baby size

Your baby needs
Nutrition: 180-240 ml, 4-6 feeds/day
Sleep: 12-15 hrs

Month 6 of Infant Development

At 6 months, your baby is exploring the world around them, reaching for toys, sitting with support, and possibly starting solid foods. Discover tips for this exciting stage.

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All you need to know

Your baby is six months old—what an exciting milestone! This month, they’ll explore, try sitting up, show curiosity about solids, and reveal their growing personality. Encourage their exploration, maintain routines, and enjoy the smiles and fun as they hit new milestones!

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Your Baby's Weight and Height

At six months, your baby is growing rapidly. Their physical strength is increasing as they start to become more mobile.

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  • Weight Gain: On average, babies gain 150-200 grams per week in their sixth month.
  • Height Growth: Babies on average grow about 2.5-3.5 cm per month.

Average Measurements for Indian Babies:

Weight (kg)7.0-10.06.5.-9.0
Height (cm)67-7465-72

Your Baby Milestones

At six months, your baby is becoming more independent and interactive. They can sit with support and start reaching and grasping objects, all important milestones.

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Key Milestones:

Motor Development:

  • Sitting Up: Many babies can sit up without support at this age, and they may begin to play in a sitting position.
  • Rolling Over: Your baby may begin to roll from tummy to back or back to tummy, enhancing their mobility.
  • Reaching and Grasping: Your baby is becoming more skilled at reaching for and grabbing objects with both hands. This shows improved hand-eye coordination.
  • Crawling or Rocking: Some babies may start rocking on their hands and knees or making early attempts to crawl.

Cognitive Development:

  • Exploring with Hands: Babies use their hands more purposefully to explore objects, often bringing things to their mouths as they learn about the world.
  • Object Permanence: Your baby may begin to understand that objects exist even when they are out of sight. This is an early sign of memory development.
  • Better Focus: Your baby can focus on objects at varying distances. They may reach for things with more precision.

Communication and Language Development:

  • Babbling: Your baby will begin to make more complex sounds and babble in strings of consonant-vowel combinations like "ba-ba" and "da-da."
  • Increased Vocal Play: Expect to hear your baby experimenting with different pitches and volumes as they start to experiment with the sounds they can make.
  • Listening and Responding: Your baby may show recognition and interest in your voice. Some babies may start responding to their names by turning their heads.

Social and Emotional Development:

  • Social Engagement: Your baby will likely enjoy social interactions, such as making eye contact, smiling, or laughing during games and play.
  • Stranger Anxiety: At this age, some babies may show signs of stranger anxiety, preferring familiar faces and becoming upset with strangers.
  • Expressing Emotions: Your baby will begin to express a broader range of emotions, such as happiness, frustration, and even jealousy.


Your baby’s first tiny teeth are starting to emerge, marking the beginning of the teething journey.

  • The bottom front milk teeth typically emerge first. Your baby may drool excessively and chew on objects for gum relief.
  • Irritability, swollen gums, disrupted sleep, and mild discomfort. Some babies may have a slight temperature rise but not a true fever.
  • To soothe sore gums, offer a chilled fruit or vegetable, like a frozen banana or carrot. It’s also a good time to schedule your baby’s first pediatric dental visit.
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Every giggle and milestone of your 6-month-old reflects your love and care. You're doing an incredible job—keep believing in yourself!

Dr Veena H

Feeding Your Baby

By six months, your baby is likely ready to start eating solid foods in addition to breast milk or formula. Feeding routines will evolve as your baby adjusts to new textures.

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Baby Feeding Techniques:


  • Continue to breastfeed as often as your baby desires.
  • Maintain a proper latch to ensure efficient feeding.

Bottle Feeding:

  • If bottle feeding, use slow-flow nipples. Continue to feed your baby every 3-4 hours.
  • Hold your baby in an upright position to ensure comfort and prevent choking.

Solid Food Introduction:

  • Most babies are ready to begin eating solid foods around six months, starting with pureed fruits, vegetables, and cereals.
  • Introduce one new food at a time to monitor for allergies.
  • Start with small amounts, offering solids once or twice a day. This is in addition to breast milk or formula.

Potential Impacts of Bottle Feeding

Whether formula or pre-expressed breast milk, it is important to understand the potential impacts of bottle feeding on oral development.

Improper technique or nipple flow can impact oral development during bottle feeding:

  • Excessive sucking pressure: Fast-flowing nipples can cause a strong sucking reflex, potentially affecting jaw development.
  • Passive feeding: Bottle feeding can reduce active oral involvement, which may affect oral motor skills.
  • Improper tongue placement: Incorrect positioning during bottle feeding can hinder tongue movement, which may later influence speech development.

Note: While breastfeeding is highly recommended, formula feeding using a bottle may sometimes be necessary. Consult a specialist for the best guidance.

Milk Supply in the Sixth Month

For Breastfeeding Mothers:

  1. Your milk supply adapts to your baby’s needs, even as solids are introduced. Nursing before offering solids ensures breast milk remains the primary nutrition source.
  2. Maintain a balanced diet and drink plenty of water to support milk production during this transitional phase.

For Formula Feeding:

  1. As solids are introduced, your baby’s formula needs may decrease slightly. Follow your paediatrician’s guidance to ensure a balanced intake.
  2. Offer formula alongside solids to ensure your baby gets complete nutrition.
  3. Always prepare formula per manufacturer instructions to meet safety standards and nutritional needs.

