

Abortion is a medical procedure that terminates a pregnancy. While it can be a challenging decision, understanding the whys and the hows can help you feel better. Here, we delve into the types of abortion, the processes involved, and other critical aspects.

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Classification of abortion

The classification of abortion is primarily based on the method and stage of pregnancy:

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Medical abortion: Using medications to terminate the pregnancy, usually in the early stages.

Surgical abortion: A minor procedure performed in a hospital, often for later stages or specific conditions.

Spontaneous abortion (Miscarriage): Natural loss of pregnancy due to health or genetic issues.

Septic abortion: This occurs as a result of infection in the uterus.

Incomplete abortion: When some pregnancy tissue remains in the uterus and requires medical intervention.

Medical termination of pregnancy (MTP)

MTP is a safe, non-surgical method often chosen in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. It involves taking prescribed medications under the guidance of your doctor.

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Unplanned pregnancy

Consult a doctor to abort an unplanned pregnancy. They will guide you on safe options, including medical or surgical methods, depending on the stage of your pregnancy.

Terminating pregnancy

Early pregnancies (up to 10 weeks) can be safely terminated with abortion tablets. For pregnancies beyond 10 weeks or when medications fail, a surgical option may be required.

Surgical abortion

Surgical abortions are typically performed after 10 weeks or when medications are ineffective. Common methods include vacuum aspiration and dilation and curettage (D&C).

Is abortion legal in India?

Yes, abortion is legal in India under the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act of 1971. This is particularly for pregnancies up to 24 weeks, under specific conditions.

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Abortion pill

The abortion pills are considered a safe and effective method for terminating early pregnancies. It must be taken under medical supervision to ensure safety and proper care.

Signs of pregnancy after abortion

Signs of pregnancy, such as nausea, typically resolve within a week after abortion. If any signs persist, it could indicate an incomplete abortion which needs medical attention.

Side effects of abortion

While having an abortion is generally safe. It may involve some side effects including:

  • Short-term side effects: Cramping, nausea, and bleeding.
  • Long-term side effects: It's rare, but may include uterine scarring.
  • Bleeding after abortion: Bleeding usually lasts 7–14 days. 

Top tips for caring after an Abortion


Stay hydrated 

Keep yourself hydrated, as you may bleed more heavily than during regular periods.


Balanced care

Eat a light meal and take the recommended pill dosage as given by your doctor.


Cramp relief 

Place a heating pad or hot water bottle on your stomach to soothe menstrual cramps.


Menstrual care

Stocking up on menstrual pads or disposable underwear designed for heavy periods is helpful


Period after abortion

Your first period typically returns within 4–6 weeks after an abortion and can be heavier or irregular. If it doesn’t resume, consult your doctor to rule out any complications.

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What can I do to manage a pregnancy within the first week?

Medical abortion pills, such as Mifepristone and Misoprostol, are effective for terminating pregnancy at this stage. Always consult a doctor for safe and proper guidance.

What is an abortion and what types are available?

Abortion is the termination of pregnancy through medications (pills) or surgical procedures. Both methods are safe when performed under medical supervision.

What are the five types of spontaneous abortions?

The five types of spontaneous abortions are threatened, inevitable, incomplete, complete and missed abortions.

What are the differences between complete and incomplete abortion?

A complete abortion occurs when all pregnancy tissue is expelled. An incomplete abortion happens when some tissue remains in the uterus.

How to avoid pregnancy following an abortion?

Using contraceptives or emergency pills can prevent pregnancy. Consult your doctor for the best and most effective options for you.