
Baby Girl Growth Chart 0-24 Months: Average Weight & Height

Learn how to read a baby girl's growth chart to track weight and length milestones from 0 to 24 months.

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Dr Veena H

At a glance

Growth Chart

A baby girl growth chart tracks height and weight percentiles with age based on data from many children.

Percentile Meaning

Percentiles indicate how your baby girl's growth compares to other children of the same age.

Birth Weight

The average birth weight of a full-term baby girl in India ranges between 2.5 kg and 3.5 kg.

Growth Factors

Factors like genetics, gestational age, hormones, maternal health, feeding methods, and sleep influence growth.

Tracking Growth

Focus on the overall growth trend rather than specific percentile numbers.

Development Monitoring

Growth charts help monitor development, but steady growth is more important than a fixed percentile.

In this article

  • What Is a Baby Girl Growth Chart?
  • How To Read the Baby Girl Growth Chart
  • Understanding Baby Girl Growth Patterns
  • Ideal Baby Girl Length and Weight by Month
  • Take Home Message

Babies grow quickly in the first two years, so parents need to track their progress. Whether breastfed or formula-fed, it's natural to wonder if your baby girl is developing at a healthy pace.

This guide, based on WHO growth standards, provides month-by-month ideal length and weight (in kg) for baby boys from 0 to 24 months. Learn how to measure your baby and read the growth chart—so you can easily track your baby’s development.

What Is a Baby Girl Growth Chart?

The chart shows a percentile where height/length and weight are plotted against age. It uses data from many children, with average measurements for each age.

The growth parameters include weight (kg), height (cm), and head and chest circumferences. These are tracked to monitor development.

In India, the WHO Child Growth Standards (2006) are used to assess the growth of female children, ensuring they develop healthily at the right pace.

Factors Affecting Growth After Birth

Several factors affect your baby girl's growth after birth. Here's an overview:

  • Genetics: The genes passed from the parents primarily impact the baby's length and weight.
  • Gestational Age: Premature babies tend to have lower weight and length than full-term babies.
  • Hormones: Hormonal imbalances, such as low thyroid levels, can slow growth. Monitoring hormone levels during pregnancy is important.
  • Mother's Health: Conditions like gestational diabetes, smoking, alcohol use, and weight gain during pregnancy can affect growth.
  • Feeding Method: Formula-fed babies may gain weight faster in the first year.
  • Sleep: Babies who sleep soundly tend to grow better.

Indian Baby Girl Growth Trends

Growth patterns for Indian baby girls may differ from global averages, but general trends in tracking your child’s development exist. Here’s a summary of key weight and length milestones:

  • Indian Baby Girl Weight Growth Rate
    The birth weight of a full-term baby girl in India ranges between 2.5 kg and 4 kg.
    Birth to 6 Months: On average, baby girls double their birth weight by 4 to 6 months.
  • By 12 Months: Typically, they triple their birth weight by their first birthday.
  • By 24 Months: A baby girl's weight is usually about four times her birth weight.

Indian Baby Girl Height Growth Rate

  • Birth to 12 Months: A baby girl's length increases by approximately 50% in her first year. For instance, a newborn measuring 50 cm would grow to about 75 cm by 12 months.
  • By 24 Months: By her second birthday, her length is roughly 1.5 times her birth length, averaging around 85–90 cm.
  • After 2 Years: Growth tends to slow down, with most children growing about 5–7 cm annually.

Understanding these growth milestones is most helpful when you can accurately interpret the growth chart for baby girls. Continue reading to learn how to map your baby girl's progress.

How To Read the Baby Girl Growth Chart

To use the baby girl growth chart, start by finding your child's age along the top or bottom of the chart. Then, locate the corresponding length or weight on either side of the chart.

You'll see multiple lines representing different percentiles at each age point. Find where your child's measurements intersect with these lines, and note the number (5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95, etc.) next to the specific percentile curve.


For example, if your baby’s measurements match the 95th percentile line, it means they are taller and/or heavier than 95% of other children their age. If your baby falls in the 5th percentile, it means they are in the lower 5%, showing slower growth than others.

