

You just had your baby? Congratulations!!

Postpartum is all about recovery, bonding, and adjusting to life with your newborn. Here, you'll find guidance on healing, caring for your baby, managing emotions, and finding support to make the transition smoother.

Not sure what to expect after pregnancy?

We know what you could be thinking. So here are answers to some of those questions.

Top Tips for Postpartum


Early warning

Spotting or bleeding can be an early sign of miscarriage, watch out for signs to seek help


Rest up

Catch up on sleep and get as much rest as you can when your baby is sleeping 


First 6 months

Give your baby the best nutrition by breastfeeding exclusively during the first six months


Postpartum care

Schedule a follow-up visit to monitor your vitals, wound care, exercises and diet guidance


Doctor’s guidance

During any bleeding episodes or medicine intake always follow your doctor's guidance. 

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What should a breastfeeding mother eat?

A breastfeeding mother should eat a balanced diet rich in: Proteins (chicken, beans, lentils) Healthy fats (avocado, nuts) Complex carbohydrates (whole grains, oats) Fruits and vegetables (for vitamins and minerals) Adequate water intake to stay hydrated and support milk production.

Why is breastfeeding important?

Breastfeeding is crucial for a baby’s nutritional needs, providing essential immune protection and bonding. It supports optimal brain development, helps prevent infections, and offers long-term health benefits for both mother and baby.

What are the postpartum mental disorders?

Postpartum mental disorders include postpartum depression (PPD), postpartum anxiety, postpartum psychosis, and postpartum OCD. These conditions can cause mood swings, anxiety, intrusive thoughts, and extreme sadness after childbirth, affecting the mother's emotional and mental well-being.

How long does postpartum depression usually last?

Postpartum depression typically lasts for several weeks to a few months, though it can persist longer if left untreated. Early intervention with therapy or medication can significantly reduce the duration and severity of symptoms.