
Week 31 of Pregnancy

At week 31, your baby is getting ready for the world! Prepare for the final weeks with baby’s growth, body changes, and labor readiness tips.

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All you need to know

Congratulations, you've made it to week 31 of your pregnancy journey! As you enter the final stretch of your third trimester, your baby is growing rapidly and your body is preparing for the big day. Let's take a closer look at what's happening.

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Week 31 Symptoms

At 31 weeks pregnant, you may be feeling a mix of excitement and discomfort. Some common symptoms during this time include:

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  • Braxton Hicks contractions: These practice contractions may become more frequent and intense as your due date approaches.
  • Shortness of breath: Your growing uterus is putting pressure on your diaphragm, making it harder to take deep breaths.
  • Frequent urination: As your baby moves further down into your pelvis, you may feel the need to use the loo more often.
  • Swelling: You may notice swelling in your ankles, feet, and hands due to increased fluid retention.
  • Backache: The extra weight of your growing baby can put a strain on your back, leading to discomfort.

Remember, every pregnancy is different, and you may experience all, some, or none of these symptoms.

Week 31 of Pregnancy: Shhhh...Baby's Listening!
Dr Veena H

Your Baby in Week 31

At 31 weeks, your baby is about the size of a coconut. Here's what's happening with your little one:

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Baby’s Growth in the Womb

  • Organ Development: All of your baby's major organs are developed, although the lungs are still maturing. The brain is controlling body temperature, and other organs are functioning well.
  • Physical Features: Your baby looks similar to how they will at birth, with eyes that can open and close, and a layer of fat forming under the skin. Fingernails are present, but toenails are not yet fully grown.
  • Weight of the Foetus: Your baby is gaining weight rapidly, with an expected weight of 1.6 to 1.8 kg by the end of this week.
  • Movement of the Baby: Your baby is very active, practising movements such as swallowing, yawning, and responding to sounds. You may feel forceful kicks and movements as your little one grows and becomes more active.

Here is what your baby looks like

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At 31 weeks, trust your journey and resilience. Your body is incredible, and you’re nurturing a beautiful life that’s growing stronger every day!

Dr. Veena H

Your Body in Week 31 of Pregnancy

Your body is going through some incredible changes to support your growing baby. Here's what you might be experiencing:

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Physiological Changes During Week 31 of Pregnancy

  • Breast Changes: Your breasts may continue to feel tender and enlarged as they prepare for breastfeeding.
  • Hair, Skin, and Nails: Pregnancy hormones can cause increased hair growth, stretch marks on your skin, and dry, brittle nails.
  • Respiratory and Cardiovascular System: You may experience shortness of breath as your uterus crowds your lungs. Your heart rate may also increase to support your growing baby.
  • Vaginal Discharge: Increased vaginal discharge is common during pregnancy and helps prevent infections.
  • Uterus Size and Position: Your uterus fills a large part of your abdomen, and your fundal height (the distance from your pubic bone to the top of your uterus) is around 30 cm.
  • Placenta Position: Typically, the placenta continues to support your baby's growth without any significant changes at this stage.

TopTips for Week 31


Prep for labour

Explore different positions such as walking or squatting to find movement that supports you.


Support circle

Labour can be demanding, surround yourself with loved ones for support and encouragement.


Labor check-up

If your labour feels abnormal let the doctor examine you first for a correct diagnosis


Childbirth prep

Enrol yourself in prenatal courses to learn different labour stages and what to expect.


Food to avoid

It's best to not consume raw, high-mercury fish, unpasteurised dairy and alcohol

Medical Scans and Check-Ups

At 31 weeks pregnant, you'll likely have regular prenatal check-ups to monitor your health and your baby's development. Your doctor may:

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  • Prenatal Visit

    You'll likely have a prenatal checkup every two weeks from now until week 36. Your doctor will monitor your blood pressure, weight, and urine, and check your baby's growth and heartbeat.

  • Ultrasound

    If your doctor has any concerns about your baby's growth or position, they may order an ultrasound to get a closer look.

  • Glucose Screening

    If you haven't already had a glucose screening test to check for gestational diabetes, your doctor may recommend one around this time.

  • Rh Antibody Screening

    If you have Rh-negative blood and your baby has Rh-positive blood, your doctor may recommend an Rh immunoglobulin injection to prevent complications.


Is it normal to experience Braxton Hicks contractions at 31 weeks pregnant?

Yes, Braxton Hicks contractions are common at this stage of pregnancy. These practice contractions help prepare your uterus for labour, but they are usually irregular and less intense than true labour contractions. If you're unsure whether you're experiencing Braxton Hicks or true labour, contact your doctor.

How can I relieve shortness of breath during pregnancy?

Shortness of breath is a common symptom in the third trimester as your growing uterus puts pressure on your diaphragm. To ease discomfort, try sitting up straight, sleeping with extra pillows to elevate your head, and practising deep breathing exercises. If your shortness of breath is severe or accompanied by chest pain, seek medical attention.

Is it safe to exercise at 31 weeks pregnant?

Yes, exercise during pregnancy is generally safe and beneficial for both you and your baby. However, it's important to choose low-impact activities and listen to your body. Prenatal yoga, swimming, and walking are great options. Avoid exercises that involve lying on your back, as this can reduce blood flow to your uterus. Always consult with your doctor before starting or continuing an exercise routine.

What should I eat to support my baby's growth at 31 weeks?

Focus on consuming a balanced diet rich in nutrients essential for fetal development. Include lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. Ensure you're getting enough calcium, iron, and folic acid. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Avoid raw or undercooked meats, unpasteurised dairy products, and high-mercury fish.

How much weight should I have gained by 31 weeks pregnant?

Weight gain during pregnancy varies for each individual, but on average, women with a healthy pre-pregnancy weight should aim to gain between 11-16 kg throughout their pregnancy. By 31 weeks, you may have gained around 9.5-12.2 kg. Your doctor will monitor your weight gain and provide personalised recommendations based on your specific needs.

Can I still travel at 31 weeks pregnant?

While it's generally safe to travel during pregnancy, it's essential to consult with your doctor before making any travel plans. Some airlines may have restrictions on travel during the third trimester. When travelling, be sure to stay hydrated, wear comfortable clothing, and take frequent breaks to stretch your legs and promote circulation. Always carry a copy of your medical records and emergency contact information.

What should I do if I notice a decrease in my baby's movements?

If you notice a significant decrease in your baby's movements, contact your doctor immediately. They may recommend a non-stress test or biophysical profile to assess your baby's well-being. In most cases, a change in movement patterns is nothing to worry about, but it's always best to cautious and seek medical advice.

How can I prepare for breastfeeding at 31 weeks pregnant?

Learn about breastfeeding by attending prenatal classes, reading books, or talking to other breastfeeding mothers. Ensure you have a supportive nursing bra and comfortable clothing. You may also want to purchase nursing pillows and breast pads. Remember, while breastfeeding is natural, it can take time for both you and your baby to learn.