baby size

Your baby needs
Nutrition: 120-180 ml, 5-6 feeds/day
Sleep: 14-17 hrs

Month 2 of Infant Development

At 2 months, your baby is becoming more alert, starting to smile, and gaining better head control. Learn about these early milestones and tips for supporting their development.

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All you need to know

The baby's second month is a time of steady growth and small but meaningful changes. Your little one is becoming more alert and expressive. They may have given you their first real smile. Let’s take a closer look at what you can expect this month and how to face it with confidence.

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Your Baby's Weight and Height

By the second month, your baby’s weight and height growth patterns will give you valuable insights into their overall health. Regular checkups will ensure their development is on track. 

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  • Weight Gain: On average, babies gain 150-200 grams per week during this month.
  • Height: Babies on average grow about 3-4 cm this month.

Average Measurements for Indian Babies:

Weight (kg)4.5-6.54.0-6.0
Height (cm)54-6353-61

Your Baby's Milestones

At two months, your baby’s milestones showcase incredible growth from their first smiles to cooing sounds and improved head control. Let's look at some significant milestones:

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Key Milestones:

Motor Development:

  • Neck Control: During tummy time, your baby may hold their head up for longer periods of time.
  • Increased Arm and Leg Movement: Active and more purposeful kicking and waving movements. This helps develop coordination.
  • Strengthened Reflexes: Reflexes like sucking, rooting, and grasping remain strong. They begin to become voluntary actions over time.

Cognitive Development:

  • Tracking Movement: Following slow-moving objects with their eyes, especially familiar faces. This indicates growing visual attention and recognition skills.
  • Facial Recognition: Responding to familiar faces and voices. A reflection of their developing memory and cognitive awareness of their surroundings.
  • Recognition of Patterns and Colours: They are drawn to high-contrast patterns and bold colours. This helps stimulate their developing visual system.

Communication and Language Development:

  • Cooing and Gurgling Sounds: Babies start experimenting with vowel-like sounds, laying the foundation for speech.
  • Listening and Responding: Your baby may quiet down or turn towards your voice, indicating early communication skills.
  • Expressive Vocalisation: They use sounds and coos to engage with caregivers or to express their excitement.

Social and Emotional Development:

  • Recognising Caregivers: They begin to differentiate between familiar and unfamiliar people. Babies tend to show a preference for caregivers.
  • Comfort and Soothing: They feel comforted by the presence of caregivers and may stop crying when picked up. 
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Your love nurtures growth, your care builds strength, and your presence shapes a future full of possibilities—you're doing amazing!

Dr Veena H

Feeding Your Baby

The WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months, as it provides optimal nutrition and immunity for infants.

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Baby Feeding Techniques

  • Breastfeeding:
    • Maintain a proper latch for efficient feeding.
    • Offer both breasts during feeding sessions.
  • Bottle Feeding:
    • Use slow-flow nipples for controlled feeding.
    • Hold your baby upright during feeds.

Potential Impacts of Bottle Feeding

Whether formula or pre-expressed breast milk, it is important to understand the potential impacts of bottle feeding on oral development.

Improper technique or nipple flow can impact oral development during bottle feeding:

  • Excessive sucking pressure: Fast-flowing nipples can cause a strong sucking reflex, potentially affecting jaw development.
  • Passive feeding: Bottle feeding can reduce active oral involvement, which may affect oral motor skills.
  • Improper tongue placement: Incorrect positioning during bottle feeding can hinder tongue movement, which may later influence speech development.

Note: While breastfeeding is highly recommended, formula feeding using a bottle may sometimes be necessary. Consult a specialist for the best guidance.

Milk Supply in the Second Month

For Breastfeeding Mothers:

  1. By the second month, most breastfeeding mothers will have established a stable milk supply. Feeding on demand and ensuring proper latch can help maintain and even increase supply if needed.
  2. Infants may experience a growth spurt during this time, leading to more frequent feeding sessions. This is normal and helps stimulate increased milk production to meet the baby's needs.
  3. Watch for signs that the baby is feeding effectively, such as consistent weight gain, six or more wet diapers per day, and contentment after feedings.

If breastfeeding alone isn't meeting the baby's full nutritional needs, you can supplement with formula to ensure they get the right nutrition.

For Formula Feeding:

  1. As the baby grows, they may require more formula, depending on their weight and hunger cues.
  2. While flexibility is key, many babies start to settle into a predictable feeding schedule by this stage, eating every 3-4 hours.
  3. Ensure the chosen formula continues to meet the baby's nutritional needs. Before changing the type or brand of formula, consult a paediatrician.

