PregnancyThird TrimesterMonth 9

Month 9 of Pregnancy: Get Ready to Meet Your Little One!

Your baby is fully developed and ready to meet you! Learn about baby’s growth, your symptoms and how to manage discomfort.

Dr Veena H

Key Timeframes

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Baby's developments

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Mama's developments

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Preparing to meet your little one

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In the final month of pregnancy, your baby is preparing to meet you! Their systems are maturing and getting ready for life outside the womb. 
As you prepare for your baby’s arrival, you may experience fatigue, frequent urination, and shortness of breath. 
Connect with Apollo’s experts for guidance and tips to manage these symptoms. What an incredible journey this has been—you're truly a Supermom!


"Is it normal to feel fewer baby movements in the ninth month?

Yes, it’s normal. You may feel fewer kicks as space tightens but still notice strong nudges, rolls, or shifts. Contact your healthcare provider if you see a significant decrease or complete absence of movement.

How can I tell the difference between real contractions and Braxton Hicks?

Braxton Hicks contractions are irregular, mild, and stop with position changes. Real labour contractions are regular, stronger, and last longer. If they become consistent and intense, it may be labour.

What should I pack in my hospital bag?

Pack comfortable clothes, toiletries, snacks, water, important documents, baby essentials (diapers, onesies, car seat), and a phone charger for convenience.

Is it safe to exercise in the ninth month of pregnancy?

Yes, gentle exercises like walking, swimming, and prenatal yoga are safe and helpful. Always check with your healthcare provider before starting new exercises.

What foods should I avoid in the ninth month?

Avoid high-mercury fish (e.g., swordfish), undercooked meats, unpasteurized dairy, and excess caffeine. Focus on a balanced diet with protein, calcium, iron, and healthy fats.