In the week 3, your baby is
the size of a Poppy Seed
In Week 3 of pregnancy, your baby is just a tiny embryo, but important developments are already underway. Your body is beginning to prepare for the exciting journey ahead!
Week 3 is an exciting time in your pregnancy journey, even if you don't feel any different yet. If you're actively trying to conceive, this is when ovulation happens. If the sperm meets the egg, fertilisation occurs, which means your body has officially started the journey towards pregnancy.
During Week 3, symptoms can be subtle, but if you’re closely tracking your cycle, you might notice a few early signs of pregnancy
Your baby is now a blastocyst, a cluster of rapidly dividing cells. The placenta and amniotic sac begin forming, laying the foundation for development.
Every tiny heartbeat is a promise of the incredible journey ahead. Stay strong, embrace the beautiful changes, for you are growing a miracle within.
Your body begins subtle changes as hormones rise. Progesterone relaxes muscles, and implantation may cause light spotting. Early symptoms like bloating or tenderness can appear.
Early arrival
Discuss premature labour signs with the doctor to address concerns and get proper guidance.
Labor check-up
If your labour feels abnormal let the doctor examine you first for a correct diagnosis
Childbirth prep
Enrol yourself in prenatal courses to learn different labour stages and what to expect.
Eat Healthy
Make sure to add variety in your meals to get energy, protein, vitamins, and minerals
Dental hygiene
Having healthy teeth and gums matters as poor dental care is linked to premature labour.
Week 3 is early for scans, but understanding ovulation and tracking implantation can be helpful. Blood tests may be recommended to detect early signs of pregnancy.
Ultrasound (First Trimester): A painless, non-invasive scan performed within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. It confirms the number of babies and estimates the due date based on development.
Tests for Specific Medical Conditions in Pregnancy: Optional tests can screen for conditions like Down syndrome, neural tube defects (e.g., spina bifida), or genetic disorders present in the family.
Diagnostic Tests: Used when there's an increased chance of specific conditions due to factors like family history or maternal age. Examples include chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis.
Routine Blood Tests: Conducted to confirm pregnancy, check vitamin levels, screen for infections, and assess overall maternal health.
In Week 3, early pregnancy symptoms like mild cramping, spotting (implantation bleeding), and tender breasts can start to appear. However, it’s still too early for many to notice significant changes.
It’s too early to get accurate results from a home pregnancy test in Week 3. You may need to wait until after you miss your period, typically around Week 4, for a reliable test result.
In Week 3, fertilisation occurs, and the baby starts developing into a blastocyst. It will travel down the fallopian tube and begin preparing to implant in the uterus lining.
Implantation bleeding is a common occurrence in Week 3 for some women. It happens when the fertilised egg attaches to the uterine lining, causing light spotting.
Eating a balanced diet is important, even in the early weeks. Focus on healthy foods rich in folic acid, vitamins, and minerals to support early pregnancy development.
Stress can potentially impact early pregnancy, especially during Week 3, as the body is undergoing hormonal changes. It's important to try and manage stress through relaxation techniques and self-care.
hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is the hormone produced once the embryo implants. It’s essential for maintaining the pregnancy and can be detected in your blood or urine in the following weeks.
In Week 3, if you're not feeling overly fatigued or experiencing cramping, light exercise like walking or gentle stretching is generally safe. Always consult your doctor if you’re unsure.