baby size

Your baby needs
Nutrition: 180-240 ml, 4-6 feeds/day
Sleep: 11-14 hrs

Month 9 of the Infant Development

Month 9 of infant development: Your baby crawls, pulls up to stand, and babbles more to communicate!

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 Baby Weight and Height

 At nine months, your baby grows steadily, developing motor and cognitive skills. Growth rates vary from baby to baby, but you'll notice key physical milestones taking shape.


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  • On average, babies gain 100-150 grams per week during this month.
  • Babies grow about 1.5-2.5 cm per month at this stage.

Average Measurements for Indian Babies:


  • Parameter



    Weight (kg)




    Height (cm)



Your Baby’s Milestones

 At nine months, your baby is honing motor and social skills, gaining confidence, and engaging actively with their surroundings in exciting new ways.

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Key Milestones:

          Motor Development

  • Crawling and Cruising: Many babies start crawling or even begin to pull up to stand while holding onto furniture.
  • Sitting Without Support: Most babies can sit independently without needing assistance for several minutes.
  • Grasping Objects: Your baby’s hand-eye coordination improves, and they will reach for and grasp things more skillfully.
  • Pulling to Stand: Some babies may begin pulling themselves to a standing position.
  • Improved Hand Skills: Your baby may start picking up small objects using their thumb and forefinger.

    Cognitive Development

  • Exploring with Hands and Mouth: Your baby continues to explore the world by reaching, grabbing, and putting things in their mouth.
  • Memory: Your baby may now remember familiar faces and things for longer periods.
  • Object Permanence: They now understand that objects exist even when they can’t see them.
  • Problem-Solving: Your baby might begin to experiment with cause and effect, like pressing buttons or shaking toys to see what happens.

    Communication and Language Development

  • More Complex Babbling: Expect more variety in sounds, like "ba-ba" or "da-da," with your baby trying to imitate words.
  • Responding to Name: Your baby is likely to recognise their name and respond to it.
  • Understanding Tone: They can differentiate between tones and may respond differently to a happy voice versus a stern one.
  • Imitating Sounds and Actions: Your baby may try to mimic sounds or movements they see or hear.

    Social and Emotional Development

  • Stranger Anxiety: At this age, your baby might feel more uneasy around unfamiliar people.
  • Enjoying Social Play: Games like peek-a-boo become even more fun as your baby reacts with joy.
  • Broader Emotional Range: Expect to see your baby express more varied emotions like happiness, frustration, or even shyness.
  • Interest in Reflections: Your baby may enjoy looking at themselves in a mirror.

     Sensory Development:

  • Colour Vision: Your baby’s vision continues to improve, enabling them to see a wider range of colours.
  • Hearing and Response: Your baby can respond to familiar voices or sounds, turning their head to locate the source.
  • Touching and Exploring Textures: Your baby will enjoy feeling different textures, helping to develop their tactile senses.
  • Tracking Moving Objects: Improved coordination lets your baby follow moving objects with ease.

    Emotional Development:

  • Attachment to Caregivers: At nine months, your baby will likely show a stronger attachment to you and their primary caregivers.
  • Self-Soothing: Some babies start to self-soothe by sucking their thumb or fingers when upset.
  • Comfort Seeking: They may also seek physical closeness when feeling distressed. 


Your baby now has several teeth, and teething symptoms like drooling and irritability may persist.

More lateral incisors may erupt, completing the front four upper and lower teeth. Your baby may chew on everything in sight for relief.

Sore gums, increased irritability, disrupted sleep, and refusal to eat certain foods. Some babies may have looser stools due to increased saliva swallowing.

Provide a variety of teething-safe foods like chilled cucumber slices. If your baby’s discomfort persists, consult a pediatric dentist for guidance.

Feeding Your Baby

At nine months, your baby is exploring solid foods while still relying on breast milk or formula. They are discovering new tastes and textures in this exciting stage of growth.

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Baby Feeding Techniques:


  • Continue breastfeeding as often as your baby desires to ensure adequate nutrition.
  • Maintain a proper latch for efficient feeding.

Bottle Feeding:

  • If bottle-feeding, use slow-flow nipples and feed every 3-4 hours.
  • Hold your baby in an upright position during feeding to prevent choking.

Solid Food Introduction:

  • Most babies at this stage are eating pureed or mashed foods, but you can begin offering small, soft pieces of food to encourage chewing and help improve motor skills.
  • Offer solids 3-4 times a day, gradually increasing portion size as your baby becomes accustomed to eating.

Milk Supply in the Ninth Month:

For Breastfeeding Mothers:

  • Continue breastfeeding regularly to support your baby’s growth and development.
  • Monitor wet diapers (6-8 per day) to ensure your baby is feeding enough.

For Formula Feeding:

  • Your baby may consume 6-8 ounces of formula per feed, 4-5 times a day.
  • Follow your paediatrician’s guidance regarding formula amounts.

Feeding Schedule in the Ninth Month

This is an exciting stage as solids make their way into your baby’s diet, complementing their feeds.

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Age: 9-10 months
What: Breast milk 
How much: Nurse every 4 hours
How often: Feed 5-6 times a day. Continue to feed on demand.

