Common Emotional Symptoms of Postpartum Depression
Common emotional symptoms of postpartum depression include persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, anxiety, and irritability. New mothers may also experience severe mood swings, an inability to enjoy activities they once loved or a feeling of disconnect from their baby.
Studies indicate that postpartum depression affects about 22% of new mothers in India. In addition, many women report feelings of guilt or worthlessness, especially if they are struggling to meet societal expectations of motherhood. Seeking emotional support through initiatives like the National Mental Health Programme can provide support for maternal mental health.
Persistent Sadness and Mood Swings
Persistent sadness and mood swings are well-documented postpartum depression symptoms. Hormonal changes after childbirth, combined with exhaustion and emotional stress, can trigger mood swings and lasting feelings of sadness in many new mothers.
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) highlights that persistent sadness, along with emotional instability, is a key postpartum depression symptom. If you notice this feeling lingering for more than two weeks, consult your doctor as this symptom requires medical attention.
Anxiety and Overwhelming Fears
Anxiety and overwhelming fears are other common symptoms of postpartum depression. New mothers may constantly worry about their baby’s health, safety, or their ability to care for the child. These anxious thoughts can become too much to handle, leading to feelings of dread and panic even in regular situations.
Many mothers constantly fear something bad happening to their babies or feel incapable of handling the demands of motherhood. This heightened anxiety can affect daily functioning, causing insomnia and physical tension. If these feelings persist, consulting a doctor is important to manage anxiety and prevent further mental health issues.