baby size

Your baby needs
Nutrition: 120-240 ml, 5-7 feeds/day
Sleep: 12-15 hrs

Month 4 of the Infant Development

Discover Your 4-Month-Old’s Growth Journey: Milestones, Feeding Tips, Sleep Patterns, and Care Essentials

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Your Baby's Weight and Height

At four months, your baby’s growth is more visible. They are likely becoming stronger, more interactive, and better able to engage with their surroundings.

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  • Weight Gain: On average, babies gain 150-200 grams per week this month.
  • Height: Babies on average grow about 2.5-3.5 cm per month.

Average Measurements for Indian Babies:

Parameters Boys Girls 
Weight (kg)5.5-8.0
Height (cm)61-68

Your Baby's Milestones

At four months, your baby will achieve a range of physical, social, and cognitive milestones. Their growth this month highlights their increased coordination and curiosity.

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Key Milestones:

Motor Development:

  • Head Control: Your baby can hold their head steady when sitting with support, showing improved neck strength.
  • Tummy Time Progress: Babies will begin to lift their chest off the ground and push up with their arms during tummy time, strengthening their upper body.
  • Reaching and Grasping: Your baby will actively reach for and grab objects, showing improved hand-eye coordination.
  • Rolling: Some babies may start to roll from their tummy to their back or vice versa, marking a significant milestone in mobility.
  • Kicking and Leg Movements: Active leg movements, such as kicking and pushing, help strengthen muscles and promote early motor control.

Cognitive Development:

  • Improved Focus: Your baby can focus on faces and objects for longer, showing an increased attention span.
  • Recognising Familiar Faces: Your baby will start to recognise familiar people, especially caregivers, and respond with smiles.
  • Sensory Exploration: Babies explore the world through their senses, reaching for and touching objects they see.
  • Cause and Effect Understanding: They start to realise that their actions, like shaking a rattle, cause things to happen.

Communication and Language Development:

  • Cooing and Babbling: Your baby will make more varied cooing sounds and may begin to experiment with pitch and tone.
  • Imitating Sounds: They may attempt to mimic sounds you make, especially the tone or rhythm of your voice.
  • Engaging in "Conversations": Babies enjoy vocalising back and forth with you, responding to your words with coos and eye contact.

Social and Emotional Development:

  • Enjoying Social Interaction: Babies at this stage thrive on social interaction, enjoying being talked to, held, and played with.
  • Emotional Responses: Your baby may show a range of emotions like joy, frustration, or excitement through facial expressions and sounds.
  • Bonding with Caregivers: Your baby is building stronger emotional bonds with caregivers and may seek comfort from them during moments of distress.

Feeding Your Baby

At four months, your baby’s breastfeeding routine becomes more predictable. You may notice that they are more responsive during feeds, with improved latching and better milk intake.

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Baby Feeding Techniques:


  • Maintain a proper latch for efficient feeding.
  • Offer both breasts during feeding sessions.

Bottle Feeding:

  • Use slow-flow nipples for controlled feeding.
  • Hold your baby upright during feeds.

Milk Supply in the Fourth Month

For Breastfeeding Mothers:

  • Your milk supply may begin to stabilise as your baby becomes more efficient at nursing, with longer intervals between feedings.
  • Be prepared for potential growth spurts during this month, which can lead to your baby needing more frequent feedings to meet their increasing appetite.
  • Ensure you're staying well-hydrated and maintaining a balanced diet to support your milk production during this crucial stage.

For Formula Feeding:

  • At four months, your baby may consume 4-6 ounces of formula per feeding, with 4-6 feedings a day, depending on their appetite and growth.
  • If your baby shows signs of hunger despite regular feedings, consult your paediatrician about possibly transitioning to a larger formula size or a different formula type.
  • Keep a consistent feeding schedule to help your baby develop a sense of security and establish healthy eating habits.

Feeding Schedule in the Fourth Month

By four months, your baby’s stomach has grown even more. This allows for longer stretches between feedings and a more consistent feeding routine.

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Age: 4-5 months
What: Breast milk 
How much: Nurse every 3-4 hours
How often: Feed 6-7 times a day.

