PregnancyFirst TrimesterWeek 8

Week 8 of Pregnancy: Ten Little Fingers, Ten Little Toes!

Explore Week 8 of pregnancy: baby’s growth milestones, from tiny fingers & toes to taste buds, plus tips for dealing with nausea.

Dr Veena H

Key Timeframes

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Baby's growth

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Baby's features

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Mama's symptoms

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Tips to manage symptoms

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Congratulations on reaching Week 8 of pregnancy, Supermom! Your baby’s fingers and toes are no longer webbed, and their arms can now flex! Their tiny bones, muscles, taste buds, and more defined facial features are forming. You may also experience nausea, heightened sensitivity to smells, cramping, and constipation. These are all common as your body adjusts to the changes. Watch this video to learn expert tips for managing symptoms and to discover your baby’s amazing growth milestones. You’ve got this, Supermom!


How big is my baby at Week 8?

Your baby is approximately the size of a raspberry, measuring around 1.5 cm (0.5 inches) in length. Despite being so small, their organs and features are developing rapidly.

What symptoms are common at Week 8?

At Week 8, common symptoms include nausea, fatigue, breast tenderness, heartburn, and mood swings. You may also experience swollen, tender gums, increased vaginal discharge, and more frequent urination.

What happens during an ultrasound at Week 8?

An ultrasound at Week 8 may allow you to see your baby’s heartbeat for the first time. It also confirms the size and location of your pregnancy. Seeing the tiny flicker of the heartbeat on the screen is often reassuring and an emotional experience.

Is it normal to have increased vaginal discharge at Week 8?

Yes, increased vaginal discharge is normal during Week 8. It typically changes from thin, clear, or milky white to snot-like or mucus-like and helps protect against infections. However, if the discharge is yellow, or green, has a strong odour, or is accompanied by itching or irritation, it’s essential to consult your doctor.

Why do mood swings happen during Week 8 of pregnancy?

Mood swings are common in early pregnancy due to hormonal changes, especially the rise in oestrogen and progesterone levels. With so many changes happening, your body is under a lot of stress, which can make emotions fluctuate. One moment you may feel joyful, and the next, tearful or irritable—be patient with yourself, as this is all part of the process.