Why is my body changing even though I’m not pregnant yet?
In Week 2, your body prepares for ovulation and gets ready to support a pregnancy if fertilisation occurs. Hormones adjust to create an ideal environment for conception, supporting your reproductive health.
Why do I feel more emotional than usual?
Hormonal changes before ovulation can affect your mood, leading to irritability, sadness, or excitement. Mood swings are common and normal during this time.
Why is there an increase in discharge during Week 2?
An increase in cervical mucus is normal in Week 2, signalling that your body is preparing for ovulation. The mucus becomes clearer and stretchier, aiding sperm movement.
How can I track my symptoms in Week 2?
Tracking symptoms like cervical mucus changes and mood helps you understand your cycle. Logging these changes using an app or journal can reveal patterns and assist with planning for conception.
Can I still exercise in Week 2?
Yes, it’s safe to exercise in Week 2, especially if you’re already active. Regular activity is healthy and reduces stress. If you’re trying to conceive, listen to your body and consult your doctor if unsure about certain exercises."