
Week 12 of Pregnancy

In Week 12 of pregnancy, your baby’s development leaps forward! Expect more noticeable changes, new symptoms, and exciting milestones as you enter the second trimester.

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Week 12 Pregnancy Symptoms

 At Week 12, many women experience a reduction in the intensity of early pregnancy symptoms. However, there are still a few things to be aware of:

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  • Morning sickness: For many women, nausea and vomiting start to ease around this time, though some may continue to experience mild symptoms.
  • Fatigue: You might still feel tired as your body adjusts to pregnancy, but energy levels often improve as you move into the second trimester.
  • Frequent urination: Your growing uterus continues to press on your bladder, making frequent trips to the bathroom common.
  • Headaches: Hormonal changes can trigger headaches during this week, especially if you’re dehydrated or stressed.
  • Increased vaginal discharge: Your body continues to produce more discharge as a way of protecting your reproductive system from infections.

Your Baby in Week 12

At the twelfth week of pregnancy, your baby is roughly the size of a lime. This week marks significant progress as your baby’s body continues to develop and take shape.

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Your Baby's Growth in the Womb

Organ Development: By Week 12, your baby’s major organs, including the heart, liver, and kidneys, are fully formed. The digestive system is active, and the kidneys are producing urine, which is excreted as amniotic fluid.

Physical Features: Your baby’s facial features are becoming clearer, with fully developed eyes (still closed), and the nose, ears, and mouth are taking shape. Tiny fingernails and toenails are forming.

Weight of the Foetus: At Week 12, your baby measures 2.13 inches (5.4 cm) and weighs about 14 grams. They are growing quickly and preparing for more rapid development in the second trimester.

Movement of the Baby: Your baby is moving their arms and legs, practising muscle tone and coordination. These movements are too subtle to be felt yet.

Here is what your baby looks like

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At 12 weeks, you’re starting a new chapter! Take care of yourself and embrace the amazing journey ahead.

Dr. Veena H

Your Body in Week 12

At Week 12, your body adapts to pregnancy with changes in breasts, skin, and energy levels as you enter the second trimester.

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Physiological Changes During Week 12 of Pregnancy

  • Breasts: Your breasts may still feel tender and swollen as they prepare for breastfeeding. You might notice darkening of the areolas and small bumps around your nipples.
  • Skin, Hair and Nails: Pregnancy hormones and increased blood flow combine to create the radiant "pregnancy glow" many women notice. The higher blood volume boosts circulation, giving your skin a rosy, fuller appearance.
  • Respiratory and Cardiovascular Systems: Your heart is working harder to supply blood to both you and your baby. This can make you feel warmer than usual or experience dizziness when standing up too quickly.
  • Uterus and Cervical Position: Your uterus is expanding to accommodate your growing baby, which might cause mild cramping or a sensation of pressure. This is normal unless the pain becomes severe or is accompanied by bleeding.
  • Vaginal Discharge: At Week 12, vaginal discharge may continue to increase. It's usually thin, milky, and odourless, helping to prevent infections. If the discharge has a strong odour, or unusual colour, or causes irritation, contact your healthcare provider.

TopTips for Week 12


Childbirth prep

Enrol yourself in prenatal courses to learn different labour stages and what to expect.


Take Prenatal Vitamins

Ensure you take prenatal vitamins throughout your pregnancy and the postpartum period


Early arrival 

Discuss premature labour signs with the doctor to address concerns and get proper guidance. 


Preterm signs

If you suspect early labour, read up on premature delivery and baby care essentials.


Dental hygiene

Having healthy teeth and gums matters as poor dental care is linked to premature labour.

Medical Scans and Check-Ups 

In Week 12, routine screenings and tests help assess both your health and your baby’s development, ensuring everything is on track.

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  • Screening for Down Syndrome

At this stage, the combined test for Down syndrome includes a blood test and ultrasound to measure nuchal translucency (fluid at the back of the baby’s neck). This is sometimes called a nuchal translucency scan.

  • Ultrasound

A standard ultrasound checks your baby’s development at 12 weeks. Additional scans may be recommended if concerns arise, such as investigating symptoms like bleeding.

  • Blood Tests

Routine blood tests check for conditions like anaemia or infections to ensure both your health and the baby’s wellbeing.

  • Weight and Blood Pressure

Your doctor will monitor your weight and blood pressure during routine prenatal visits to ensure healthy progress throughout your pregnancy.


How big is my baby in the twelfth week of pregnancy?

Your baby is about the size of a lime, measuring around 2.13 inches long and weighing about 14 grams.

Is it normal to feel tired in the twelfth week of pregnancy?

Yes, some fatigue is still common, but many women experience a surge in energy as they enter the second trimester.

Can I exercise during the twelfth week of pregnancy?

Light exercises like walking or prenatal yoga are safe. Always check with your doctor before starting any new exercise routine.

What should I expect during a twelfth-week ultrasound of pregnancy?

You may be able to see your baby’s heartbeat and movements, and your doctor will check the development of your baby’s organs.

Is it safe to travel during the twelfth week of pregnancy?

Travel is generally safe during the second trimester, but always consult your healthcare provider, especially if you have a high-risk pregnancy.

What foods should I eat to support my baby’s development during the twelfth week of pregnancy?

Focus on a nutrient-dense diet with plenty of folic acid, protein, healthy fats, and calcium-rich foods. Keep your meals balanced and varied.

How can I stay healthy in the twelfth week of pregnancy?

Eat well, stay hydrated, and continue with any recommended supplements. Regular check-ups and gentle exercise will also help you maintain a healthy pregnancy.

What can I expect during an ultrasound at the twelfth week of pregnancy?

At the twelfth week, the ultrasound is usually part of a combined screening test. During the scan, your healthcare provider will check your baby's size, measure nuchal translucency (fluid at the back of the baby’s neck), and confirm the pregnancy’s progress. You may see your baby’s head, body, and limbs on the screen, and you might even catch a glimpse of their tiny movements.