PregnancyThird TrimesterMonth 8

Month 8 of Pregnancy: Baby's Responses & Your Body's Changes

In Month 8 of pregnancy, your baby responds to the outside world while your body adjusts. Learn about stretch marks, hemorrhoids, and self-care tips.

Dr Veena H

Key Timeframes

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Baby's developments

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Mama's body changes

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Tips for care

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Welcome to Month 8 of pregnancy! In this video, Dr. Heal discusses your baby’s growing ability to react to the world outside. With most organs developed, your little one is functioning more like an individual every day.
You may also notice changes in your body, like stretch marks, constipation, and hemorrhoids.
Stay connected with Apollo’s community of moms-to-be, where doctors share tips to help ease discomfort. Apollo’s experts are here for you—stay strong, supermom!


Why am I feeling so tired in the eighth month?

By month eight, your body is working hard to support a rapidly growing baby. It can be exhausting as your baby gains weight and your organs shift to make space. Feeling more tired than usual is normal—take time to rest and listen to your body.

Is it normal to feel more pressure in my pelvis now?

Yes, this is common. As your baby moves lower into the pelvis (a process called ""lightening""), you may feel increased pressure. This can make walking or standing for long periods uncomfortable. If the pressure becomes painful, consult your healthcare provider.

Why am I feeling more emotional or irritable?

Hormones fluctuate throughout the third trimester, often causing mood swings. Physical discomfort and the anticipation of childbirth can bring a mix of feelings like excitement, worry, or impatience. Practising self-care can help manage these emotions.

How can I cope with mood swings during this time?

Stay connected with supportive friends and family, get enough rest, and practise relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or prenatal yoga. It’s normal to experience a wide range of emotions during these final weeks.

Can I continue exercising in the eighth month?

Yes, as long as your doctor approves. Light activities like walking, stretching, or prenatal yoga can improve your mood, boost energy, and ease tension. Avoid exercises that involve lying flat on your back or are too intense."