baby size

Your baby needs
Nutrition: 180-240 ml, 4-6 feeds/day
Sleep: 12-15 hrs

Month 8 of Infant Development

In month 8, your baby is curious and active, exploring the world through touch and movement. Discover key milestones, body changes, and tips for nurturing development.

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Your Baby’s Weight and Height

At eight months, your baby’s growth continues steadily as they gain strength and confidence in exploring their environment.

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  • On average, babies gain 100-150 grams per week this month.
  • Babies grow about 1.5-2.5 cm per month at this stage.

Average Measurements for Indian Babies:

Weight (kg)7.8-11.07.2.-10.0
Height (cm)72-7969-77

Your Baby’s Milestones

At eight months, your baby reaches key milestones in cognitive, motor, social, and emotional growth, marked by curiosity, mobility, and better interaction with the world.

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Key Milestones:

  1. Motor Development:
    • Crawling: Many babies start crawling or moving forward using a combination of rolling and scooting.
    • Sitting Independently: Most babies can sit independently for several minutes, often using their hands for balance.
    • Reaching and Grasping: Your baby’s ability to reach and grasp objects is becoming more refined.
    • Rolling Over: Expect more fluid rolling from tummy to back or back to tummy.
    • Pulling to Stand: Some babies may begin pulling themselves up using furniture or a caregiver’s support.
    • Improved Hand Skills: They can pass objects between hands and use their thumb and forefinger to pick up small items.
  2. Cognitive Development:
    • Exploration with Hands and Mouth: Your baby continues to explore objects by touching and putting them in their mouth.
    • Improved Memory: Recognition of familiar faces and objects becomes more clear. Your baby may also remember where things are placed for short periods.
    • Object Permanence: Your baby begins to understand that objects still exist even when out of sight.
    • Problem Solving: They may start experimenting with cause and effect, such as shaking a toy to hear its sound.
  3. Communication and Language Development:
    • Advanced Babbling: Your baby may combine more complex consonant-vowel sounds like “da-da” or “na-na.”
    • Responding to Name: Your baby may start to respond to their name and they might understand simple words like “no” or “milk.”
    • Understanding Tone: Your baby can differentiate between happy and stern voices and may react accordingly.
    • Mimicking Sounds: Babies may imitate simple sounds or actions.
  4. Social and Emotional Development:
    • Stranger Anxiety: Your baby may show signs of stranger anxiety, preferring familiar faces.
    • Enjoying Social Play: Games like peek-a-boo and clapping hands become more engaging.
    • More Emotional Expression: Expect a wider range of emotions, including excitement, frustration, and joy, expressed through facial expressions and vocalisations.
    • Interest in Mirrors: Many babies at this stage love to look at their reflection.
  5. Sensory Development:
    • Full-Colour Vision: Your baby’s vision continues to improve, enabling them to distinguish a broader range of colours.
    • Hearing: Your baby will respond to familiar sounds, often turning their head toward noises or voices.
    • Exploring Textures: Your baby loves to touch and feel different textures as they explore objects.
    • Tracking Objects: Improved coordination allows your baby to track moving objects with ease.
  6. Emotional Development:
    • Attachment to Caregivers: Your baby will become more attached to primary caregivers, seeking comfort when upset.
    • Self-Soothing: Some babies may begin to self-soothe by sucking their thumb or fingers.
    • Seeking Comfort: Your baby may seek out physical contact from caregivers when feeling distressed.
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Your 8-month-old's growth is a testament to your love and care. Trust your instincts, celebrate small wins, and cherish every moment!

Dr Veena H

Feeding Your Baby

At eight months, your baby enjoys solids while still benefiting from breast milk or formula. They're exploring new textures and flavours, making mealtimes exciting!

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Baby Feeding Techniques:


  • Continue breastfeeding as often as your baby desires to ensure adequate nutrition.
  • Maintain a proper latch for efficient feeding.

Bottle Feeding:

  • If bottle-feeding, use slow-flow nipples and feed every 3-4 hours.
  • Hold your baby in an upright position during feeding to prevent choking.

Solid Food Introduction:

  • Most babies at this stage are eating more solids, such as pureed fruits, vegetables, and cereals. You can also begin introducing mashed or finely chopped foods to encourage chewing and improve their motor skills.
  • Continue offering 2-3 tablespoons of solids 3-4 times a day, gradually increasing the portion size as your baby becomes more accustomed to eating solids.

Milk Supply in the Eighth Month:

For Breastfeeding Mothers:

  • Continue breastfeeding regularly to support your baby’s growth and development.
  • Monitor wet diapers (6-8 per day) to ensure your baby is feeding enough.

For Formula Feeding:

  • Your baby may consume 6-8 ounces of formula per feed, 4-5 times a day.
  • Follow your paediatrician’s guidance regarding formula amounts.

Feeding Schedule in the Eighth Month

This is an exciting stage as solids make their way into your baby’s diet, complementing their feeds. 

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Age: 8-9 months
What: Breast milk 
How much: Nurse every 4 hours
How often: Feed 5-6 times a day. Continue to feed on demand.

Age: 8-9 months
What: Formula
How much: About three fourth to one cup (6-8 ounces)
How often: Feed 4-6 times a day. Continue to feed on demand.

Age: 8-9 months
What: Solid Foods
How much: 2-3 tablespoons
How often: Offer pureed or mashed food 4-6 times a day. 

