
Dealing Common Health Ailments in Infants Through Ayurveda

Read about the most common ailments affecting your infants and their Ayurveda solutions.

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Dr. Monisha V M

At a Glance

Ayurveda Balances Doshas for Infant Health

Ayurveda focuses on balancing the three Doshas to ensure an infant's overall health, addressing issues like digestion and respiratory problems.

Natural Remedies for Common Infant Health Issues

Ayurveda uses natural remedies to manage health issues in infants ,supporting the body's natural healing process.

Importance of Digestive Health

Ayurveda places a significant emphasis on improving digestive health, which is foundational for infants' growth, immunity, and general well-being.

Consult an Ayurvedic Pediatric Expert

Before using any Ayurvedic remedies for infants, it’s crucial to consult with an Ayurvedic pediatric expert to ensure the treatments are safe.

Effective Ayurveda Interventions for Infant Care

Ayurvedic treatments can effectively address common infant health issues and provide a holistic approach to infant care by using natural remedies.

In this article

  • Foundations of Infant Care in Ayurveda
  • Common Health Ailments in Infants and Their Ayurvedic Management
  • Preventive and Supportive Ayurvedic Practices
  • Wrapping It Up

Many people wonder if Ayurveda can help with their infant's problems. The answer is yes. Ayurveda, the ancient science of life, has profound insights into pediatric health through its specialised branch, Kaumarabhritya (paediatrics). This branch, part of the Ashtanga Ayurveda (eight branches of Ayurveda), emphasises the nurturing, prevention, and treatment of health issues in infants. Ayurveda principles provide a comprehensive and effective approach to addressing common health ailments in infants, focusing on balance and harmony within the body of your infants.

Foundations of Infant Care in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, the health of an infant is closely tied to the balance of Doshas (biological energies: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) and the quality of Agni (digestive fire). Each Doshas show their dominance in different age groups. Infants are considered primarily Kapha-dominant due to their rapid growth and development. This dominance makes them susceptible to ailments like respiratory issues, digestive disturbances, and skin problems. In all these conditions, kapha has a huge role to play.
Ayurveda emphasizes Breastfeeding. Breastfeeding stands out not only as the optimal source of nutrition for infants but also as a powerful natural remedy for various ailments. It provides essential nutrients and antibodies that strengthen the immune system, significantly reducing the risk of infections and allergies. The bioactive components in breast milk, such as oligosaccharides, contribute to promoting gut health, making it a holistic choice for growing babies. 
To support mothers in this journey, it’s vital to educate them about the benefits of colostrum—the first milk rich in nutrients—and to teach proper latching techniques and comfortable breastfeeding positions. Moreover, dispelling myths and misconceptions surrounding breastfeeding is crucial in fostering a supportive environment. For mild issues like colic, diarrhoea, or respiratory infections, breastfeeding not only offers hydration but also delivers immunity-boosting factors. Remarkably, breast milk adapts to the infant’s needs by increasing specific antibodies during illness, showcasing its incredible ability to nurture and protect little ones through the various stages of their development.
In the world of Ayurveda, the concept of Ksheeradushti highlights the delicate balance of breast milk, which can be disrupted by the mother’s diet, lifestyle, or emotional state. This condition manifests in three distinct forms: Vataja Ksheeradushti results in thin, frothy milk that may lead to colic or constipation in the baby, while Pittaja Ksheeradushti presents as warm, yellowish milk, often causing diarrhoea or rashes. Lastly, Kaphaja Ksheeradushti, characterized by thick and sticky milk, can contribute to respiratory congestion or sluggish digestion in an infant. mindfulness and care, many ailments can be effectively prevented or resolved. 
Ayurvedic texts such as the Kashyapa Samhita and Charaka Samhita provide detailed guidelines for managing infant health. These include the use of Rasayana (rejuvenation therapies), proper dietary practices, and specific medicinal formulations.

Common Health Ailments in Infants and Their Ayurvedic Management

     1.Digestive Disorders

Ayurveda principles emphasise a lot on digestive health. According to Ayurveda, every ailment arises from improper Agni (weak digestive fire). Infants often suffer from Ajirna (indigestion) and Atisar (diarrhoea) due to immature digestive systems.

Ajirna (Indigestion):

  • Symptoms: Crying, bloating, regurgitation, and refusal to feed.
  • Ayurveda Management for the mother:
  • Use of Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi) boiled in water to alleviate bloating and improve digestion.
  • Administration of Pippali churna (powdered Piper longum) with honey for enhancing Agni (digestive fire).

Atisara (Diarrhea):

  • Symptoms: Frequent loose stools, dehydration, and irritability.
  • Ayurveda Management for the mother:
  • Bilva phala (Aegle marmelos) pulp mixed with honey to control diarrhoea.
  • Musta (Cyperus rotundus) decoction to restore balance in the digestive system.
    Remember, the infant's gut is not fully developed and is fragile. Extreme care should be taken while giving these medicines. Always consult an Ayurveda pediatric expert before administering any medicines.

    2. Respiratory Issues

Respiratory conditions such as Kasa (cough) and Shwasa (breathing difficulty) are common in infants, especially during seasonal changes.

