As your due date approaches, it’s natural to wonder if every little twinge or sensation could mean that labour is starting. To help you feel more prepared, here are some of the early signs that might signal your baby is on the way:
- Contractions: You might notice regular, painful contractions that gradually get stronger and closer together. These contractions are helping your cervix thin out and open up to get ready for delivery. They often feel like abdominal tightening, lower backache, or pain radiating down to your thighs.
- Lower back pain and cramping: That familiar cramping in your lower back and belly, much like period pain, could be an early sign that labour is on its way. It might just feel like a dull ache at first but can intensify over time.
- Pelvic pressure: As your baby drops lower into the birth canal, you may feel increased pressure or heaviness in your pelvis. You might also feel the urge to go to the toilet more often as your baby presses down on your bladder.
- Mucus plug discharge: Losing your mucus plug, which seals the cervix throughout pregnancy, is another sign that labour could be near. This mucus plug is removed through discharge, which can be clear, pink, or slightly bloody. You may notice this jelly-like discharge days, or even weeks, before labour kicks in.
- Water breaking: One of the sure-shot signs that labour is starting is when your water breaks. This could be a sudden gush of fluid or a slower trickle. If you think your water has broken, it’s important to contact your doctor or head to the labour room straight away.
Keeping an eye on these signs can help you feel more confident about when labour is starting. And remember, if you're ever unsure, don't hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider for advice!
Changes in Cervical Dilation and Effacement
It's super interesting to know how your body physically prepares for labour. Let's talk about what happens to your cervix, which is the canal that connects your uterus to your vagina.
The cervix thins and shortens in preparation for childbirth as labour approaches. This is called cervical effacement or effacement of the cervix. When you get contractions, you are helping this cervical effacement, making it easier for the baby to come out. Cervical effacement is measured in percentages from 0% to 100%.
Another thing happens to your cervix. It dilates. Cervical dilation means the relaxation and opening of the cervix. It is measured in centimetres from 0 to 10 cm. In early labour, your cervix may dilate slowly, while active labour is characterised by more rapid dilation. Your healthcare provider will monitor these changes during prenatal check-ups to assess your progress.
When the cervix is 80-100% effaced and around 4-10 cm dilated, it is likely that you are in the active phase of the first stage of labour.