In the week 9, your baby is
the size of a Grape
In Week 9 of pregnancy, your baby is growing fast! Expect new symptoms, changes in your body, and exciting milestones as you move through this stage.
You’re now in Week 9 of your pregnancy! Can you believe how much has changed in just a few weeks? By now, your baby is growing quickly, and you might be feeling all sorts of new sensations. Let’s take a look at what exactly is happening, shall we?
Pregnancy symptoms can feel intense during Week 9. Here’s a brief rundown of what you may notice:
At Week 9, your baby is growing rapidly and developing recognizable human features.
At 9 weeks, your baby is growing fast and developing new features. Keep nurturing yourself and enjoy the journey—you’re doing an amazing job, mama!
At Week 9, your body adapts to changes as your baby grows, with more physical and emotional shifts marking this new phase.
Eat Healthy
Make sure to add variety in your meals to get energy, protein, vitamins, and minerals
Preterm signs
If you suspect early labour, read up on premature delivery and baby care essentials.
Prenatal guide
Attend all your prenatal appointments like vaccinations, tests, ultrasounds
to track vitals
Dental hygiene
Having healthy teeth and gums matters as poor dental care is linked to premature labour.
Take Prenatal Vitamins
Ensure you take prenatal vitamins throughout your pregnancy and the postpartum period
Week 9 is a good time for an early pregnancy check-up. Here’s what you might expect:
If you have a scan this week, it will likely be transvaginal, providing clear images of your baby. You may hear your baby’s heartbeat, which is a memorable moment. You will be able to see the baby’s head, body and limbs.
Your doctor may check your hCG levels and screen for conditions like anaemia or infections. Routine tests help ensure both you and your baby are healthy.
Regular checks of your weight and blood pressure are important to monitor your health throughout pregnancy.
Your baby is about the size of a grape, measuring around 2.3 cm long. They are small but growing rapidly.
Nausea, fatigue, mood swings, and bloating are common. You may also notice tender breasts and more frequent urination.
Yes, light exercises like walking or prenatal yoga are safe. Avoid intense workouts and check with your doctor before starting a new routine.
Mild cramping can happen as your uterus grows. If the cramps are severe or come with bleeding, contact your doctor.
You may see your baby’s heartbeat and get an estimate of their size. The scan also checks that the pregnancy is progressing normally. If it is your first scan since you did not note your LMP then this scan will verify your pregnancy.
Mild itching can occur due to hormonal changes or increased discharge. However, if itching is persistent or accompanied by a strong odour or unusual discharge, consult your doctor to rule out infections like thrush.
Focus on a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats. Include folic acid-rich foods like leafy greens, citrus fruits, and fortified cereals to support your baby’s development.
Stay hydrated, eat small and frequent meals to manage nausea, and get light exercises like walking or prenatal yoga. Prioritise sleep and take your prenatal vitamins as prescribed. Regular check-ups with your doctor ensure you and your baby are on track.