In the week 7, your baby is
the size of a Blueberry
In Week 7 of pregnancy, your baby’s growth accelerates! Expect new symptoms, changes in your body, and exciting early developments as you move forward.
Week 7 is an exciting time in your pregnancy journey. Your little one is growing rapidly, and your body is undergoing some significant changes too. Here's what you can expect during this week of your pregnancy.
At week 7, you may start experiencing some common pregnancy symptoms, including
Symptom Checker Tool
Remember, every pregnancy is different, and you may experience all, some, or none of these symptoms.
At week 7, your baby's brain, spinal cord, and heart are developing rapidly. Tiny limbs, eyes, and ears are forming. About the size of a blueberry, they’re growing quickly!
Embrace the journey, for within you grows a life that will fill your heart with more love than you ever imagined. You're doing an amazing job, mama!
Your body is going through some incredible changes to support your growing baby:
Breast Changes
Hair, Skin, and Nails
Respiratory and Cardiovascular System
Vaginal Discharge
Uterus Size and Position
Placenta Position
Labor check-up
If your labour feels abnormal let the doctor examine you first for a correct diagnosis
Prenatal guide
Attend all your prenatal appointments like vaccinations, tests, ultrasounds
to track vitals
Stay active
A moderately intense 30-minute physical activity on most days of the week is great.
Dental hygiene
Having healthy teeth and gums matters as poor dental care is linked to premature labour.
Take Prenatal Vitamins
Ensure you take prenatal vitamins throughout your pregnancy and the postpartum period
At week 7, you may have your first prenatal appointment. Here's what to expect:
Yes, exercise is generally safe and recommended during pregnancy. However, talk to your doctor about any restrictions or modifications you may need to make.
Light spotting can be normal, but if you have heavy bleeding or cramping, contact your doctor right away.
Focus on a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. Avoid raw or undercooked meats, fish high in mercury, and unpasteurised dairy products.
Try eating small, frequent meals, avoiding triggers like strong smells, and staying hydrated. Ginger tea or crackers may help settle your stomach.
Every woman is different, but most start to show between 12-16 weeks. If you're very thin or this is your second pregnancy, you may show earlier.
Yes, hormonal changes can make you feel more emotional or prone to mood swings. Talk to your partner or a trusted friend about how you're feeling.
Generally, yes. However, if you have any complications or are experiencing severe morning sickness, talk to your doctor before making travel plans.
Listen to your body and rest when you need to. Try to get enough sleep at night and take short naps during the day if possible. Eating a balanced diet and staying hydrated can also help.