PregnancySecond TrimesterMonth 7

Month 7 of Pregnancy: Braxton Hicks & Baby's Growth!

Discover milestones in Month 7 of pregnancy: baby’s lung development, melanin production, and tips for Braxton Hicks relief.

Dr Veena H

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Baby's growth

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Baby's lungs develop

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Mama's symptoms

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Braxton hicks contractions

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Welcome to Month 7 of pregnancy, Supermom! Your baby grows stronger as their lungs produce surfactant, preparing them for life outside the womb. Melanin production begins, giving your little one unique skin, hair, and eye colour. This month, you might experience Braxton Hicks contractions, backaches, or shortness of breath as your baby grows and your body adjusts. Watch this video for expert advice on navigating these changes and understanding your baby’s incredible progress. Apollo's experts are here to support you every step of the way!


Why am I feeling more tired in my seventh month of pregnancy?

As your baby grows, your body works harder to support them, which increases fatigue. This is completely normal during the third trimester.

Is it normal to have mood swings?

Yes, hormonal changes during pregnancy often cause mood swings, especially in the third trimester, making them a common experience.

What should I do if I notice fewer movements?

If you notice a significant decrease in movements, contact your doctor immediately. Regular movement is an important sign of your baby’s health.

Can I keep exercising?

Yes, you can continue exercising if you choose low-impact activities such as walking, swimming, or yoga, which are safe during pregnancy.

How much weight should I gain in the third trimester?

Typically, weight gain in the third trimester is about 0.5-1 kg per week. However, your doctor can provide personalised guidance based on your health and pregnancy progress."