Why don’t I feel any different yet?
During week one, your body prepares for ovulation, so noticeable changes are minimal.
Is it normal to feel mood swings during the first week of pregnancy?
Yes, mood swings can happen even in the early stages of pregnancy due to hormonal changes. You may feel more emotional or have unexpected shifts in mood.
Will I feel any pregnancy symptoms in the first week?
Most women don’t feel pregnancy symptoms during the first week since conception hasn’t occurred yet. However, some may experience mild cramping or changes in discharge as their body prepares for ovulation and potential pregnancy. Early symptoms like nausea and fatigue usually appear a few weeks later.
How does the baby develop in week one of pregnancy?
In the first week of your pregnancy, the fertilised egg has not yet formed, as conception typically happens about two weeks after the start of your last menstrual period. However, your body is already preparing for pregnancy by thickening the uterine lining, which will later support a developing baby.
Should I change my diet in the first week of my pregnancy?
Eating a balanced diet is always beneficial. If you’re planning to conceive, try increasing your folic acid intake.