Signs Your Baby is Hungry:

  • Rooting: Turning their head when touched on the cheek.
  • Increased Alertness: Increased alertness or fussiness as feeding time approaches.
  • Interest in food: Reaching for food or opening their mouth when offered.

Signs Your Baby is Full:

  • Relaxed Body: Hands unclench and body appears calm.
  • Slower Sucking: Your baby may reduce the frequency of sucking or stop completely.
  • Turning Away: Turning their head or pushing away the bottle or breast.

Top Tips for 8 Month Old Baby


Feeding routine

Feed your newborn whenever they are hungry, following their natural hunger cues


Baby’s routine

Try building a daily schedule for your baby's feeding, napping, and bath times.


Newborn care 

Give your baby a warm bath to help relax their bowels.


Vaccine shots

Try distracting your baby with a toy, song or breastfeeding during their vaccine shot.


Develop immunity

Discuss routine care & immunisations with your pediatrician to build your baby’s immunity

Your Baby’s Sleep

Your baby’s sleep is becoming more predictable with longer nighttime stretches. This phase is key for healthy habits, supporting their growth & your family’s well-being.

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Sleep Patterns in the Eighth Month:

  • Total Sleep: Babies typically need 13-15 hours of sleep per day, which includes both daytime naps and nighttime rest.
  • Daytime Naps: Expect your baby to take 2-3 naps each day, lasting 1-2 hours per nap. The naps will set the tone for your baby's mood throughout the day.
  • Nighttime Sleep: Many babies at this stage can sleep for 6-8 hour stretches at night. However, some babies may still wake for a feed.

Tips for Healthy Sleep:

  • Establish a Bedtime Routine: A calming bedtime routine is key to helping your baby wind down. Consider activities like a warm bath, soft lullabies, or reading a short story to let them know it’s time for sleep.
  • Safe Sleep Practices: Always place your baby on their back to sleep, as this reduces the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Ensure the crib is clear of soft bedding, pillows, and stuffed animals to create a safe sleep environment.
  • Comfortable Sleeping Environment: Use a firm mattress and make sure the room temperature is comfortable, not too hot or cold. This will help your baby sleep soundly and safely through the night.

Caring for Your Baby

At eight months, as your baby crawls and plays, their skin needs extra care. Keep it moisturised and clean to prevent dryness or irritation from increased activity.

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Baby Vaccine Schedule

  • At eight months, some babies may receive their second doses of vaccines such as DTP, Hib, IPV, and Hepatitis B. Consult your paediatrician for guidance on upcoming vaccines.

Newborn Baby Essentials

  • Toys for Development: Offer toys that encourage your baby to reach, grasp, and explore. Items like soft balls, teething rings, or stacking blocks can help strengthen their motor skills and hand-eye coordination.
  • Moisturisers: Use a gentle, baby-safe moisturiser to keep your baby’s skin soft and hydrated. More so as they spend more time on the floor and in contact with various surfaces.
  • Diapering: With increased movement, your baby may require more frequent diaper changes. Ensure they stay comfortable by keeping them in a clean, dry diaper to prevent rashes and irritation.
  • Diapering Supplies: Keep plenty of diapers, wipes, and a good quality rash cream to ensure your baby stays dry and comfortable throughout the day.

Baby Bath

  • Bathe your baby 2-3 times a week with lukewarm water.
  • Use gentle, fragrance-free baby soap to cleanse their skin.
  • Pat your baby dry with a soft towel after the bath instead of scrubbing.
  • Keep their face and folds clean daily, even on non-bath days.

Routine of an 8-month-old

An 8-month-old’s routine includes feeding every 3-4 hours, 13-15 hours of sleep, and 3-4 hours of active play and interaction daily.

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FeedingEvery 3-4 hours
Sleep13-15 hours
Play/Interaction3-4 hours


What is the average weight for an 8-month-old baby?

The average weight for an 8-month-old baby typically ranges from 8.0-11.2 kg for boys and 7.4-10.4 kg for girls.

How much should my 8-month-old grow in height?

Babies typically grow between 2.5-3.5 cm per month at this stage, but growth can vary depending on individual development.

What developmental milestones should my 8-month-old be reaching?

Your baby may begin to sit independently, roll over both ways, babble with consonant sounds like “mama” or “dada,” respond to their name, and show signs of crawling.

How often should I feed my 8-month-old?

Feed every 4-5 hours, offering solids 3-4 times a day.

What foods are best for an 8-month-old?

Soft finger foods, protein sources like lentils or chicken, and mashed or chopped fruits and vegetables.

How often should my 8-month-old poop?

It’s normal for your 8-month-old to poop anywhere from once a day to every 2-3 days. Breastfed babies may poop less frequently as their digestive system matures.

Is it normal for my baby’s poop to change colour?

If you’ve recently introduced solid foods, you may notice colour changes, such as green or orange stools. However, consult your paediatrician if the stool is black, white, or red.

What are the signs of an ear infection in my baby?

Signs of an ear infection in babies may include pulling at their ears, fussiness or crying difficulty sleeping, fever, or fluid drainage from the ear.

How can I support my baby’s immune system at 8 months?

Continue breastfeeding (if possible), offer a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and iron-rich foods, and make sure they are up-to-date on vaccinations.

Is it normal for my baby to have sensitive skin?

Yes, babies often have sensitive skin. At eight months, your baby’s skin may be more exposed during playtime and tummy time.