
Ayurveda Care for Infants: A Holistic Perspective

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of life, offers a profound and holistic approach to infant care (Kaumarbhritya). Rooted in the principles of balance and natural healing, ayurvedic practices for infants aim to nurture their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.


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Dr. Aswathi AT

At a Glance

Comprehensive Parental Preparation

Ayurveda emphasizes holistic preparation for both parents before conception.

Detailed Prenatal Care

Ayurvedic guidelines provide specific recommendations for diet, lifestyle, and herbal remedies to support the mother’s and baby’s well-being.

Immediate Newborn Care

Post-birth care focuses on gentle practices like vernix removal and airway clearing to help newborns adapt healthily to their environment.

Significance of Life-Cycle Rituals (Samskaras)

Rituals such as naming ceremonies, first sunlight exposure, and solid food introduction are essential for the infant’s development.

Exclusive Breastfeeding and Support

Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months is crucial for immunity and cognitive growth.

In this article

  • Preconception care
  • Newborn Care (Navjata Shishu Paricharya)
  • Samskaras (Rituals)
  • Breastfeeding or Stanyapaana
  • Preventive Measures
  • Therapeutic Interventions
  • Parental Guidance and Socialization
  • Dietary Guidelines
  • Wrapping It Up

In today's fast-paced world, holistic approaches to health and wellness are gaining significant attention, especially when it comes to infant care. Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, offers a comprehensive framework for nurturing the health and well-being of newborns, focusing on the delicate interplay between body, mind, and spirit. From the moments leading up to conception to the critical early months of an infant's life, Ayurvedic practices emphasize a mindful and balanced approach.

This blog explores the profound principles of Ayurveda, providing insights into preconception and prenatal care, essential newborn practices, the importance of breastfeeding, and preventive measures designed to foster a thriving start to life. Join us as we delve into the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda and discover how it can support the holistic development of your little one.

Preconception care

Ayurveda emphasises the significance of a healthy conception through the preparation of both parents. This preparation, known as Garbha Samskara (prenatal care), ensures the birth of a healthy child by optimising the health of the Shukra (sperm) and Shonita (ovum). Ayurveda identifies essential factors for conception:

  • Ritukala (ovulation period)
  • Kshetra (health of the uterus)
  • Bija (quality of sperm and ovum)
  • Ambu (adequate nourishment
  • Apana Vayu (regulated downward-moving energy)

Key Rituals:

  • Punsavana Samskara: This ritual, performed in early pregnancy, aims to enhance fetal health through dietary, medicinal, and spiritual interventions.
  • Simantonnayana Samskara: Conducted during the fourth month, this practice includes Homa (fire ritual) and meditation to ensure emotional stability for both mother and fetus.
    Prenatal care also involves a regimen of herbal formulations (Rasayana), yoga, and dietary guidelines tailored to balance the mother’s Doshas (bio-energies: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha).

 Newborn Care (Navjata Shishu Paricharya)

The immediate postnatal period is critical for ensuring the newborn’s survival and long-term health. Ayurveda prescribes specific practices to stabilize the infant and promote their adaptation to the external environment.

Essential Procedures:

In Ayurveda, several procedures for neonatal care are mentioned, many of which align with modern resuscitation and neonatal care techniques. Here's a detailed explanation:
1. Ulva parimarjana: The gentle removal of vernix caseosa (a protective skin covering) using a mixture of Ghrita (clarified butter) and Saindhava Lavana (rock salt). This helps cleanse and protect the baby’s delicate skin.
Modern Equivalent: Cleaning the newborn to remove vernix caseosa for hygienic purposes and to ensure the skin remains protected and moisturised.
2. Prana pratyagamana: Clearing the airway to stimulate breathing, akin to modern neonatal resuscitation.
Modern Equivalent: Neonatal resuscitation techniques like suctioning mucus and fluid from the nose and mouth and stimulating the baby to cry and breathe.
3. Nabhi nala chedana: Cutting the umbilical cord with a sterilized instrument (Ardhadhaara Shastra). The cord is tied with Kshoumasutra (silk thread) at two points to prevent blood loss.
Modern Equivalent: Clamping and cutting the umbilical cord with sterile tools to minimize infection and blood loss.
4. Mukha vishodhana: Clearing the newborn’s mouth using Saindhava Lavana and Sarpi (ghee) to ensure unobstructed breathing and feeding.
Modern Equivalent: Suctioning the oral cavity to clear any obstruction and ensure a patent airway.
5. Snana: Bathing the infant with warm herbal water infused with Ksheerivriksha Kashaya (decoction from milkwood plants) to cleanse, protect, and nourish the skin. Using warm herbal water, such as Ksheerivriksha Kashaya, helps remove impurities, improve circulation, and protect against infections. It soothes the baby, aids restful sleep, and strengthens the skin, ensuring overall health and well-being.
Modern Equivalent: Giving the first bath to the newborn to maintain hygiene, though delayed bathing is now preferred to maintain the skin's natural barrier.

These practices are complemented by ensuring the infant is kept warm and nourished during the critical first hours after birth.

Samskaras (Rituals)

Samskaras (life-cycle rituals) are pivotal in Ayurveda, marking significant milestones in a child’s development. These rituals instill positive physical, emotional, and spiritual qualities.
Key Samskaras for Infants:

  • Jatakarma: Performed immediately after birth, this ritual involves giving the infant a mixture of Madhu (honey) and Ghrita to stimulate digestion and brain development. It also symbolizes the child’s first connection to nourishment.
  • Namkarana Samskara: The naming ceremony conducted on the 10th day signifies individuality and aligns the child’s name with their astrological Nakshatra (birth star).
  • Nishkramana Samskara: Performed between the 12th day and 4th month, this marks the infant’s first exposure to sunlight and the external environment, boosting Vitamin D synthesis and immunity.
  • Annaprashana Samskara: This ritual, usually performed in the 6th month, introduces solid food to the infant’s diet, ensuring nutritional adequacy as breast milk alone becomes insufficient.
  • Karnavedhana Samskara: The ear-piercing ceremony is traditionally performed between 6 and 8 months. This is believed to strengthen immunity and provide protection against certain diseases through acupressure-like stimulation. 

