PregnancyThird TrimesterWeek 27

Week 27 of Pregnancy: Baby's Breathing & Mama’s Growing Belly!

In Week 27, your baby’s lungs are ready to breathe! Learn about the changes happening to you and your little one this week.

Dr Veena H

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Baby's growth

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Brain activity

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Mama's symptoms

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Tips to manage

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Welcome to Week 27 of pregnancy! This week, your baby’s lungs are getting ready for life outside the womb and they’re starting to show brain activity as new neurons form. Your baby continues to gain weight, and their skin is becoming smoother. As your baby grows, you might experience leg cramps, backaches, and frequent urination. Your skin, hair, and nails may also become thicker and shinier. Make sure to do gentle stretching exercises and stay hydrated. Feel free to reach out to our Apollo doctors and community for guidance and support. You’ve got this, supermom!


What kind of movements should I expect at 27 weeks?

As your baby’s muscles and nervous system develop, you will feel more frequent and vigorous movements. The baby may kick, roll, or stretch, and you may notice activity patterns.

Is shortness of breath usual at 27 weeks?

Yes, it’s common to experience shortness of breath as the uterus puts pressure on your diaphragm. It’s essential to take breaks and rest as needed.

How can I manage back pain during pregnancy?

Maintaining good posture, using a pregnancy pillow for support while sleeping, and engaging in gentle exercises like prenatal yoga can help relieve back pain.

What should I expect from a glucose screening test?

The glucose screening test involves drinking a sugary liquid, followed by a blood test to check how your body processes sugar and to screen for gestational diabetes.

Can I travel during week 27 of pregnancy?

Travel is usually safe if your pregnancy is progressing without complications. Be sure to check with your doctor if you’re planning long trips or have concerns about your health during travel.