It’s important to note that the WHO growth standards do not include data for premature infants or babies with very low birth weights (under 1.5kg). These infants may have different growth patterns and may not catch up in early childhood. Regular monitoring with medical advice is recommended in these situations.

Percentiles and Its Significance

Percentiles on the growth chart show how your baby is growing compared to other children. A higher percentile means your baby is taller or heavier than most children their age. The 50th percentile represents average growth for their age, while the 95th percentile indicates superior growth.

Percentiles are a helpful tool for identifying growth concerns, but they only show a part of the picture. The most important consideration is the overall trend in your baby’s growth over time.

Understanding Baby Girl Growth Patterns

When using a baby growth chart, focus on the growth rate rather than just the percentile numbers. Growth charts are meant to track the overall trend of your baby’s development, ensuring their growth follows a steady pattern.

Even if a baby falls into a lower percentile, as long as they consistently grow along that line, it is not a cause for concern.

Baby Girl Weight in kg: 0 to 24 months

A baby girl’s weight changes significantly during the first two years of life. At birth, the average weight of a full-term baby girl (37 to 40 weeks) normally ranges between 2.5 to 4 kg.

Newborn Weight Changes (0-1 Month)

It is normal for babies to lose up to 10% of their birth weight in the first few days due to fluid loss. Breastfed babies may lose around 5–7%, while formula-fed babies may lose 3–5%.

By 2–3 weeks, most baby girls regain their birth weight, which marks the beginning of healthy growth and development.

Weight Gain Milestones: 1-24 Months

The growth in the first two years follows a pattern of rapid weight gain, influenced by nutrition, genetics, and overall health. Here’s an approximate baby girl weight chart in kg for Indian babies:

AgeIndian Baby Girl Weight in kg (3rd - 97th Percentile)*
0 month2.8 - 3.1 kg
1 month3.4 - 5.4 kg
2 months4.4 - 6.5 kg
3 months5.4 - 7.4 kg
4 months5.8 - 7.9 kg
5 months6.2 - 8.4 kg
6 months6.5 - 8.8 kg
7 months6.8 - 9.0 kg
8 months7.0 - 9.2 kg
9 months7.2 - 9.4 kg
10 months7.4 - 9.6 kg
11 months7.6 - 9.8 kg
12 months8.0 - 10.8 kg
13 months8.2 - 11.0 kg
14 months8.4 - 11.2 kg
15 months8.6 - 11.4 kg
16 months8.8 - 11.6 kg
17 months9.0 - 11.8 kg
18 months9.0 - 11.8 kg
19 months9.2 - 12.0 kg
20 months9.4 - 12.2 kg
21 months9.6 - 12.4 kg
22 months9.8 - 12.6 kg
23 months10.0 - 12.8 kg 
24 months10.0 - 13.0 kg
 *Weight may vary based on individual growth patterns, genetics, nutrition, and overall health.

Having discussed baby girl weight milestones from 0 to 24 months, let’s explore the growth patterns for length during the first two years of life.

Baby Girl Length 0 to 24 months

The length of a full-term baby girl at birth is approximately 50 cm, usually ranging between 45 cm and 54 cm.

Baby Girl's Length vs. Standing Height

Newborns are measured in length as they cannot stand upright in the initial months. Standing height is recorded only after 24 months. Since posture changes naturally, standing height may be slightly shorter than lying-down length.

Indian Baby Girl Length by Age

Below is a general guideline of approximate lengths for baby girls from birth to 24 months:

AgeIndian Baby Girl height* (3rd - 97th Percentile)
0 month45 - 54 cm
1 month50 - 58 cm
2 months53 - 61 cm
3 months56 - 63 cm
4 months58 - 65 cm
5 months60 - 67 cm
6 months62 - 69 cm
7 months63.5 - 70 cm
8 months64.5 - 71 cm
9 months65 - 72 cm
10 months66 - 73 cm
11 months67 - 74 cm
12 months70 - 78 cm
13 months71 - 79 cm
14 months72 - 80 cm
15 months73 - 81 cm
16 months74 - 82 cm
17 months75 - 83 cm
18 months77 - 85 cm
19 months78 - 86 cm
20 months79 - 87 cm
21 months80 - 88 cm
22 months81 - 89 cm
23 months82 - 90 cm
24 months82 - 91 cm
 *height may vary based on individual growth patterns, genetics, nutrition, and overall health.