Breastfeeding or Stanyapaana 

Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months is a cornerstone of Ayurvedic infant care. Acharyas (ancient scholars) highlight the importance of mother’s milk (Stanya) in developing immunity, strength, and intellect. If breastfeeding is not possible, a Dhatri (wet nurse) is recommended.
Guidelines for Wet Nursing:

  • The wet nurse should be healthy, of a similar constitution to the child, and possess sufficient milk.
  • Ayurvedic formulations such as Prajasthapana Dravyas (lactation-promoting herbs like Shatavari and Vidari Kand) can enhance milk production.
    In cases where wet nursing is unavailable, cow or goat’s milk treated with Laghu Panchamoola Kashaya (light herbal decoction) is recommended.

Preventive Measures

Ayurveda emphasizes prevention as the key to health. Various practices are employed to protect infants from infections and environmental harm.

        Dhupana (Fumigation):

  • The use of antimicrobial herbs like Guggulu (Commiphora mukul) and Vacha (Acorus calamus) to sterilize the environment.
  • Dhupana ensures a germ-free Kumaragara (pediatric ward) and strengthens the infant’s immunity.

    Kridabhumi (Play Area):

  • A designated space with safe and natural toys (Kridnaka) that are Vichitrani (attractive) and Ghoshavantyaha (melodious).
  • Toys should engage the infant’s senses and aid in motor development.

    Raksha Karma (Protective Measures):

  • The application of medicated oils and powders like Haridra Churna (turmeric powder) to prevent infections.
  • The use of talismans or Raksha Sutras (protective threads) infused with herbal pastes for spiritual and physical protection. 

Therapeutic Interventions

Ayurveda provides a range of therapeutic interventions to enhance an infant’s health and immunity.

  • Lehana (Medicated Licking):

    Herbal formulations mixed with Madhu and Ghrita are given to infants to strengthen immunity, digestion, and cognitive functions.
    Suvarnaprashana (gold-infused herbal preparation) is considered a Rasayana (rejuvenator), promoting longevity and disease resistance.

  • Abhyanga (Oil Massage)

    Daily massage with medicated oils like Bala Taila strengthens bones, improves circulation, and enhances sleep quality. Regular massage strengthens the muscles and bones, aiding in physical growth and improving weight gain. It also nourishes and protects the skin, creating a natural barrier against infections while enhancing overall immunity.
    This practice improves blood circulation, ensuring optimal oxygen and nutrient delivery to tissues while supporting the elimination of toxins.

  • Suvarna Bindu Prashana

    It is an Ayurvedic immunization for children using Suvarna Bhasma (gold ash), herbal extracts, and ghee. Administered on Pushya Nakshatra, it boosts immunity, enhances memory, supports growth, and prevents illnesses, promoting overall health and vitality.

Parental Guidance and Socialization

Ayurveda underscores the importance of Achara Rasayana (behavioral discipline) for parents. A calm, nurturing, and emotionally stable environment directly impacts the child’s well-being.


  • Engage in positive communication with the infant.
  • Follow a daily routine (Dinacharya) for feeding, bathing, and playtime.
  • Avoid exposure to loud noises and harsh lights, which can aggravate Vata dosha.
  • Socialization through play and interaction is equally crucial. Encouraging sensory exploration and bonding fosters emotional and cognitive development. 

 Dietary Guidelines

Ayurvedic dietary recommendations focus on gradual transitions:

  • 0-6 Months: Exclusive breastfeeding (Stanya Pana).
  • 6-12 Months: Introduction of easily digestible foods like rice gruel (Peya) and fruit purees (Phalaprashana).
  • Spices like Hingu (asafoetida) and Jeeraka (cumin) are introduced in minimal quantities to aid digestion. 

Wrapping It Up

In conclusion, Ayurveda offers a comprehensive and nurturing approach to infant care that is deeply rooted in ancient wisdom and holistic principles. By emphasizing the importance of balanced prenatal preparation, meticulous newborn care, and significant life-cycle rituals, Ayurveda fosters not only the physical health of infants but also supports their emotional and spiritual development. The practices of breastfeeding, preventive measures, and personalized rituals create a nurturing environment that honours the unique needs of each child. 

As we embrace these timeless traditions, we can contribute to a healthier, more resilient future generation, enriching their lives with the profound benefits of Ayurveda. By integrating these practices into modern parenting, we can celebrate the beautiful journey of growth and development, ensuring that our little ones thrive in both body and spirit.


What is Ayurveda's approach to prenatal care?

Ayurveda emphasizes a holistic approach to prenatal care, known as Garbha Samskara, focusing on the health of both parents to ensure a healthy conception. It includes dietary practices, herbal formulations, and rituals to support the well-being of the mother and developing fetus.

Why are life-cycle rituals important for infants in Ayurveda?

Life-cycle rituals, or Samskaras, are essential in Ayurveda as they mark significant milestones in an infant's development. These rituals promote emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being, helping to instil positive attributes and providing a supportive environment for growth.

What are some recommended newborn care practices in Ayurveda?

Ayurveda suggests specific newborn care practices such as gently removing vernix, clearing the airway, and bathing the infant with warm herbal water. These procedures help stabilize the newborn, promote healing, and ensure a smooth transition to the external environment.