Foundations of Infant Care in Ayurveda
In Ayurveda, the health of an infant is closely tied to the balance of Doshas (biological energies: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) and the quality of Agni (digestive fire). Each Doshas show their dominance in different age groups. Infants are considered primarily Kapha-dominant due to their rapid growth and development. This dominance makes them susceptible to ailments like respiratory issues, digestive disturbances, and skin problems. In all these conditions, kapha has a huge role to play.
Ayurveda emphasizes Breastfeeding. Breastfeeding stands out not only as the optimal source of nutrition for infants but also as a powerful natural remedy for various ailments. It provides essential nutrients and antibodies that strengthen the immune system, significantly reducing the risk of infections and allergies. The bioactive components in breast milk, such as oligosaccharides, contribute to promoting gut health, making it a holistic choice for growing babies.
To support mothers in this journey, it’s vital to educate them about the benefits of colostrum—the first milk rich in nutrients—and to teach proper latching techniques and comfortable breastfeeding positions. Moreover, dispelling myths and misconceptions surrounding breastfeeding is crucial in fostering a supportive environment. For mild issues like colic, diarrhoea, or respiratory infections, breastfeeding not only offers hydration but also delivers immunity-boosting factors. Remarkably, breast milk adapts to the infant’s needs by increasing specific antibodies during illness, showcasing its incredible ability to nurture and protect little ones through the various stages of their development.
In the world of Ayurveda, the concept of Ksheeradushti highlights the delicate balance of breast milk, which can be disrupted by the mother’s diet, lifestyle, or emotional state. This condition manifests in three distinct forms: Vataja Ksheeradushti results in thin, frothy milk that may lead to colic or constipation in the baby, while Pittaja Ksheeradushti presents as warm, yellowish milk, often causing diarrhoea or rashes. Lastly, Kaphaja Ksheeradushti, characterized by thick and sticky milk, can contribute to respiratory congestion or sluggish digestion in an infant. mindfulness and care, many ailments can be effectively prevented or resolved.
Ayurvedic texts such as the Kashyapa Samhita and Charaka Samhita provide detailed guidelines for managing infant health. These include the use of Rasayana (rejuvenation therapies), proper dietary practices, and specific medicinal formulations.