Benefits of Homemade Baby Food
Aisha: Hey doctor. My mother-in-law is suggesting I start giving my son some homemade baby food. I like that idea but I'm not sure how to start. Any suggestions?
Dr. Singh: I'm happy to hear that. Making baby food at home supports your child's nutrition while strengthening the bond between you two. One thing I love about making baby food at home is the fact that you know exactly what’s in it. No need for preservatives or hidden sweeteners. You can also gradually add more flavors and textures that will help train your baby’s taste buds and teach him to eat more adventurously when he gets older. By the way, it’s usually cheaper than purchasing prepackaged food.
Aisha: That sounds amazing! My baby can be a little fussy sometimes. Do I need to take special precautions?
Dr. Singh: That’s where homemade food really shines! You can customize everything. Whether your baby has a preference, a sensitivity, or just a rough teething day, you can adapt the meals to suit his needs.
Aisha: as you know my son is 6 months old. I hope I'm not rushing it, am I?
Dr. Singh: Not at all, six months is the perfect time for babies to start solids. Look for signs like your baby reaching for food, sitting up steadily, or being curious about your plate. Remember, initially, it’s more about discovery than strict nutrition goals.
Aisha: He is already curious about everything on our plates. But are there any particular first foods we should start with?
Dr. Singh: Simplicity is key! Start with single-ingredient purees like carrots, peas, apples, or pears. Adding a little breast milk or formula to the puree keeps the flavor familiar.
Aisha: Oh, that sounds easy enough.
Dr. Singh: It is. You don’t need much! A simple blender or food processor works well for purees. Ice cube trays are great for portioning, and small containers help with storage. Rubber-tipped spoons are gentle on your baby’s gums.
Aisha: And how should I prepare this?
Dr. Singh: Wash, peel, and chop everything well. Steaming or baking helps retain nutrients and flavors. Grinding grains like rice or oats first makes cooking and pureeing easier. And finally, preparing in batches over the weekend is a huge time saver.