PregnancySecond TrimesterWeek 15

Week 15 of Pregnancy: Baby’s Movements & Mama’s Energy Boost!

Discover Week 15 of pregnancy—your baby is moving, sucking their thumb, and growing fast! Learn symptoms, tips, and more!

Dr Veena H

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Baby's growth

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Mama's symptoms

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Can you have sex during pregnancy?

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Tips to manage

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Welcome to Week 15 of pregnancy! Your baby is now actively moving, sucking their thumb, and even developing facial expressions. Their taste buds are forming, and their features are becoming more defined. You may feel an energy boost, but symptoms like heartburn, indigestion, and nosebleeds may persist. Your gums are more sensitive, so gentle oral care is essential. Shortness of breath is common as your baby grows, especially if you're carrying twins. Stay comfortable by resting when needed and sleeping on your side. Watch this video for expert tips, and remember, Apollo doctors and our community are by your side throughout!


Can I feel my baby move at Week 15? 

It’s still a bit early for most women to feel movements, but some may start noticing light flutters, especially if this isn’t their first pregnancy.

What should I eat during Week 15? 

Focus on a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and dairy. Include foods high in omega-3, proteins, calcium and iron to support your baby’s bone and blood development.

Is back pain normal at this stage? 

Mild back pain is common due to your growing uterus and shifting posture. Prenatal yoga and gentle stretches can help alleviate discomfort.

Can I travel during Week 15? 

Yes, travel is generally safe during the second trimester. However, consult your doctor before making plans, and take necessary precautions to stay comfortable during the journey.

Is it safe to sleep on my back? 

While it’s generally safe during early pregnancy, starting to sleep on your side is recommended to improve blood flow to your baby.