PregnancySecond TrimesterWeek 26

Week 26 of Pregnancy: Baby’s Immunity & Your Changing Body

In Week 26, your baby’s immune system strengthens, while you experience swelling and Braxton Hicks. Learn how to stay comfortable!

Dr Veena H

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Baby's growth

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Baby's lung development

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Mama's body changes

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Tips to manage

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Welcome to Week 26 of pregnancy! This week, your baby’s immune system is becoming stronger as they absorb antibodies from you. Their eyelashes have formed, and they might even open their eyes soon. Your little one’s lungs are preparing for the outside world by producing surfactant. As your baby grows, you may notice swelling in your face, hands, and legs, and Braxton Hicks contractions may become more noticeable. Stay hydrated, monitor your caffeine intake, and take walks to keep your energy up. Remember, our Apollo doctors and community are here to support you every step of the way!


How big is my baby at 26 weeks?

At 26 weeks, your baby is about the size of a brinjal (eggplant), measuring around 35 cm long and weighing about 760 grams.

What kind of movements should I expect at 26 weeks?

Your baby’s movements will likely become stronger and more frequent. You may feel kicks, rolls, or stretches, and the baby may even respond to sounds or light from the outside world.

Is shortness of breath usual at 26 weeks?

Yes, shortness of breath is common at this stage. Your growing uterus presses on your diaphragm, making it harder to take deep breaths, especially after physical exertion. It’s usually temporary and improves with rest.

How can I manage back pain during pregnancy?

Back pain is common due to the added weight of your growing baby. To relieve discomfort, try maintaining good posture, using a pregnancy pillow for support while sleeping, and engaging in gentle activities like prenatal yoga or swimming.

Are stretch marks common at 26 weeks?

Stretch marks are common as your body adjusts to accommodate your growing baby. Moisturising your skin with oils or creams can help improve the appearance of stretch marks, although they typically fade over time.

How can I relieve heartburn at 26 weeks?

To reduce heartburn, try eating smaller, more frequent meals, avoid spicy or fatty foods, and stay upright after eating. Your doctor may also recommend safe antacids during pregnancy.