Week 17 brings renewed energy and unique changes! Learn about managing round ligament pain, nasal congestion, appetite shifts, and other pregnancy symptoms.

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  • Increased Energy: By week 17, the fatigue from earlier weeks should be largely gone, leaving you feeling more like yourself again. You might also be able to enjoy daily activities with more vigour.
  • Round Ligament Pain: You may still experience some round ligament pain as your uterus continues to expand. The discomfort can be sharp or dull, often felt in the lower abdomen or sides. Light stretching and resting in a comfortable position can help ease the pain.
  • Nasal Congestion: Hormonal changes are still causing nasal congestion, which can make your nose feel stuffy or runny. Staying hydrated, using a saline spray, and keeping your environment humid can help relieve the symptoms.
  • Visible Veins: With increased blood flow, veins may become more visible, especially on your legs, abdomen, and breasts. This is completely normal and will ease as your body adjusts to changes in pregnancy.
  • Appetite Changes: Many women feel hungrier at this stage of pregnancy. As your body adjusts, you may start craving specific foods. Focus on balanced meals with healthy and nutritional meal options that keep both you and your baby well-nourished.

Your Baby in Week 17

At week 17, your baby is growing rapidly, with developing organs, defined features, and increasing movements like kicks and turns. A milestone week indeed

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Baby’s Growth in the Womb

  • Organ Development: By 17 weeks, the heart is pumping blood more efficiently, and the liver is working hard to filter waste. Tiny kidneys are also producing urine, and your baby’s brain is becoming more sophisticated, forming better connections for motor skills.
  • Physical Features: Your baby’s features are becoming more defined. Ears are in their final position, eyes are moving, hair is growing, and eyebrows may form. Their body is now more proportional.
  • Weight of the Foetus: At 17 weeks, your baby measures around 12-13 cm long and weighs about 140 grams. This is a time of rapid growth as your baby prepares for the weeks ahead.
  • Movement of the Baby: Your baby is becoming increasingly active. They are practising more complex movements, such as stretching, kicking, and turning. Some women may feel these movements, known as “quickening”, for the first time this week. 

Here is what your baby looks like

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At 17 weeks, your baby listens to your heartbeat and voice. Keep sharing love and positivity—it nurtures the little life within.

Dr. Veena H

Your Body in Week 17 of Pregnancy

Week 17 brings noticeable changes to your body. Your breasts prepare for breastfeeding, your hair and nails may grow faster, & your uterus expands as your baby continues to grow.

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Physiological Changes During Week 17 of Pregnancy

  • Breasts: Your breasts continue to prepare for breastfeeding. They may feel fuller and more sensitive, and the areolas may darken further. You might notice tiny bumps around the areola called Montgomery glands, which help to keep the skin moisturised.
  • Hair, Skin, and Nails: You may find that your hair is growing thicker and shinier, as pregnancy hormones slow down hair loss. Your nails may also grow faster, although they can sometimes become more brittle. You might notice skin changes like a darker line running down your belly (linea nigra) or patches of darker skin on your face (melasma).
  • Respiratory and Cardiovascular Systems: As your pregnancy progresses, your body is adjusting to the increased demand for oxygen and blood circulation. You may experience mild shortness of breath, especially with physical activity. Your heart rate is also slightly faster to keep up with the increased blood volume.
  • Vaginal Discharge: It’s normal to have more vaginal discharge during pregnancy, and week 17 is no exception. The discharge should be thin, milky, and odourless. It helps protect against infections.
  • Uterus Size and Position: By now, your uterus has grown enough to be about the size of an orange. The uterus is shifting further up, giving you more space and reducing pressure on your bladder.
  • Placenta Position: The placenta continues to grow and become fully functional. By week 17, it is efficiently providing oxygen and nutrients to your baby and removing waste.

TopTips for Week 17


Labor check-up

If your labour feels abnormal let the doctor examine you first for a correct diagnosis


Childbirth prep

Enrol yourself in prenatal courses to learn different labour stages and what to expect.


Preterm signs

If you suspect early labour, read up on premature delivery and baby care essentials.


Prenatal guide

Attend all your prenatal appointments like vaccinations, tests, ultrasounds
to track vitals 


Stay active 

A moderately intense 30-minute physical activity on most days of the week is great.

Medical Scans and Check-Ups

Week 17 sees ongoing monitoring of both your health & your baby’s development. Your antenatal visits will continue, and you may have a few important tests or scans scheduled.

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  • Routine Check-Up

    During your week 17 visit, your doctor will check your blood pressure, monitor your weight gain, and conduct routine urine tests to check for infections and kidney function

  • Ultrasound Scan

    Although a routine ultrasound is not typically scheduled at week 17, some women may have an ultrasound if their doctor deems it necessary. This could be to monitor the baby’s growth, check the position of the placenta, or investigate any concerns.

  • Checking for Anaemia

    You may have a blood test to check your iron levels. Anaemia is common during pregnancy, so ensuring your iron levels are adequate is important for your health and your baby’s development.

  • Planning the 20-Week Anomaly Scan



What are common symptoms at week 17?

Expect to feel more energetic, but you may still experience round ligament pain, nasal congestion, and changes in your hair, skin, and nails. Your appetite may increase as well.

Can I feel my baby move at week 17?

Yes, some women begin to feel the first gentle movements, often described as flutters or bubbles. These movements are called “quickening” and are usually felt by most women between Weeks 16 and 20.

How big is my baby at week 17?

Your baby is about the size of a radish, measuring 12-13 cm long and weighing around 140 grams.

Is vaginal discharge normal during this week?

Yes, increased vaginal discharge is normal and helps prevent infections. It should be thin, milky, and odourless. If you notice an unusual colour, smell, or itching, contact your doctor.

Should I be showing by now?

Most women start to show a small bump by week 17, but the size and visibility of your bump can vary depending on factors like body type and whether this is your first pregnancy.

Are headaches still common at this stage?

Yes, headaches can still occur due to hormonal changes and increased blood volume. Stay hydrated and get plenty of rest. If headaches are severe, consult your doctor.

What tests or scans might I have this week?

Routine check-ups may include a blood pressure check, weight measurement, and listening to your baby’s heartbeat. You may also have optional blood tests like the quadruple test to screen for chromosomal conditions.

Can I exercise during week 17?

Yes, regular, moderate exercise is encouraged. Activities like walking, swimming, and prenatal yoga are excellent ways to stay healthy and prepare for the physical demands of labour.