For Solid Foods:

  1. Solids should complement, not replace, breast milk or formula, which remains the primary source of nutrition.
  2. Start with single-ingredient purees or soft foods, and introduce new items one at a time to monitor for allergies.
  3. Offer solids when your baby shows interest and is hungry but not overly full or tired, ensuring a positive experience.

Feeding Schedule in the Sixth Month

This is an exciting stage as solids make their way into your baby’s diet, complementing their feeds.

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Age: 6-7 months
What: Breast milk 
How much: Nurse every 4 hours
How often: Feed 5-6 times a day. Continue to feed on demand.

Age: 6-7 months
What: Formula
How much: About three fourth to one cup (6-8 ounces)
How often: Feed 4-6 times a day. Continue to feed on demand.

Age: 6-7 months
What: Solid Foods
How much: 2-3 tablespoons
How often: Offer pureed or mashed food 4-6 times a day.

Signs Your Baby is Hungry:

  • Rooting: Turning their head when touched on the cheek.
  • Sucking: Sucking on their hands or fingers.
  • Increased Alertness: Becoming more active or fussy when feeding time approaches.

Signs Your Baby is Full:

  • Relaxed Body: Hands unclench and body appears calm.
  • Slower Sucking:  Your baby may reduce the frequency of sucking or stop altogether.
  • Turning Away: Turning their head or pushing away the bottle or breast.

Top Tips for 6 Month Old Baby


Bonding moments

Hold your baby often to help them feel secure, which supports their brain development.


Umbilical care 

Keep your umbilical cord stump dry and clean so you heal without any infection.


Baby’s food 

Breast milk is best for babies, use infant formula only if that is not possible.


Feeding routine

Feed your newborn whenever they are hungry, following their natural hunger cues


Baby’s routine

Try building a daily schedule for your baby's feeding, napping, and bath times.

Your Baby Sleep

At six months, your baby’s sleep patterns are becoming more predictable, and some babies may start to sleep for longer stretches at night.

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Sleep Patterns in the Sixth Month:

  • Babies typically sleep 13-15 hours per day, including naps and nighttime sleep.
  • Daytime Naps: 2-3 naps per day, lasting 1-2 hours each.
  • Nighttime Sleep: Some babies may sleep for 6-8 hour stretches, though some may still wake for feeds.

Caring for Your Baby

At six months, your baby’s skin is exposed to frequent contact from tummy time, rolling, and exploring. Here are some things to keep in mind when caring for your six-month-old.

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Baby Vaccine Schedule

  • Ensure your baby receives the appropriate vaccines according to the paediatric vaccination schedule. At six months, depending on the recommended schedule, some babies may receive their second doses of vaccines like Influenza and typhoid.

Newborn Baby Essentials

  • Toys for Development: Provide toys that encourage reaching, grasping, and exploring, such as soft balls or rattles, to promote fine motor skills.
  • Moisturisers: Use baby-safe moisturisers to keep your baby’s skin hydrated, as they are becoming more active.
  • Diapering: Change your baby's diaper often to prevent rashes as they become more active and start rolling over.
  • Diapering Supplies: Keep plenty of diapers, wipes, and rash cream on hand to ensure your baby stays comfortable.

Baby Bath

Regular oil massages before baths are a common practice in Indian culture; hence, it’s beneficial to bathe your baby after the massage.

  • Bathe your baby with lukewarm water.
  • Use gentle, fragrance-free baby soap to cleanse their skin.
  • Avoid scrubbing; pat your baby dry with a soft towel after the bath.
  • Keep their face and folds clean.

Routine of a 6-month-old

By six months, your baby’s routine becomes more predictable with structured naps, playtime, and feeding. Let’s explore what a typical day might look like!

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FeedingEvery 3-4 hours
Sleep13-15 hours
Play/Interaction3-4 hours


What is the ideal weight for a 6-month-old baby?

For boys, it is 7.0–10.0 kg, and for girls, it is 6.5–9.0 kg.

How much should my baby grow in height?

Babies typically grow 2.5–3.5 cm per month at this stage.

What developmental milestones should my 6-month-old be reaching?

By 6 months, babies may roll over, sit with minimal support, respond to their name, babble, and grasp objects.

How often should I feed my 6-month-old?

Feed your baby every 3-4 hours, about 6-7 times a day. Start introducing solid foods once or twice a day.

What foods are best to introduce as first solids?

Start with iron-rich foods like pureed meats or cereals, and mashed fruits or vegetables such as banana, apple, or sweet potato.

Can I introduce water to my baby’s diet?

Yes, you can offer small amounts of water with meals once solids are introduced.

How much solid food should my 6-month-old eat?

Start with 1-2 tablespoons per meal and gradually increase to 2-4 tablespoons.

What does normal poop look like for a 6-month-old?

For breastfed babies, poop ranges from yellow to brown and is soft. For formula-fed babies, it is firmer and brownish.

Should I be concerned if my baby’s poop changes colour?

Diet can cause slight colour changes, but consult your paediatrician if the stool is red, black, or white.

How can I soothe my baby’s teething discomfort?

You can offer a cold teething ring, a chilled washcloth, or gently massage the gums with a clean finger.