baby size

Your baby needs
Nutrition: 180-240 ml, 4-6 feeds/day
Sleep: 12-15 hrs

Month 10 of infant development

Discover Your 1-Month-Old’s Growth Journey: Milestones, Feeding Tips, Sleep Patterns, and Care Essentials

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Your Baby's Weight and Height

At ten months, your baby’s growth continues steadily. While growth rates vary, you’ll see clear progress in their physical development, including weight and height.

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  • On average, babies gain 80-120 grams per week at this stage.
  • Babies grow about 1.5-2.0 cm per month at this age.

Average Measurements for Indian Babies:

Parameters Boys Girls 
Weight (kg)8.2-11.4
Height (cm)74-8272-80

Your Baby's Milestones

At ten months, your baby will likely achieve many new milestones, gaining confidence in their movement and social interactions.

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Key Milestones:

Motor Development:

  • Crawling and Cruising: Many babies at ten months are crawling with confidence and pulling themselves up to a standing position using furniture for support.
  • Standing with Support: Some babies might start standing on their own or taking their first steps with assistance.
  • Fine Motor Skills: Your baby will begin to grasp small objects using the pincer grasp (thumb and forefinger), helping them develop better hand-eye coordination.
  • Hand-Eye Coordination: Expect your baby to become more precise with their movements, such as picking up small toys or pieces of food.

Cognitive Development:

  • Exploration: Your baby is now exploring objects and their surroundings with more purpose. Expect them to examine toys, pull things apart, and inspect everything more carefully.
  • Memory: Your baby may now be able to remember familiar faces and places, reacting differently to people they see regularly.
  • Object Permanence: Your baby fully understands that objects still exist even when they can’t see them.
  • Problem-Solving: They will begin to solve simple problems, like figuring out how to open a box or retrieve a toy that is out of reach.

Communication and Language Development:

  • First Words: Some babies may say their first words, like "mama" or "dada," with meaning attached to the sounds.
  • More Babbling: Expect more variety in sounds, such as "ba-ba," "da-da," or "na-na," as they begin to imitate speech patterns.
  • Responding to Instructions: Your baby may start to follow simple commands like "give me the toy" or "clap hands."
  • Understanding Simple Phrases: Your baby may begin to understand a few simple phrases and gestures like waving "bye-bye."

Social and Emotional Development:

  • Separation Anxiety: Your baby might feel distressed when separated from you, even for short periods.
  • Increased Social Play: Games like peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake become more fun and interactive, as your baby anticipates the actions.
  • More Expressive: Expect to see more varied emotions such as happiness, frustration, and excitement.
  • Preference for Familiar People: At this stage, your baby may show a stronger preference for familiar faces over strangers.

Sensory Development:

  • Improved Vision: Your baby’s vision continues to improve, and they can now focus better on objects across the room.
  • Hearing and Response: Your baby may respond to sounds more clearly, turning their head to locate a sound or voice.
  • Tactile Exploration: Babies at this stage will continue to explore the world through touch, enjoying different textures like soft toys, fabric, and food.
  • Tracking Moving Objects: Your baby’s ability to track fast-moving objects also improves, helping them follow things with their eyes.

Emotional Development:

  • Attachment to Caregivers: At ten months, your baby’s attachment to you and your family is very strong, and they may seek comfort from you when they’re upset.
  • Self-Soothing: Some babies at this age may begin to soothe themselves, perhaps by sucking their thumb or holding onto a blanket.
  • Seeking Comfort: Your baby may cry or reach for you when feeling insecure or anxious.


Emerging molars enhance your baby's chewing ability, making it easier to transition to textured foods and small bites.

  • The first molars (larger back teeth) may start to emerge, making teething more intense. Your baby may have more difficulty chewing and swallowing.
  • Increased fussiness, swollen gums, excessive drooling, disrupted sleep, and potential changes in appetite.
  • Offer cold yoghurt or fruit purée to ease gum discomfort. If your baby resists brushing, try a soft silicone finger brush for gentle cleaning.

Feeding Your Baby

At 10 months, your baby enjoys exploring solid foods while still relying on breast milk or formula. It's a fun phase to try new textures and flavours!

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Baby Feeding Techniques


  • Continue breastfeeding as often as your baby desires to ensure proper nutrition and comfort.
  • Pay attention to your baby’s latch to ensure effective feeding.

Bottle Feeding:

  • If bottle-feeding, maintain a schedule with slow-flow nipples, feeding every 3-4 hours.
  • Hold your baby in an upright position during feeding to avoid choking.

Solid Food Introduction:

  • Most babies at this stage enjoy soft, small pieces of food that are easy to chew. You can try offering small pieces of soft fruits, vegetables, and well-cooked meats.
  • Offer solids 3-4 times a day, adjusting portion sizes based on your baby's appetite and ability to chew.

Milk Supply in the Tenth Month:

For Breastfeeding Mothers:

  • Continue breastfeeding regularly to support growth and development.
  • Monitor wet diapers (6-8 per day) to ensure proper milk intake.