Baby Girl Head Circumference: 0 to 24 months

Besides weight and length, tracking head circumference helps monitor healthy brain growth.

At birth, the average head circumference for an Indian baby girl is around 32 - 35 cm.

  • Head Circumference Growth Milestones
    0 to 12 months: A baby girl’s head grows rapidly in the first year, increasing by approximately 1 cm per month during the first 3 months. Growth then slows to 0.5 to 1 cm per month between 6 - 12 months. By 12 months, the average head circumference is around 43 - 47 cm.
  • 12 to 24 months: Growth continues at a slower rate, increasing about 0.5 to 1 cm per month, reaching approximately 46 - 49 cm by 2 years.

Here are some approximate values for the head circumference of an Indian baby girl month-by-month:

AgeIndian Baby Boy Head Circumference* (3rd - 97th Percentile)
0 month32 - 35 cm
1 month34 - 37 cm
2 months36 - 39 cm
3 months37 - 41 cm
4 months38 - 42 cm
5 months39 - 43 cm
6 months40 - 44 cm
7 months40.5 - 44.5 cm
8 months41 - 45 cm
9 months41.5 - 45.2 cm
10 months42.0 - 45.4 cm
11 months42.5 - 45.6 cm
12 months43 - 47 cm
13 months43.5 - 47.2 cm
14 months44.0 - 47.4 cm
15 months44.5 - 47.6 cm
16 months44.8 - 47.8 cm
17 months45 - 48 cm
18 months45 - 48 cm
19 months45.2 - 48.2 cm
20 months45.4 - 48.4 cm
21 months45.6 - 48.6 cm
22 months45.8 - 48.8 cm
23 months46 - 49 cm
24 months46 - 49 cm
 *Values may vary based on individual growth patterns, genetics, nutrition, and overall health.

Monitoring head circumference at regular check-ups helps track brain development and identify potential issues. Consistent growth is usually a positive sign, even at a lower percentile.

How To Measure Baby Girl Length and Weight?

Measuring Baby Girl Length
Lay your baby on a flat surface, gently stretch her legs straight, and measure from head to heel using a baby length chart or a measuring tape.

Measuring Baby Girl Weight
Use a digital baby scale placed on a flat surface for accurate results, and weigh your baby with minimal clothing.

Measuring Head Circumference of Baby Girl
Wrap a soft measuring tape around the widest part of your baby’s head, just above the eyebrows and ears, ensuring a snug but not tight fit.

Tracking these measurements helps you understand your baby’s growth journey. Let’s learn more about the baby girl’s growth journey, developmental milestones, and progress.

Ideal Baby Girl Length and Weight by Month

Understanding your baby girl’s growth patterns from 0 to 24 months can help you track her development and ensure healthy growth. Let’s explore the ideal weight and length milestones for each stage.

Ideal Baby Girl Weight and Length at 3 Months

By 3 months, most baby girls weigh between 4.5 and 6.5 kg, having regained their initial newborn weight loss within the first few weeks. They continue to gain 500 - 750 grams per month, maintaining steady growth.

Their average length ranges from 56 - 63 cm, with growth slightly slowing compared to the rapid increase seen in the first two months.

Around this stage, many babies develop better head control and improved hand-eye coordination, marking an important milestone in their physical development.

Baby Girl Weight and Length at 6 Months

By 6 months, most baby girls weigh 6.5 - 8 kg, with a steady weight gain of around 350 - 550 grams per month. By this stage, their birth weight typically doubles.

As teething begins around 6 months, some babies may experience temporary changes in appetite, which can influence their weight gain.

At 6 months, the average length of a baby girl ranges from 62 - 69 cm, continuing a gradual yet steady increase. At this age, many babies start rolling over, sitting with support, and displaying increased curiosity about their environment.

Baby Girl Weight and Length at 9 Months

By 9 months, most baby girls weigh between 7.5 - 9 kg, with weight gain slowing as they become more active, particularly with crawling, which can reduce the rapid weight gain seen in the first 6 months.

