PregnancySecond TrimesterMonth 4

Month 4 of Pregnancy: Baby’s Movements & Your Body’s Changes

Learn about your baby’s expressions, thumb-sucking and how to manage common pregnancy symptoms like heartburn and backaches in month 4.

Dr Veena H

Key Timeframes

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Baby's developments

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Mama's Symptoms

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Welcome to Month 4 of pregnancy! In this video, Dr. Heal highlights your baby’s incredible growth milestones, including their first movements and developed facial features. 
You’ll learn how to manage common symptoms like heartburn, constipation, and back pain, while also preparing for changes in appetite and circulation. 
Connect with Apollo’s expert community for ongoing support and practical tips. Take it one day at a time, Supermom—you’ve got this!


Why do I feel more energetic in the second trimester?

Reducing early pregnancy symptoms like nausea and fatigue often brings renewed energy.

Is it okay to sleep on my back?

No, sleeping on your back is not recommended for pregnant women. It’s best to start sleeping on your side to improve circulation, especially after week 20, as sleeping on your back can put pressure on major blood vessels, affecting blood flow to both you and your baby.

Can vaginal discharge indicate a problem with the pregnancy?

While normal discharge is harmless, a sudden increase in watery discharge or discharge mixed with blood could indicate amniotic fluid leakage or other concerns. If this happens, seek medical attention immediately.

Why am I experiencing nasal congestion during pregnancy?

Nasal congestion, often called ""pregnancy rhinitis,"" is common due to increased blood flow and hormonal changes. Using a saline spray or humidifier can help relieve discomfort.

Can I start doing prenatal yoga in the fourth month?

Yes, the fourth month is a great time to start prenatal yoga if your doctor approves. It helps improve flexibility, reduce stress, and prepare your body for childbirth. Practice under a qualified instructor and avoid poses that pressure your abdomen.