What size is my baby in Week 4?
Your baby is about the size of a poppy seed, so small but filled with potential.
Is spotting normal in the fourth week of pregnancy?
Light spotting, especially implantation bleeding, is common. However, if you’re worried, speak with your healthcare provider.
Is increased discharge a concern?
Increased cervical mucus is a normal response to pregnancy hormones and isn’t typically a concern unless accompanied by an unusual odour or colour.
What are common symptoms I can expect if I am 4 weeks pregnant?
At 4 weeks pregnant, some common symptoms include mild cramping, light spotting, tiredness, sore breasts, and mood swings. Some people may also experience nausea or feel more sensitive to smells. However, symptoms can vary, and it's normal if you don't notice any obvious changes yet.
Is it safe to exercise?
Light activities, like walking or gentle stretching, are generally safe, but consult your doctor for specific advice.