Feeding Schedule in the Second Month

At two months, your baby’s stomach has grown. They still need frequent feeding to support their rapid growth and development.

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Age: 1-2 months
What: Breast milk 
How much: Nurse every 2-3 hours
How often: Feed 8-12 times a day.

Age: 1-2 months
What: Formula
How much: Approximately half a cup (4 ounces)
How often: Feed 6-8 times a day.

Signs Your Baby is Hungry:

  • Rooting or turning their head towards the breast or bottle.
  • Sucking on their hands or smacking their lips.
  • Crying (a late hunger cue).

Signs Your Baby is Full:

  • Relaxed hands and body.
  • Turning away from the breast or bottle.
  • Falling asleep after feeding.

Top Tips for 2 Month Old Baby


Bonding moments

Hold your baby often to help them feel secure, which supports their brain development.


Umbilical care 

Keep your umbilical cord stump dry and clean so you heal without any infection.


Baby’s food 

Breast milk is best for babies, use infant formula only if that is not possible.


Feeding routine

Feed your newborn whenever they are hungry, following their natural hunger cues


Baby’s routine

Try building a daily schedule for your baby's feeding, napping, and bath times.

Your Baby's Sleep

At two months, your baby’s sleep patterns may have settled into a routine.  Establishing a calming bedtime routine can support healthy rest and development.

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Sleep Patterns in the Second Month

  • Babies sleep 14-16 hours daily, mostly in short stretches.
  • Some babies may sleep for 4-5 hours at a stretch at night.
  • Establish a routine by dimming lights and reducing noise at night.
  • Ensure a safe sleep environment.
  • Lay your baby on their back while sleeping.
  • Avoid toys and pillows in their crib at this age.
  • Use a firm mattress with fitted sheets.

Caring for Your Baby

For a 2-month-old infant, prioritise gentle skin care. Let's take a look at some of the things you need to be aware of when caring for your baby: 

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Baby Vaccine Schedule

  • Ensure your baby gets their DTP, Hib, Hepatitis B, IPV/OPV, and the Rotavirus vaccines as per the schedule.

Newborn Baby Essentials

  • Moisturise daily with baby-safe products.
  • Use gentle, fragrance-free baby soap for bathing.
  • Change diapers frequently to avoid rashes.
  • Apply a zinc oxide-based cream for rashes.

Baby Bath

While daily baths aren't necessary for babies, regular oil massages before bathing are common in Indian culture. It's a good idea to bathe your baby after the oil massage.

  • Use lukewarm water for the bath and avoid scrubbing.
  • Gently pat your baby dry after the bath.

Routine of a 2-month-old

Two-month-old babies are simply beginning to establish a routine, so it is essential to give them the space and time to adjust to all the new stimuli around them:

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FeedingEvery 2-3 hours
Sleep14-16 hours
Play/Interaction2-3 hours


What is the ideal weight for a 2-month-old baby?

Typically the ideal weight is between 4.5–6.5 kg for most babies.

Is it normal for my baby to lose weight?

Babies may lose up to 10% of their birth weight in the first week but regain it by 2 weeks.

What reflexes should my baby have at 2 months?

Common reflexes include rooting, sucking, grasping, and the startle (Moro) reflex.

How often should I feed my 2-month-old?

Feed every 2–3 hours (about 6–8 times per day).

Can I introduce solid foods to my baby?

No. Solids should only start at 6 months unless advised by a doctor.

Can my baby have food allergies?

Yes. Watch for signs like rashes, vomiting, diarrhoea, or swelling after introducing new foods.

What colour should my baby’s poop be?

Normal colours: yellow, green, or brown.

My baby has trouble pooping. Is it normal?

Babies can go up to 3–5 days without pooping. Consult a doctor if your baby seems distressed.

How do I prevent diaper rash?

Keep the area clean and dry, change diapers frequently, and use a zinc oxide-based cream.

What is colic, and how can I soothe my baby?

Colic is unexplained crying for 3+ hours/day. Use rocking, swaddling, or white noise to calm your baby.

What causes rashes on my baby’s face?

Rashes can result from drool, milk residue, or baby acne. Keep the skin clean and dry.

How can I relieve my baby’s gas?

Burp the baby after feeds, do gentle tummy massages, and use bicycle leg movements.