Newborn Care (Navjata Shishu Paricharya)
The immediate postnatal period is critical for ensuring the newborn’s survival and long-term health. Ayurveda prescribes specific practices to stabilize the infant and promote their adaptation to the external environment.
Essential Procedures:
In Ayurveda, several procedures for neonatal care are mentioned, many of which align with modern resuscitation and neonatal care techniques. Here's a detailed explanation:
1. Ulva parimarjana: The gentle removal of vernix caseosa (a protective skin covering) using a mixture of Ghrita (clarified butter) and Saindhava Lavana (rock salt). This helps cleanse and protect the baby’s delicate skin.
Modern Equivalent: Cleaning the newborn to remove vernix caseosa for hygienic purposes and to ensure the skin remains protected and moisturised.
2. Prana pratyagamana: Clearing the airway to stimulate breathing, akin to modern neonatal resuscitation.
Modern Equivalent: Neonatal resuscitation techniques like suctioning mucus and fluid from the nose and mouth and stimulating the baby to cry and breathe.
3. Nabhi nala chedana: Cutting the umbilical cord with a sterilized instrument (Ardhadhaara Shastra). The cord is tied with Kshoumasutra (silk thread) at two points to prevent blood loss.
Modern Equivalent: Clamping and cutting the umbilical cord with sterile tools to minimize infection and blood loss.
4. Mukha vishodhana: Clearing the newborn’s mouth using Saindhava Lavana and Sarpi (ghee) to ensure unobstructed breathing and feeding.
Modern Equivalent: Suctioning the oral cavity to clear any obstruction and ensure a patent airway.
5. Snana: Bathing the infant with warm herbal water infused with Ksheerivriksha Kashaya (decoction from milkwood plants) to cleanse, protect, and nourish the skin. Using warm herbal water, such as Ksheerivriksha Kashaya, helps remove impurities, improve circulation, and protect against infections. It soothes the baby, aids restful sleep, and strengthens the skin, ensuring overall health and well-being.
Modern Equivalent: Giving the first bath to the newborn to maintain hygiene, though delayed bathing is now preferred to maintain the skin's natural barrier.
These practices are complemented by ensuring the infant is kept warm and nourished during the critical first hours after birth.