PregnancySecond TrimesterMonth 5

Month 5 of Pregnancy: Baby’s Kicks & Pregnancy Glow!

Discover exciting milestones in Month 5 of pregnancy: baby’s first movements, developing senses, and your pregnancy glow!

Dr Veena H

Key Timeframes

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Baby's growth

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Baby's movements

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Mama's changes

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Pregnancy glow

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Congratulations on reaching Month 5 of pregnancy, Supermom! Your baby is now as big as an avocado and starting to develop senses like hearing and responding to light. This month, you might feel those magical first movements, known as "quickening." Meanwhile, your body is adjusting beautifully—your belly is growing, and the pregnancy glow is making you shine. Some symptoms and skin changes may appear, but they’re all part of this exciting journey. Watch this video to learn how to care for yourself and understand the incredible milestones your baby is reaching!


Can I sleep on my back during the fifth month of pregnancy?

It's best to avoid sleeping on your back during the second and third trimesters. The weight of your uterus can put pressure on your spine and major blood vessels, which can cause discomfort and decreased blood flow to your baby. Try sleeping on your side with a pregnancy pillow for support.

How much weight should I gain during the fifth month of pregnancy?

Weight gain varies from person to person, but on average, women gain about 1 pound per week during the second and third trimesters. Your healthcare provider will monitor your weight gain and provide personalised recommendations based on your pre-pregnancy weight and overall health.

Is it safe to travel during the fifth month of pregnancy?

It's generally safe to travel during the second trimester, but it's always best to consult with your healthcare provider before making any travel plans. Be sure to stay hydrated, take frequent breaks to stretch your legs, and avoid sitting for prolonged periods.

When will I start to feel my baby move?

Most women start to feel their baby move between 16 and 24 weeks of pregnancy. These first movements, called quickening, may feel like flutters or bubbles in your stomach. As your baby grows, the movements will become more distinct and frequent.

How much exercise should I do during pregnancy?

Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week unless your healthcare provider advises otherwise. Break it up into smaller sessions if needed, and remember to stay hydrated.