Surbhi had been feeling off all day. It started with a dull ache in her lower back, something she’d been dealing with on and off throughout her third trimester. But now there was a bit of cramping in her belly, kind of like period pain. "Is this it?" she wondered.
The cramps weren’t regular, and she'd read that real contractions come in waves. But she couldn’t help but notice the pressure in her pelvis was stronger than usual, and her belly seemed to tighten every now and then.
She sat on the couch, timing the cramps, trying to figure out if these were Braxton-Hicks again or the start of labour. "Maybe it’s just another false alarm," she thought, but a little voice in her head kept asking, "What if this is the real thing?"
The signs that labour pain is starting vary from woman to woman. It can be difficult to tell the difference between the pain from the initial days of the third trimester and the end of the third trimester of pregnancy. But while every woman's experience is unique, there are several common indicators that your body is gearing up for the big day.
In this article, we'll explore the signs of labour and other key changes that signal your little one is on the way.