PregnancySecond TrimesterMonth 6

Month 6 of Pregnancy: Baby Movements & Braxton Hicks

In Month 6 of pregnancy, feel your little one moving. Learn about Braxton Hicks contractions, breast secretions, and self-care tips.

Dr Veena H

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Baby's development

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Mama's symptoms

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Tips to manage

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Welcome to Month 6 of pregnancy! In this video, Dr. Heal walks you through the exciting milestones for your baby and the changes your body is experiencing.
At this stage, your baby is making coordinated movements and producing red blood cells with the help of bone marrow.
You may experience Braxton Hicks contractions—mild, irregular cramps that help prepare your uterus for labour.
Discover helpful tips for easing your discomfort and taking care of yourself. Apollo's experts are just a text away!


Why am I feeling more tired in the sixth month of my pregnancy?

Your body uses extra energy to support your baby’s growth, which may lead to fatigue.

Is it normal to have mood swings?

Yes, hormonal changes cause mood shifts. It’s a common part of pregnancy.

What should I do if I feel fewer movements?

Contact your doctor if you notice significantly less movement. Regular movements are a positive sign of a healthy pregnancy.

Can I keep exercising?

Yes, but stick to low-impact activities like walking or swimming.

Do I need extra calcium in the sixth month of pregnancy?

Yes, calcium is essential for your baby’s developing bones.