Age: 4-5 months
What: Formula
How much: About half to three fourth cup (4-6 ounces)
How often: Feed 5-6 times a day.

Signs Your Baby is Hungry:

Rooting: Turning their head toward the breast or bottle when touched.

Sucking: Sucking on their hands, fingers, or smacking their lips to signal hunger.

Increased Alertness: Becoming more active or fussy as feeding time approaches.

Crying: Still a late hunger cue but now more varied as they may use different cries to express their needs.

Signs Your Baby is Full:

Relaxed Body: Hands unclench, and their body appears calm and content.

Reduced Sucking: Slower or no sucking.

Turning Away: Turning their head or pushing away the breast or bottle.

Falling Asleep: This often happens after a satisfying feed, indicating they are full and content.

TopTips for 4 Month Old Baby


Baby meals 

Mix cereals & mashed cooked grains with breast milk, formula, or water for easy swallowing.


Vaccine care 

If your baby has a fever or in pain, ask your doctor about using acetaminophen or ibuprofen.


Baby’s diet 

Help your constipated baby by massaging their tummy and making changes in their diet.


Playful learning

Get toys with different textures and patterns to help stimulate your baby’s growth.


Hygiene matters

Make it a habit to practise good hand hygiene before holding your baby to keep them safe.

Your Baby's Sleep

By four months, your baby’s sleep patterns are becoming more predictable. Here's an overview of their sleep cycle:

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Sleep Patterns in the Fourth Month

  • Babies typically sleep 13-15 hours daily, with naps and nighttime sleep.
  • Daytime naps: Around 3 naps, lasting 30 minutes to 2 hours each.
  • Nighttime sleep: Longer stretches, some babies may sleep for 6-8 hours at a stretch.
  • Babies are starting to distinguish between day and night and may begin to self-soothe back to sleep.

Caring for Your Baby

For a 4-month-old infant, prioritise gentle skin care. Make sure you have a clean diaper on to prevent rashes. Also, ensure regular tummy time as it helps in muscle development.

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Baby Vaccine Schedule

  • Ensure that your baby receives the second doses of DTP, Hib, Hepatitis B, IPV/OPV, and Rotavirus vaccines according to the paediatric vaccination schedule.

Newborn Baby Essentials

  • Toys for Development: Lightweight toys or rattles to encourage grasping and hand-eye coordination.
  • Moisturisers: Use baby-safe products to keep their skin soft and hydrated.
  • Diapering Supplies: Ensure you have plenty of diapers, wipes, and rash cream on hand.
  • Books: High-contrast or bold-coloured books can stimulate their developing vision.

Baby Bath

  • Bathe your baby 2-3 times weekly with lukewarm water.
  • Use a gentle, fragrance-free baby soap to clean their skin.
  • Avoid scrubbing; pat your baby dry with a soft towel after the bath.

Routine of a 4-month-old

It is important to introduce routine into your baby's life during the early days of growth. Here is a sample routine to keep in mind.

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FeedingEvery 3-4 hours
Sleep13-15 hours
Play/Interaction3-4 hours


What is the ideal weight for a 4-month-old baby?

For boys: 5.5–8.0 kg; for girls: 5.0–7.5 kg.

How much should my baby grow in height?

Babies typically grow 2.5-3.5 cm per month.

How often should I feed my 4-month-old?

Feed your child every 3-4 hours, about 6-7 times a day.

Can I introduce water to my baby’s diet?

No, babies do not need water until they are 6 months old.

What does normal poop look like for a 4-month-old?

Poop can range from yellow to brown for breastfed babies. It may be firmer for formula-fed babies.

Is it normal for my baby to poop less frequently?

Yes, as digestion matures, breastfed babies may poop once every few days.

What are the signs of a growth spurt?

Increased feeding, fussiness, and disrupted sleep are common signs.

How can I soothe my baby’s teething discomfort?

Teething usually starts after 4 months. Offer a cold teething ring to ease discomfort.

When can I start introducing solids?

It's generally recommended to wait until 6 months before introducing solids to your baby.

Why is my baby suddenly more fussy?

Fussiness can be caused by a growth spurt, teething, or a change in routine or environment.