New born & InfantInfant DevelopmentMonth 1 Infant

1 Month Infant Development: Tummy Time & Early Bonding Tips


During the first month, your baby’s growth takes off! Learn about tummy time, bonding with your baby, and early development tips.

Dr Veena H

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Baby's development

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Tummy time

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Bonding with your baby

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In the first month, your baby adapts to life outside the womb and grows rapidly! From tummy time to lifting its tiny head, your baby is getting ready for future milestones. 
Bonding with your baby is essential—talk, sing, and read to them to help strengthen their memory and communication skills.
Stay connected with Apollo’s expert community for advice and practical tips on supporting your child's growth and development. We've got your back, Supermom!


What is the ideal weight for a 1-month-old baby?

About 3.2–5.5 kg for boys and 3.0–5.2 kg for girls.

Is it normal for my baby to lose weight after birth?

Yes, most babies lose 5-10% of their birth weight in the first week but regain it by the second.

How often should I feed my baby?

Usually, 8-12 times daily or on demand.

What should my baby’s poop look like?

Yellow or mustard-coloured poop is normal for breastfed babies.

Why is my baby having trouble pooping?

Newborns often strain; as long as the stool is soft, it’s normal.

What is cradle cap?

A harmless condition causing flaky skin on the scalp. Use baby oil and a soft brush to treat it."