Their length typically ranges from 65 - 72 cm, and they continue to grow steadily. At this stage, many babies can sit without support, begin crawling, and may even start pulling themselves up to stand.

Baby Girl Weight and Length at 12 Months

At 12 months, most baby girls weigh 8.5 - 10 kg, nearly tripling their birth weight. Weight gain slows to about 250 - 450 grams per month as babies become more active and burn off more calories.

Their length typically ranges from 70 - 78 cm. They continue to grow but at a relatively slower pace. Growth may vary as babies transition to solid foods and reduce their formula or breast milk intake.

At this stage, babies explore new textures and tastes with solid foods, begin standing with support, and may take their first steps.

Baby Girl Weight and Height at 15 Months

At 15 months, growth in both weight and height slows significantly as toddlers become more active. Most baby girls weigh 9 - 10.5 kg and measure 73 - 81 cm tall, showing continued but gradual growth.

At this stage, many toddlers are walking independently, babbling, and using simple gestures to communicate. A balanced diet is important to support their growth, especially as their appetite may fluctuate during this phase.

Baby Girl Weight and Height at 18 Months

At 18 months, baby girls typically weigh 9.5 - 11 kg, and their growth is steady but slower as toddlers may become pickier with food.

Their height usually ranges from 77 - 85 cm, with growth slower than earlier stages. This is an important milestone as toddlers become more active, start climbing furniture, and attempt to say more words.

Baby Girl Weight and Length at 21 Months

By 21 months, most baby girls weigh between 10 - 11.5 kg, with a gradual weight gain of 200 - 400 grams per month as they become more physically active.

Their height typically ranges from 80 - 88 cm, with overall growth beginning to stabilise as they approach the 2-year mark.

At this stage, toddlers often show increased independence, start running, and may begin forming two-word sentences.

Baby Girl Weight and Length at 24 Months

At 24 months (2 years), most baby girls weigh 10.5 - 12 kg, with slower weight gain as they become more active.

Their height typically ranges from 82 - 91 cm, influenced by genetics and nutrition.
By this age, most toddlers are running, climbing, and speaking in short phrases, reflecting significant progress in both physical and cognitive development.

Take Home Message

Tracking your baby girl’s growth during the first two years is essential for ensuring healthy physical, cognitive, and emotional well-being. Using the WHO growth chart as a reference, you can monitor measurements such as weight, height, and head circumference to assess her progress along the growth curve.

While percentiles provide an overview, consistent growth is more important than exact numbers. Factors like genetics, feeding methods, and sleep patterns also influence her physical and cognitive development.

Regular check-ups and monitoring her measurement range will help ensure she stays on track and reaches important milestones in development.


What is the average weight of a baby girl in India?

The average weight of a full-term baby girl at birth in India typically ranges between 2.5 kg and 3.5 kg. However, this can vary depending on factors like gestational age, feeding type, genetics, and maternal health.

How much should a baby girl gain in a month?

A full-term baby girl weighing around 3 kg at birth may lose up to 10% of her weight in the first few days due to fluid loss, but she should regain this within 2-3 weeks. She should subsequently gain approximately 600 - 800 grams per month. After six months, as her physical activity increases, weight gain may slow slightly to about 400 - 600 grams per month. By 12 months, her weight should typically double her birth weight.

Is a 2.5 kg baby healthy?

A 2.5 kg baby can be considered healthy if born full-term (37 - 40 weeks) and shows consistent growth and signs of development. However, babies weighing less than 2.5 kg are considered low birth weight and may require closer monitoring to ensure proper growth and development. Additionally, babies weighing less than 1.5 kg are considered very low birth weight and typically need more intensive care to support their growth.

Do breastfed babies gain weight slowly?

Breastfed babies may experience a slightly slower weight gain during the first few months compared to formula-fed babies, but this is normal and typically results in healthier long-term growth. Breast milk provides optimal nutrients for development, and weight gain rates can vary for each baby.

How to increase the height of a baby girl?

While genetics play a major role in a baby's height, you can encourage healthy growth by focusing on proper nutrition, adequate sleep, and physical activities. Ensure your baby girl gets a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals (like calcium and vitamin D), and proteins supporting bone growth. Regular playtime and physical activities like crawling, walking, and stretching also help promote overall development.