
Week 22 of Pregnancy

At week 22, your baby is growing steadily! Celebrate new milestones, adapt to body changes, and stay focused on a healthy pregnancy journey.

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Week 22 Pregnancy Symptoms

At week 22, your body continues to adapt to your growing baby. From increased energy to mild discomforts, discover the common changes you may experience

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  • Increased energy levels: Many women find that their energy levels improve during the second trimester, allowing them to be more active and productive.
  • Mild aches and pains: As your uterus expands and your baby grows, you may experience some discomfort in your lower back, hips, or pelvis.
  • Braxton Hicks contractions: These practice contractions may become more noticeable, helping your body prepare for labour and delivery.
  • Stretch marks: Due to the rapid growth of your belly, you may notice the appearance of stretch marks on your stomach, breasts, or thighs.
  • Increased appetite: Your growing baby requires more nutrients, which may lead to an increased appetite and the need for more frequent, smaller meals.

Remember that every pregnancy is unique, and you may experience different symptoms than other expectant mothers. 

Your Baby in Week 22

At 22 weeks, your baby is growing rapidly with developing organs, adorable features, and increasing movements. Let’s explore these amazing milestones!


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Baby’s Growth in the Womb

  • Organ Development: Your baby's brain is rapidly developing, with the formation of complex neural pathways and the beginning of brain wave activity. The liver and pancreas are now functioning and the lungs continue to develop.
  • Physical Features: Your baby's skin is becoming less transparent as more fat accumulates beneath the surface. Eyebrows and eyelashes are now visible, adding to your baby's adorable features. The baby's hearing is well-developed, allowing them to respond to sounds from the outside world.
  • Weight of the Foetus: At 22 weeks, your baby weighs approximately 0.45 kilograms and measures around 19-20 cm from crown to rump, or about 28 cm from head to toe.
  • Movement of the Baby: You may feel your baby's movements becoming stronger and more frequent. They may respond to loud noises or even to your touch when you gently press on your belly.


Here is what your baby looks like

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At 22 weeks, your baby is growing quickly, now able to hear sounds and even recognize your voice. Their sense of touch is developing, and they’re exploring their tiny world by grasping and moving. These are the weeks when we see incredible progress in brain growth and sensory development—a truly miraculous stage of life.

Dr Veena H

Your Body in Week 22 of Pregnancy

As your pregnancy progresses, your body undergoes various changes to support your growing baby. Here are the most prominent ones.


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Physiological Changes During Week 22 of Pregnancy

  • Breast Changes: Your breasts may continue to grow and feel more sensitive due to hormonal changes. You may notice the appearance of small bumps around your nipples, called Montgomery's tubercles, which help lubricate and protect your nipples during breastfeeding.
  • Hair, Skin, and Nails: Hormonal changes may cause your hair to appear thicker and shinier, a phenomenon known as "pregnancy glow." You may experience some skin changes, such as darkening of the areolas, linea nigra (a dark line running from the belly button to the pubic bone), or melasma (dark patches on the face). Your nails may grow faster and become stronger, but they may also be more brittle and prone to breaking.
  • Respiratory and Cardiovascular System: As your uterus expands, it may put pressure on your lungs, causing mild shortness of breath. Your heart rate may increase slightly to accommodate the increased blood volume and to support the growing demands of your body and baby.
  • Vaginal Discharge: You may notice an increase in vaginal discharge, which is usually clear or milky white and helps prevent infections. If the discharge has a strong odour, causes itching, or appears greenish or yellowish, consult your doctor, as these may be signs of an infection.
  • Uterus Size and Position: Your uterus continues to grow and may now be felt about an inch above your belly button. As your uterus expands, you may experience some mild aches or pains in your lower abdomen or back.
  • Placenta Position: The placenta is fully developed and continues to provide essential nutrients and oxygen to your baby through the umbilical cord. It also removes waste products from your baby's blood.

TopTips for Week 22


Early arrival 

Discuss premature labour signs with the doctor to address concerns and get proper guidance. 


Labor check-up

If your labour feels abnormal let the doctor examine you first for a correct diagnosis


Eat Healthy

Make sure to add variety in your meals to get energy, protein, vitamins, and minerals


Stay active 

A moderately intense 30-minute physical activity on most days of the week is great.


Take Prenatal Vitamins

Ensure you take prenatal vitamins throughout your pregnancy and the postpartum period

Medical Scans and Check-Ups

Stay on top of your baby’s development with essential medical scans and check-ups in week 22. Here’s what to expect during this week of your pregnancy.


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  • Prenatal visit

You will likely have a routine prenatal checkup, where your doctor will measure your blood pressure, check your weight gain, and assess your baby's growth and heartbeat.

  • Anomaly scan

If you haven't had your anomaly scan (also known as the 20-week ultrasound) yet, it may be scheduled during this week. This detailed ultrasound examines your baby's anatomy and checks for any potential abnormalities or developmental issues.



Is it normal to experience Braxton Hicks contractions at 22 weeks?

Yes, it is common to experience Braxton Hicks contractions, or "practice contractions," during the second trimester. These contractions help prepare your uterus for labour and delivery. They are usually irregular, infrequent, and not painful. However, if you experience regular, painful contractions, contact your doctor immediately.

Can I sleep on my back at 22 weeks pregnant?

It is generally recommended to avoid sleeping on your back during the second and third trimesters. As your uterus grows, it can put pressure on the large blood vessels that run along your spine, which can reduce blood flow to your baby. Try sleeping on your side, preferably your left side, with a pillow between your knees for added comfort.

Is it safe to travel during the 22nd week of pregnancy?

In most cases, it is safe to travel during the second trimester, as long as you are experiencing a healthy pregnancy without complications. However, it is essential to consult with your doctor before making any travel plans. They can check your individual situation and provide guidance on travel safety and any necessary precautions.

How much weight should I have gained by week 22?

Weight gain during pregnancy varies from person to person and depends on factors such as your pre-pregnancy weight and body mass index (BMI). On average, women with a normal BMI should aim to gain between 11 to 16 kg throughout their pregnancy. By week 22, you may have gained around 5 to 6.5 kg.

Can my baby hear my voice at 22 weeks?

Yes, your baby's hearing is well-developed by week 22, and they can respond to sounds from the outside world, including your voice. Talking, singing, or reading to your baby can help create a bond and may even have a calming effect on them. Don't be surprised if you feel your baby move in response to familiar voices or music.

Is it normal to experience swollen feet and ankles at 22 weeks pregnant?

Mild swelling in the feet and ankles is common during the second and third trimesters. This swelling, known as oedema, is caused by the extra fluid in your body and the pressure of your growing uterus on the blood vessels in your legs. To alleviate swelling, try elevating your feet when resting, wearing comfortable shoes, and staying hydrated.

What should I do if I notice any unusual vaginal discharge?

If you notice any vaginal discharge that has a strong odour, causes itching, or appears greenish or yellowish, contact your doctor. These could be signs of an infection, such as a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis.

How can I manage stress during my pregnancy?

Managing stress is vital for your well-being and your baby's development. Try relaxation techniques like deep breathing or yoga, stay active with walking or swimming (with approval), share your feelings with loved ones, join a support group, or indulge in self-care activities like reading or taking a warm bath.