For Formula Feeding:

  • Your baby may consume 6-8 ounces of formula per feed, 4-5 times a day.
  • Follow the paediatrician’s advice regarding formula feeding amounts.

Feeding Schedule in the Tenth Month

By ten months, your baby’s stomach has grown, allowing longer feeding intervals and a more consistent routine with a wider range of solid foods.

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AgeWhatHow MuchHow Often
10-11 monthsBreast MilkNurse every 4 hours5-6 times a day, on demand
10-11 monthsFormula6-8 ounces4-5 times a day, on demand
10-11 monthsSolid Foods2-3 tablespoonsOffer solids 4-6 times a day

Signs Your Baby is Hungry:

  • Rooting: Turning their head when their cheek is touched.
  • Increased Alertness: Becoming more fussy or active when they’re hungry.
  • Interest in Food: Reaching for food or opening their mouth when offered.

Signs Your Baby is Full:

  • Relaxed Body: Their body will relax and their hands will unclench.
  • Slower Sucking: Your baby may slow down or stop sucking.
  • Turning Away: They may turn their head or push the bottle or breast away.

TopTips for 10 Month Old Baby


Baby’s diet 

Help your constipated baby by massaging their tummy and making changes in their diet.


Playful learning

Get toys with different textures and patterns to help stimulate your baby’s growth.


Hygiene matters

Make it a habit to practise good hand hygiene before holding your baby to keep them safe.


Sleep essential

A cool temperature setting in the bedroom helps your baby to sleep soundly.


Vaccine ready  

Ensure your baby’s upper arm or thigh is accessible for the vaccine injection.

Your Baby's Sleep

As your baby reaches ten months, they may begin to sleep for longer stretches at night, contributing to a more predictable sleep pattern.

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Sleep Patterns in the Tenth Month:

  • Total Sleep: Babies typically need 13-15 hours of sleep per day.
  • Daytime Naps: Your baby will likely take 2-3 naps, each lasting 1-2 hours.
  • Nighttime Sleep: Many babies can sleep for 8-10 hour stretches at night.

Caring for Your Baby

At ten months, your baby’s increased activity means you'll need to be more vigilant with skin care, hygiene, and overall safety.

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Baby Vaccine Schedule

  • At ten months, your baby may receive additional vaccinations. Consult your paediatrician for the most accurate vaccine schedule.

Newborn Baby Essentials

  • Developmental Toys: Offer toys that support motor skills and hand-eye coordination.
  • Moisturisers: Use baby-safe moisturisers to keep skin hydrated.
  • Diapering Supplies: Stock up on diapers, wipes, and rash cream as your baby becomes more active.
  • Interactive Play: Engage in activities that promote motor skills, like tummy time and reaching for toys.

Baby Bathing

Regular oil massages before baths are a common practice in Indian culture; hence, it’s beneficial to bathe your baby after the massage.

  • Bathe your baby with lukewarm water.
  • Use a gentle, fragrance-free baby soap to clean their skin.
  • Avoid scrubbing; pat your baby dry with a soft towel after the bath.
  • Keep their face and folds clean. 

Routine of a 10-month-old

It is important to introduce routine early in your baby’s growth.

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FeedingEvery 3-4 hours
Sleep13-15 hours
Play/Interaction3-4 hours


What is the average weight for a 10-month-old baby?

The average weight for a 10-month-old baby ranges from 8.2-11.4 kg for boys and 7.6-10.6 kg for girls.

How much should my 10-month-old grow in height?

Babies typically grow about 1.5-2 cm per month at this stage.

What milestones should my 10-month-old be reaching?

Expect to see your baby standing with support, trying to crawl, and possibly saying their first words.

How much should my 10-month-old be eating?

At 10 months, your baby typically eats 2-3 tablespoons of solid food 4-6 times a day, along with 3-5 breast milk or formula feeds.

How can I encourage my 10-month-old to try new foods?

Offer a variety of foods with different textures and flavours. Make mealtime fun and relaxed, and try to eat together as a family.

How can I prevent my 10-month-old from choking?

To reduce the risk of choking, make sure to cut foods into small, manageable pieces and avoid foods that are hard or round, like grapes or nuts.

Is it normal for my baby to have hard poop or constipation?

Occasionally, babies may experience constipation, especially when transitioning to solid foods.

Should I be concerned if my baby’s poop has an unusual odour?

While baby poop tends to have a mild odour, a foul or particularly strong smell can sometimes be linked to dietary changes or a stomach bug.

What should I do if my baby’s poop is really runny or watery?

Watery stools can sometimes indicate diarrhoea, which could be caused by a viral or bacterial infection, teething, or a dietary change.

Is it normal for my baby to have a mild fever?

A mild fever (below 38°C or 100.4°F) is common in babies and can be caused by teething minor infections, or other temporary factors.

How can I tell if my baby is developing normally?

Every baby develops at their own pace, but by 10 months, your baby should be reaching several key milestones, such as crawling, standing with support, and responding to their name.

What should I do if my baby is constantly fussy or crying?

Frequent crying or fussiness can be a sign of discomfort, hunger, or tiredness. It could also indicate issues like teething, a mild illness, or even a change in routine.