baby size

Your baby needs
Nutrition: 120-180 ml, 5-7 feeds/day
Sleep: 5-7 hrs

All you need to know 

Month five is here! Your baby is growing curious, playful, and stronger daily. Expect sweet babbles, giggles, and milestone moments like rolling over, reaching, and exploring. Tummy time becomes a mini workout. Learn how to support their growth and hear from our experts on what to expect.

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 Your Baby's Weight and Height

At five months, your baby shows more strength and coordination, reaching for objects, responding to sounds, and engaging actively with their surroundings.

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  • Weight Gain: On average, babies gain 150-200 grams per week this month.
  • Height Growth: Babies on average grow about 2.5-3.5 cm per month.

Average Measurements for Indian Babies:

Weight (kg)6.0-9.05.5.-8.0
Height (cms)64-7162-70
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Your Baby's Milestones

At five months, your baby will reach new physical, social, and cognitive milestones. You’ll notice improved coordination, stronger muscles, and growing curiosity.

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Key Milestones:

Motor Development:

  • Head Control: Your baby now has excellent head control and may be able to sit with minimal support.
  • Rolling Over: Your baby may begin rolling over from tummy to back or vice versa, enhancing their mobility.
  • Reaching and Grasping: Your baby at this stage may become more adept at reaching for and grabbing objects with purpose.
  • Supported Sitting: Your baby can sit up with support and may hold their head steady in a sitting position.

Cognitive Development:

  • Increased Focus: Your baby can focus on more distant objects and people, demonstrating improved visual attention.
  • Exploring with Hands: Your baby will actively be using their hands to explore their surroundings, grabbing and holding onto objects.
  • Cause-and-Effect Understanding: Your baby may start to understand that their actions, like pushing a button, cause something to happen.

Communication and Language Development:

  • Babbling: Your baby is likely babbling more frequently and may start combining consonant and vowel sounds like "ba-ba" or "da-da."
  • Increased Vocal Play: Expect your baby to experiment with volume and pitch as they continue exploring their voice.
  • Listening and Responding: Your baby may pause when you talk, showing recognition and interest in your voice.

Social and Emotional Development:

  • Social Smiles: Your baby smiles more easily in response to familiar faces and interactions.
  • Increased Interaction: They enjoy social interaction and may laugh, babble, or make eye contact in response to playful interactions.
  • Expressing Emotions: Your baby will begin to express a wider range of emotions, such as happiness, frustration, and excitement.

Feeding Your Baby

Your baby’s feeding routine is even more established. They may become more efficient during feeds. Their ability to latch and take in milk continues to improve. 

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Baby Feeding Techniques


  • Continue offering both breasts during feeding sessions.
  • Ensure your baby maintains a proper latch to support efficient feeding.

Bottle Feeding:

  • Use slow-flow nipples to prevent overfeeding.
  • Hold your baby upright during bottle feeds to ensure a comfortable position.

Milk Supply in the Fifth Month

For Breastfeeding Mothers:

  1. By the fifth month, your milk supply is well-established and adjusts to meet your baby’s demand. Feeding on cue helps maintain this balance.
  2. Expect temporary increases in feeding frequency during growth spurts as your baby stimulates more milk production.
  3. Staying well-hydrated and consuming a balanced diet rich in protein, calcium, and healthy fats supports a sustained milk supply.

For Formula Feeding:

  1. As your baby grows, their formula intake may increase slightly. Follow hunger cues and your paediatrician’s recommendations for daily ounces.
  2. If your baby is starting solids, keep formula as their primary nutrition source, gradually introducing new foods while monitoring their response.
  3. Always prepare formula according to the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure it meets your baby’s nutritional needs.