Age: 9-10 months
What: Formula
How much: About three fourth to one cup (6-8 ounces)
How often: Feed 4-6 times a day. Continue to feed on demand.

Age: 9-10 months
What: Solid Foods
How much: 2-3 tablespoons
How often: Offer pureed or mashed food 4-6 times a day. 

Signs Your Baby is Hungry:

  • Rooting: Turning their head when touched on the cheek.
  • Increased Alertness: Increased alertness or fussiness as feeding time approaches.
  • Interest in food: Reaching for food or opening their mouth when offered.

Signs Your Baby is Full:

  • Relaxed Body: Hands unclench and body appears calm.
  • Slower Sucking: Your baby may reduce the frequency of sucking or stop completely.
  • Turning Away: Turning their head or pushing away the bottle or breast.

Top Tips for 9 Month Old Baby


Baby proofing

Keep your baby safe by keeping small items out of their reach and preventing falls.


Monitor meals

Always watch your baby while they are eating to ensure their safety and prevent choking.


Newborn care 

Don’t give your baby any laxatives unless advised by a doctor or medical professional.


Bonding moments

Hold your baby often to help them feel secure, which supports their brain development.


Umbilical care 

Keep your umbilical cord stump dry and clean so you heal without any infection.

Your Baby’s Sleep

At nine months, your baby's sleep routine becomes more predictable, with many sleeping longer stretches at night, helping the whole family enjoy a more restful night.

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Sleep Patterns in the Ninth Month:

  • Total Sleep: Babies typically need 13-15 hours of sleep per day.
  • Daytime Naps: Expect your baby to take 2-3 naps, each lasting 1-2 hours.
  • Nighttime Sleep: Many babies can sleep 6-9 hour stretches at night.

Caring for Your Baby

At nine months, your baby’s increased physical activity will require careful attention to their skin and general hygiene.

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Baby Vaccine Schedule

  • At nine months, your baby may receive vaccines like the second doses of DTP, Hib, IPV, and Hepatitis B. Always consult your paediatrician for the latest vaccine schedule.

Newborn Baby Essentials

  • Developmental Toys: Offer toys that support motor skills and hand-eye coordination, such as soft balls and stacking toys.
  • Moisturisers: Use baby-safe moisturisers to keep skin hydrated, especially after tummy time.
  • Diapering: With increased movement, your baby may require more frequent diaper changes. Ensure frequent diaper changes to prevent irritation and rashes.
  • Diapering Supplies: Keep plenty of diapers, wipes, and a good quality rash cream to ensure your baby stays dry and comfortable throughout the day.

Baby Bath

  • Bathe your baby 2-3 times a week with lukewarm water.
  • Use gentle, fragrance-free baby soap to cleanse their skin.
  • Pat your baby dry with a soft towel after the bath instead of scrubbing.
  • Keep their face and folds clean daily, even on non-bath days.

Routine of a 9-month-old


FeedingEvery 3-4 hours
Sleep13-15 hours
Play/Interaction3-4 hours
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What is the average weight for a 9-month-old baby?

The average weight for a 9-month-old baby ranges from 8.0-11.2 kg for boys and 7.4-10.4 kg for girls.

How much should my 9-month-old grow in height?

Babies typically grow between 2.5-3.5 cm per month at this stage, although individual growth rates may vary.

What milestones should my 9-month-old be reaching?

Expect to see your baby sitting without support, babbling with consonant sounds, responding to their name, and beginning to crawl.

What foods are best for a 9-month-old?

Your baby can enjoy soft finger foods, such as mashed or chopped fruits (banana, avocado), vegetables, and protein-rich foods like lentils or small pieces of chicken.

Can I start introducing snacks to my 9-month-old?

Yes, you can introduce healthy snacks such as fruit slices, soft cheese, or whole-grain crackers. These should be small and easy to chew to avoid any choking hazards.

Is it normal for my 9-month-old to refuse solids?

It’s common for babies to have food preferences or to refuse certain solids. Keep offering a variety of foods and be patient, as their taste preferences may change over time. 

How often should my 9-month-old poop?

At 9 months, your baby’s bowel movements may become more predictable, but it’s normal for them to poop anywhere from once a day to every 2-3 days.

Why is my 9-month-old’s poop sometimes green?

Green stools are often a result of consuming iron-rich foods, like spinach or fortified cereals, or it could be from eating certain vegetables like peas or broccoli.

How can I tell if my baby’s poop is indicating a food allergy or intolerance?

If your baby’s stool changes significantly after eating a particular food and is accompanied by symptoms like rash, vomiting, or gassiness, it could be a sign of food intolerance or allergy.

When should I take my baby to the doctor for a check-up?

At 9 months, it’s time for a regular check-up with your paediatrician. This is a good opportunity to discuss any health concerns, monitor growth, ensure your baby is on track with their vaccinations, and address any developmental questions you may have.

My baby is teething at 9 months. How can I soothe their discomfort?

Teething can be uncomfortable for your baby at this age. To help soothe their gums, offer cold teething rings, gently rub their gums with a clean finger, or provide soft, chilled foods.

Should I be concerned if my baby is not crawling yet?

Every baby develops at their own pace, and some babies may start crawling later than others. If your baby is not crawling at 9 months, it’s not necessarily a cause for concern.