Kasa (Cough):

  • Symptoms: Persistent cough, nasal congestion, and difficulty feeding.
  • Ayurvedic Management
  • For relief, apply Tila taila (sesame oil) infused with Shunthi (Zingiber officinale) to the chest.
  • Administering Vasa (Adhatoda vasica) juice with honey to soothe the throat. (for the mother)

Shwasa (Breathing Difficulty):

  • Symptoms: Wheezing, shortness of breath, and irritability.
  • Ayurvedic Management for the mother :
  • Inhalation of steam infused with Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) leaves.
  • Decoction of Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra) for easing respiratory distress.
  • Respiratory diseases are very common in infants. Always consult an Ayurveda paediatric expert for treatment. Expert doctor advice is essential.  

    3. Skin Conditions

Your infant's skin is very sensitive. Due to this, skin ailments like rashes, dryness, and eczema are often observed in infants.

Vicharchika (Eczema):

  • Symptoms: Dry, itchy, and inflamed skin.
  • Ayurvedic Management for the Mother
  • Application of Kumari (Aloe vera) gel to soothe irritation.
  • Use of Neem taila (Azadirachta indica oil) to reduce inflammation and prevent infections.

Pitika (Boils):

  • Symptoms: Painful, pus-filled eruptions.
  • Ayurvedic Management for the Mother
  • Haridra (Curcuma longa) paste is a topical application to reduce infection and promote healing.
    Bathing with water infused with Triphala (a mixture of Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellirica, and Emblica officinalis).

    Your baby’s skin requires expert and professional guidance. Always consult with an Ayurveda pediatric expert before applying anything to your baby’s skin or administering anything internally. 

    4. Colic and Abdominal Pain

    Colic or abdominal pain (Shoola) is a common concern among infants, often caused by Vata imbalance.

  • Symptoms: Persistent crying, clenched fists, and abdominal distension.
  • Ayurvedic Management for the Mother:
  • Gentle abdominal massage with warm Hingwashtaka churna (asafoetida preparation) mixed in ghee.
  • Decoction of Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare) to relieve gas and calm the baby.
    It’s important to seek advice from an Ayurvedic pediatric specialist before giving them anything to take internally for Colic pain.

    5. Teething Troubles

    Teething (Dantodbheda) often leads to irritability, drooling, and gum discomfort in infants.

  • Symptoms: Swollen gums, excessive drooling, and refusal to feed.
  • Ayurvedic Management:
  • Application of Khadira (Acacia catechu) bark paste on the gums for pain relief.
  • Use of Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia) powder mixed with honey to strengthen the gums.
  • Never self-medicate. Consult with an Ayurveda expert.

    6. Sleep Disturbances

    Sleep issues in infants are often attributed to imbalances in Vata and Pitta doshas.

  • Symptoms: Frequent waking, crying, and restlessness.
  • Ayurvedic Management:
  • Gentle oil massage with Bala taila (Sida cordifolia oil) to induce relaxation.
  • A decoction of Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) to calm the mind and promote restful sleep.

    These management tips and remedies are provided to inform you about the solutions that Ayurveda offers. Always seek proper guided treatment from an Ayurveda expert.

Preventive and Supportive Ayurvedic Practices

   1.Samskaras (Rituals for Growth and Development)

  • Suvarna Prashana (Gold administration): Boosts immunity, enhances intellect, and supports physical growth.
  • Annaprashana (Introduction of solid food): Ensures a smooth transition from milk to a balanced diet.

    2. Daily Regimen (Dinacharya)

  • Massage with Shatadhauta ghrita (ghee washed 100 times) for skin nourishment and immunity.
  • Regular bathing with water infused with Neem and Tulsi to prevent infections.

     3. Environmental Hygiene

  • Dhoopana vidhi (fumigation) with Rakshoghna dravyas (antimicrobial herbs like Guggulu and Neem) to purify the living space and ward off infections.

     4.Dietary Guidelines

  • Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months to ensure optimal nutrition and immunity.
  • Introduction of Laghu ahara (light and easily digestible food) like rice gruel and boiled vegetables during weaning.

Wrapping It Up

Ayurveda offers a comprehensive approach to managing common health ailments in infants through a combination of herbal remedies, dietary practices, and lifestyle modifications. By balancing the Doshas, enhancing Agni, and adopting preventive measures, parents can ensure the healthy growth and development of their infants. The time-tested principles of Kaumarabhritya emphasise the importance of holistic care, making Ayurveda a valuable resource for pediatric health.
Integrating Ayurvedic practices into daily routines can help parents address the unique health challenges of infancy while fostering a strong foundation for lifelong well-being. With its emphasis on natural remedies and preventive care, Ayurveda remains a beacon of hope for nurturing the health of society's youngest members.


Can Ayurveda safely treat common ailments in infants?

Yes, Ayurveda can provide safe and effective solutions for common infant ailments through natural remedies and dietary practices. However, it is crucial to consult an Ayurvedic pediatric expert before administering any treatments.

What are some common digestive issues in infants and their Ayurvedic remedies?

Common digestive issues include indigestion (Ajirna) and diarrhoea (Atisara). Remedies include using Ajwain boiled in water for indigestion and Bilva phala pulp mixed with honey for diarrhoea, but always ensure to consult a pediatric expert before use.

How can Ayurveda help with respiratory problems in infants?

Ayurveda addresses respiratory issues like cough (Kasa) and breathing difficulty (Shwasa) with methods such as applying sesame oil infused with ginger on the chest and using steam infused with Tulsi leaves. Consulting an expert is essential for safe treatment.