
Infant Development Milestones: First Year Guide

Track key baby milestones month-by-month in the first year to support healthy infant development and bonding.

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MomVerse Expert

At a Glance

0-3 Months

Babies begin to smile, raise their head and chest during tummy time, follow moving objects with their eyes, and bring their hands to their mouths.

4-6 Months

They start rolling over, sitting with support, laughing, and may begin sleeping through the night.

7-9 Months

Crawling begins, sitting unassisted, transferring objects between hands, and responding to their name.

9-12 Months

Standing with support, cruising along furniture, waving "bye-bye", and self-feeding using the pincer grasp.

By 12 Months

Taking first steps, saying simple words like "mama" and "dada," and engaging in pretend play.

In this article

  • Physical Milestones: Rolling, Crawling, and Walking
  • Cognitive Development in Infants: Understanding the World
  • Language Development: From Babbling to Baby Talking
  • Social and Emotional Milestones: Bonding and Interaction
  • Monitoring Baby's Growth: Weight and Height
  • When to Consult Your Pediatrician About Developmental Concerns

Watching your baby grow is truly awe-inspiring. Every smile, gurgle, and new movement reflects the incredible changes happening in their little body. The first year is filled with rapid growth, with your baby reaching key milestones that highlight their physical, cognitive, and social development.

By understanding these milestones, you can offer the right encouragement to help your baby thrive. In this article, we'll explore the key developmental markers to look out for during your baby's remarkable first year.

Physical Milestones: Rolling, Crawling, and Walking

Your baby's physical development is a thrilling journey, from those first tentative head lifts to confident steps. Let's dive into the major physical milestones your baby will likely achieve in their first year.

Baby Rolling Over: A Key Milestone

Around 4 to 6 months, your baby may surprise you by rolling over from their tummy to their back or vice versa. This is a significant milestone that demonstrates your baby's growing strength, coordination, and body awareness. Try giving them plenty of tummy time, always under supervision,  and celebrate each little roll with a big smile—it’s a moment worth cheering! As your baby masters rolling, they'll be eager to explore other ways of moving their body, setting the stage for the next big milestones.

When Do Babies Start Crawling?

Between 7 and 10 months, your baby may start to crawl, scooting along on their belly or hands and knees. Once they start crawling, your little explorer will be thrilled to uncover the world around them. Make sure to baby-proof your home, as your curious crawler will want to investigate every nook and cranny. Make it fun by placing their favorite toy just a little out of reach, so they can crawl towards it with determination. Keep harmful things, especially medications away from reach.

Baby's First Steps: Learning to Walk

The moment your baby takes their first wobbly steps is a memory you'll cherish forever. Typically, babies start pulling themselves up to stand and cruising along furniture between 9 and 12 months. Around their first birthday, they may take those eagerly anticipated independent steps. To support your baby's walking development:

  1. Provide a safe, open space for practice
  2. Offer stable objects for support, like a sturdy couch or low table
  3. Hold your baby's hands as they walk towards you, gradually reducing support as they gain confidence

And remember, each baby finds their own unique rhythm for these milestones. If your little one’s taking their time, they’re simply savoring the journey. With your encouragement and plenty of opportunities to practice, they'll be toddling around before you know it. Please do not use baby walkers as they are not safe and in fact delay the motor development of the baby. 

Cognitive Development in Infants: Understanding the World

In the first year, your baby will start making sense of the world around them—each new reaction and giggle is another step in their exciting journey. This primarily occurs through the Sensorimotor Stage, which involves learning through sensory experiences and motor activities. Infants develop essential skills such as paying attention to faces, following objects with their eyes, and recognising people at a distance. They also begin to understand cause and effect, like the sound produced by shaking a rattle or the reaction to dropping a toy. A pivotal milestone in this stage is the emergence of object permanence.

Object Permanence: Out of Sight, Still in Mind

Object permanence is a critical concept in infant cognitive development, typically achieved around 6 to 9 months of age. This involves understanding that objects continue to exist even when they are not visible. Infants demonstrate this by:

  • Looking for partially hidden objects at 6 months
  • Searching for wholly hidden objects by 9 months

Games like peek-a-boo and hide-and-seek are essential in reinforcing this concept, helping infants grasp that objects do not disappear just because they are out of sight. As infants continue to develop cognitively, they also make strides in language acquisition.

