What are common symptoms at week 16?
Many women experience increased energy, round ligament pain, nasal congestion, varicosities and noticeable changes in their hair, skin, and nails. You might also have a growing appetite as your baby develops.
Can I feel my baby move at week 16?
Some women may start feeling tiny flutters, called ""quickening,"" around this time, while others may notice them closer to Week 20.
How big is my baby at week 16?
Your baby is about the size of an avocado, measuring approximately 11-12 cm long and weighing a little over 100 grams.
Is vaginal discharge normal during this week?
Yes, increased vaginal discharge is standard and helps prevent infections. As long as it’s thin, milky, and odourless, it’s normal. If you notice a strong smell, itching, or unusual colour, visit your doctor.
Should I be showing by now?
Most women notice a tiny baby bump around week 16, though the size varies depending on factors like body type and whether this is their first pregnancy.
What tests or scans might I have this week?
Your doctor may schedule a check-up to monitor your blood pressure, weight, and your baby’s heartbeat. They might also suggest the quadruple test to screen for chromosomal conditions. Additionally, an ultrasound may be advised depending on your risks and overall condition.