First, wash your hands with soap and water before inserting the tampon. Next, follow the step-by-step process as explained below, depending on the type of tampon:
With Applicator:
Step 1: Unwrap the tampon and find a suitable position to insert.
Step 2: Place the string downwards and hold it at the base with your thumb and index fingers.
Step 3: Use the other hand to hold and open the vaginal skin.
Step 4: Gently insert it along with the applicator and push the applicator until the tampon is positioned correctly.
Step 5: Gently remove the applicator by holding on the base.
That's it. Now, check if the tampon is uncomfortable or irritating. If it is painful, try again with a new tampon.
Without Applicator:
It is similar to the above process, but gently push the tampon with your index finger instead of the applicator.
Tampon Removal
Pull the string gently downwards to remove the tampon. Dispose of them in trash bins, but never flush them in toilets.