Language Development: From Babbling to Baby Talking

Language development is another crucial aspect of infant milestones during the first year. Infants engage with language from birth, responding to sounds and voices. By 4-7 months, they start cooing and babbling, which are foundational steps towards speech. As they progress, infants imitate sounds, learn to associate sounds with meanings, and eventually start making vowel sounds and consonant-vowel combinations. By around 9 months, babies may start making babbling sounds that mimic the cadence of speech, setting the stage for their first words.

Cooing and Babbling: The Foundation of Speech

Cooing and babbling are critical stages in an infant's language development. Here's a brief timeline of these milestones:

  1. Cooing typically starts around 2-3 months, with infants making soft, vowel-like sounds.
  2. Babbling emerges around 4-6 months, with infants combining vowels and consonants.
  3. By 7-9 months, babbling becomes more complex, with infants stringing together multiple syllables.

These stages lay the groundwork for baby talking, as infants learn to associate sounds with meanings and start to imitate the speech patterns they hear from their caregivers. By the end of the first year, most babies can say a few simple words, like "mama" or "dada," marking an exciting milestone in their language development journey.

Social and Emotional Milestones: Bonding and Interaction

Your baby’s first year is also a year of beautiful connections and infant milestones. From the first smile to the joyful laughter, your little one is learning to connect with the world around them.

  • By 2-3 months, babies start responding to social interactions with heart-warming smiles, and by 4-6 months, they giggle and show delight in playful activities.
  • Eye contact and facial recognition also develop early on, with infants preferring human faces and maintaining eye contact by 3 months.
  • As they grow, babies begin to distinguish emotions and respond to sounds by making their own.
  • By 9 months, they enjoy games like Peek-a-boo and start imitating actions they observe.

These interactions are essential for building a strong bond between the baby and caregivers.

Separation Anxiety: When Baby Clings to You

Around 9 months, babies may start to experience separation anxiety, which can peak between 12 to 18 months. During this phase, your little one may become clingy and show distress when separated from their primary caregivers. This is a normal part of their social development and often coincides with a fear of strangers.

When it’s time to say goodbye, try creating a comforting ritual, like a hug or special song, and leave a familiar object with them as a reminder that you’re always close in spirit.

Monitoring Baby's Growth: Weight and Height

Tracking your baby's growth is an essential aspect of their first year. Regular check-ups with your healthcare provider will help ensure your little one is growing at a healthy rate. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Babies typically double their birth weight by 5 months and triple it by their first birthday.
  • The average baby weight at birth is around 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs), and they gain about 140-200 grams (5-7 oz) per week in the first few months.
  • Baby height increases by about 2.5 cm (1 inch) per month during the first 6 months and then slows down to about 1.25 cm (0.5 inches) per month for the second half of the year.
  • Growth spurts are common and can affect appetite and sleep patterns temporarily.

Remember, every baby grows at their own pace, and slight variations are normal. Consult your paediatrician if you have any concerns about your baby's growth.

When to Consult Your Pediatrician About Developmental Concerns

As a parent, it's natural to have concerns about your baby's development, especially when it comes to reaching crucial infant milestones. While babies develop at their own pace, there are certain indicators that may warrant a consultation with your paediatrician.

  • If you notice your baby is not smiling by 2 months, rolling over by 6 months, or sitting up by 7-9 months, it's important to discuss these delays with your healthcare provider.
  • Additionally, if you observe any significant regressions in developmental skills or unusual behaviours, such as a lack of response to sounds or no babbling by 6 months, it's crucial to address these concerns during regular visits. 


What are the key infant milestones to look out for in the first year?

Key infant milestones in the first year include baby rolling over (3-6 months), baby sitting up (6-9 months), baby crawling (6-10 months), baby standing (9-12 months), and possibly taking first steps (9-18 months).

How much should a healthy baby's weight and height increase during the first year?

A healthy baby's weight typically triples and height increases by about 50% in the first year. Regular check-ups with a paediatrician help monitor growth and ensure the baby is meeting milestones.

When do babies typically start talking, and what are the early signs of language development?

Babies usually say their first words between 9-14 months. Early signs of language development include cooing (2-3 months), babbling (4-6 months), and understanding simple words like "no" (6-12 months).

How does brain development progress in infants during the first year?

Cognitive development in infants is rapid in the first year. Babies learn to recognise faces, respond to sounds, and develop memory. Engaging in activities like reading, singing, and playing helps stimulate baby brain development.

When should babies achieve physical milestones like rolling over, crawling, standing, and walking?

Babies typically start rolling over at 3-6 months, crawling at 6-10 months, standing with support at 9-12 months, and walking independently between 9-18 months. Regular tummy time helps strengthen muscles needed for these milestones.