<h1><strong>Baby sleep</strong></h1>

Baby sleep

As a parent, helping your baby establish good sleep habits is a top priority. Your baby's sleep routine evolves at every stage, bringing unique hurdles. Let's explore common sleep concerns and find simple, practical tips to ensure better sleep for your little one.

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Putting your baby to sleep

Helping your baby transition to sleep involves creating a calming routine and a sleep-friendly environment. So patience and gentle adjustments to their needs are key.

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How to make your baby sleep at night?

If you're wondering how to put your baby to sleep quickly, try these tips:

  • Establish a routine: Dim the lights an hour before bedtime. Include a warm bath, gentle massage, and soft lullabies.
  • Encourage daytime play: Active play during the day can tire your baby out, making nighttime sleep easier.
  • Use a white noise machine: These devices create a calming environment by mimicking the womb’s soothing sounds.
  • Go with the classic technique: Gently stroking their forehead or using rhythmic patting can also be effective.

What if your baby is not sleeping?

If your baby is not sleeping well, don't worry too much. Babies take their time adjusting to external stimuli.

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Common reasons include:

  • Hunger or a wet diaper.
  • Growth spurts or developmental leaps.
  • Environmental factors, like noise or discomfort.

What you can do:

  • Ensure your baby is well-fed and clean before bedtime.
  • Create a calm sleep environment with consistent room temperature.

What if your baby cries in their sleep?

Many parents worry when they suddenly hear their baby crying in their sleep.

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Common reasons include:

  • Nightmares: Rare in newborns but possible in older babies.
  • Discomfort: Teething or gas pains.
  • Active sleep: Babies often vocalise during the REM sleep stage.

What you can do:

  • Observe first; your baby may settle down on their own.
  • If they don’t, soothe them with a gentle touch or soft words.

Sleep training

Sleep training techniques for babies are designed to help them learn to self-soothe and fall asleep independently.

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Popular methods include:

  • Cry It Out (CIO): Let your baby self-soothe by crying for short intervals.
  • Gradual retreat: Slowly reduce your presence near the crib over days.
  • Chair method: Sit nearby and gradually move farther away.

White noise machine

It creates a consistent, soothing environment that masks disruptive sounds and mimics the comforting sounds of the womb. This helps babies relax and settle faster.

Safe sleep practices

Ensuring safe sleep is a very important part of raising a child. Some small steps can greatly improve your baby’s safety and comfort in the crib.

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Baby-proofing the crib ensures safety by using a firm mattress, keeping it free from pillows, toys, and loose bedding, and adjusting the mattress height as your baby grows.


Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) refers to the unexplained death of an infant during sleep, often in the crib. Practising safe sleep is key to its prevention.

Sleep positioning

The safest sleeping position for babies is on their back, as it reduces the risk of SIDS. Avoid side or stomach sleeping, as these can pose safety risks.

Baby sleep challenges

Sleep challenges are a normal part of a baby’s growth and development. With patience, consistent routines, and some comforting strategies, most sleep issues resolve naturally. 

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Night wakings

Night wakings are a common concern for parents, especially when a baby wakes up every hour at night.

Common reasons include:

  • Hunger
  • Growth spurts
  • Teething
  • Changes in sleep cycles

What you can do:

  • Make sure your baby is well-fed
  • Ensure a comfortable sleep environment
  • Encourage self-soothing by introducing a pacifier or a toy. 

Teething and sleep issues

Teething or the appearance of baby teeth can cause babies discomfort and pain. This leads to restlessness and waking up frequently in the night.

Common baby teething symptoms

  • Drooling
  • Gum swelling
  • Irritability
  • Chewing on objects

What you can do:

  • Offer chilled baby teething toys
  • Gently massage their gums
  • Use paediatrician-approved teething gels




Top tips for Baby Sleep


Baby’s wind-down 

Help your baby unwind with a bath, soothing words, and soft songs before bedtime.


Bedtime routine 

Take your time to gently introduce a sleep routine that works for your baby’s comfort.


Diaper changing

For your baby’s peaceful sleep, keep nighttime diaper changes as quiet as possible.


Sleep essential

A cool temperature setting in the bedroom helps your baby to sleep soundly.


Baby nap time

Wrap your baby in a swaddle to make their nap time better and soothing.

Sleep Regression

Usually observed during the 4th, 6th or 8th month, it is a phase where the established sleep patterns temporarily change. This is often linked to developmental milestones.

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How much sleep is considered normal for my baby?

Newborns typically sleep 14–17 hours a day, while infants aged 4–12 months need 12–16 hours. Sleep duration includes naps.

What is the best time to put your baby to sleep?

A consistent bedtime between 6:30–8:30 PM helps align with your baby’s natural circadian rhythm. Adjust the timing based on their age and daily activity level.

How to improve my baby's sleep?

Establish a predictable bedtime routine. Also create a quiet, dimly lit sleep environment. This can significantly improve your baby’s sleep quality.

What if my baby sleeps a lot?

It’s normal for babies to sleep more during growth spurts as their bodies require extra rest. If the sleep seems excessive or irregular, consult your paediatrician.

When do babies start sleeping longer?

Many babies start sleeping for 5–6 hours at a stretch, between 3–6 months as their sleep cycles mature. This also varies based on their feeding habits.