In the week 13, your baby is
the size of a Pea Pod
In Week 13 of pregnancy, your baby is now the size of a peach, and key organs are maturing. Your body is adapting beautifully as you enter the second trimester of this amazing journey!
Week 13 marks the end of the first trimester and things are starting to really settle down. Let’s dive into what’s happening to your body and your baby during this exciting time.
As you enter the second trimester, some early symptoms ease, but new ones may appear. Here’s what to expect and how to manage them.
Your baby is rapidly growing and developing key features. Let’s explore the incredible milestones happening this week.
At 13 weeks, you're closer to the halfway mark! Keep caring for yourself and enjoy the journey ahead.
Your body continues to change as it supports your growing baby. Discover what’s happening and how to stay comfortable.
Breasts: Your breasts are likely still tender and might have grown slightly in size. The increased blood flow and hormonal changes continue to prepare them for breastfeeding. You may also notice more pronounced veins as your body works harder to supply your baby with nutrients.
Hair, skin and nails: During pregnancy, your skin may appear flushed due to increased blood flow, and some women develop melasma and dark spots on the face. Hormonal changes can make hair thicker and shinier, with faster growth, though some may notice hair in unexpected areas. Nails may grow faster but could become brittle.
Respiratory and Cardiovascular System: Your body works harder at Week 13 to support your baby. You may feel mild breathlessness as oxygen needs increase. Rising blood volume causes a faster heartbeat and more visible veins, especially on your breasts and legs.
Uterus and Cervical Position: Your uterus is growing and expanding, which may cause you to feel some mild cramping or discomfort. As it stretches to accommodate your baby, you may start to notice a slight bump forming.
Vaginal Discharge: Increased discharge, called leukorrhea, is normal and helps prevent infections. This thin, milky fluid is caused by higher estrogen and increased blood flow. It may increase as pregnancy progresses.
Early arrival
Discuss premature labour signs with the doctor to address concerns and get proper guidance.
Labor check-up
If your labour feels abnormal let the doctor examine you first for a correct diagnosis
Prenatal guide
Attend all your prenatal appointments like vaccinations, tests, ultrasounds
to track vitals
Stay active
A moderately intense 30-minute physical activity on most days of the week is great.
Take Prenatal Vitamins
Ensure you take prenatal vitamins throughout your pregnancy and the postpartum period
A medical checkup at Week 13 may include an ultrasound and a few regular checkups.
At 13 weeks, an ultrasound can provide a detailed look at your baby’s development. It helps measure the baby’s size, checks the growth of organs, and looks at the formation of bone tissue. The ultrasound also helps confirm your due date, spot any potential structural issues, and assess the health of the placenta and amniotic fluid levels.
A routine check-up will also involve measuring your blood pressure and urine for signs of gestational diabetes or protein in your urine, which can indicate a risk for preeclampsia.
This test screen for chromosomal abnormalities might be added by your doctor if not done in Week 12.
Yes, some women continue to experience mild morning sickness into Week 13, but for most, it starts to ease during this time.
At Week 13, your baby is about the size of a peach, measuring around 2.9 inches and weighing about 23 grams.
You likely won’t feel your baby’s movements until later in your pregnancy, usually between 16 and 25 weeks.
Yes, it’s completely normal to experience more vaginal discharge during pregnancy. This is your body’s way of protecting you and your baby from infections.
At Week 13, you might begin to notice a slight bump, especially if this is not your first pregnancy. However, many women don’t show much until later in the second trimester.
While you’re at Week 13, it’s important to continue avoiding raw or undercooked seafood, meat, and eggs, as well as unpasteurized dairy. These can pose risks of foodborne illnesses that could harm you and your baby.
Yes, exercise is generally safe during Week 13, as long as you’re feeling good. Low-impact activities like walking, swimming, and yoga are great choices. Always consult your doctor to ensure your exercise routine is appropriate for your pregnancy.
At Week 13, it’s important to focus on nutrient-rich foods that support your baby’s development. Include plenty of protein, like lean meats, eggs, and legumes, to help build your baby’s tissues. Dairy products, tofu, and leafy greens provide calcium for strong bones and teeth. Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables are key for fibre and vitamins. Omega-3-rich foods like salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds support brain development. Stay hydrated with plenty of water, and avoid processed foods high in sugar and salt.