
5 Yoga Poses for Second Trimester: Strength & Relaxation

Discover 5 yoga poses to strengthen and relax during the second trimester of pregnancy

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Dr. Aswathi AT

At a Glance

Second Trimester Yoga Benefits

Yoga during the second trimester enhances physical strength, flexibility, and emotional well-being while preparing the body for labour.

Five Recommended Poses

Virabhadrasana, Marjaryasana, Supta Baddha Konasana, Trikonasana, and Baddha Konasana are safe and effective.

Improves Circulation and Mobility

Yoga helps counter swelling, improves mobility, and enhances blood circulation.

Builds Strength for Labour

Core strength and stamina are developed, which are crucial during childbirth.

In this article

  • 1. Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana)
  • 2. Cat-Cow Stretch (Marjaryasana/Bitilasana)
  • 3. Reclining Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)
  • 4. Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)
  • 5. Butterfly Pose (Baddha konasana)
  • Ways How Yoga Can Help You During Your Pregnancy
  • Suggestions for doing Yoga practices while pregnant

Staying active during your pregnancy is very important. Are you finding it difficult to deal with your pregnancy? What if we say Yoga can help?

Every woman’s pregnancy is different. During the second trimester, which typically spans from week 13 to week 27, women often experience numerous physical and emotional changes. This period is frequently described as the most enjoyable and relaxing time for expectant mothers, as many report a sudden increase in energy and a deeper connection with their unborn child.

We recommend incorporating yoga into your routine during this time, as it can provide relief and help prepare your body for labour. Below are five beneficial yoga poses specifically designed for the second trimester, along with their benefits and step-by-step instructions.

 1. Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana)


  • Increases the strength of the arms and legs.
  • Increases stability and balance.
  • It opens the chest and lungs and increases the lung volume.
  • Increases the level of concentration and self-esteem.


1. Stand erect with your feet hip-width apart.

2. Turn your left foot outwards at 45 degrees and step it back three to four feet behind you.

3. Keep your left leg straight and bend the right leg at a right angle where the knee cap is above the right ankle.

4. Maintain both your arms parallel to the ground while opening your palms downwards.

5. Look beyond your right fingers and hold your look for 30 seconds to one minute.

6. Change sides and repeat steps 6 and 7.

2. Cat-Cow Stretch (Marjaryasana/Bitilasana)


  • First and foremost, the range of motion is improved and widened in the spine area.
  • The tension buildup and discomfort on the back is slowly decreased.
  • Most importantly, it facilitates further rest by releasing more stress content.


  1. Start on your hands and knees in a tabletop position, with wrists under shoulders and knees under hips.
  2. Inhale deeply, arching your back (Cow Pose), lifting your head and tailbone towards the ceiling.
  3. Exhale slowly, rounding your spine (Cat Pose), tucking your chin to your chest.

Continue this flow for 5-10 cycles, synchronising breath with movement.

3. Reclining Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)


  • Greater motion range is seen to develop in the areas of the groin and the hip.
  • Enhanced rest would result in lesser anxiety.
  • Predominantly, the broader pelvic opening assists greatly with childbearing.


  1. Begin by sitting comfortably on the floor with your legs stretched in front of you.
  2. Now, one at a time, clutch your feet together while bending your knees and splaying your legs out sideways.
  3. Recline on a mat or blanket while resting on some pillows for support if you’d like.
  4. You can comfortably place your arms along the sides of your body or even put them on your abdomen while connecting with the child/ baby.
  5. Lastly, Deep focus your attention for around 5 - 10 minutes on slow breathing while staying in that position.

 4. Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)


  • Good for enhancing muscle tone and flexibility across almost all body areas, especially in the shoulders.
  • Offers a great improvement in hand-eye coordination, faster reflexes, and general stability.
  • Enhances blood circulation and improves metabolism.


1. Keep your legs shoulder-length apart, and rotate your right foot out 45 degrees while your left foot faces inward.

2. Position your shoulders level to the floor with your arms stretched out sideways.

3. Extend your arms parallel to the floor at shoulder height.

4. Reach forward with your right hand toward your right ankle or shin while extending the left arm upwards.

5. Remain in the pose for between thirty seconds to one minute and then change to the other side.

5. Butterfly Pose (Baddha konasana)


  • Works on the flexibility of the back and hips and is also helpful in childbirth.
  • Widens the pelvic canal.
  • Engages the lower abdominal region, allowing improved blood flow to the pelvic region.


1. Use a mat or a cushion to maintain correct body posture, with the head, neck, spine, and knees in a straight line.

2. Bend your knees, bringing the soles of your feet together as close to your body as comfortable.

3. Allow your knees to drop gently toward the floor while holding onto your feet or ankles.

4. Keep a straight back; you may lean slightly forward if it feels comfortable.

5. Stay in this position for around 1 to 2 minutes; remember to breathe slowly and deeply.

Ways How Yoga Can Help You During Your Pregnancy

Doing these yoga poses during your regular yoga practice may help improve your experience during pregnancy by:

  • Improving Mobility: Due to body changes, weight gain, and hormones, it’s natural that you may find it more difficult to do things as your pregnancy progresses. One way to counter this change is by being consistent in training, as it helps keep your muscles and joints mobile.
  • Reducing Stress Levels: Staying mindful and practising deep breathing techniques during yoga practice can help reduce the stress you may experience during your pregnancy.
  • Increasing Blood Circulation: Certain poses like stretching and moving around can help improve blood circulation, which ultimately assists in diminishing the formation of swollen legs and feet, which is common in pregnant women.
  • Building Core Muscle Strength: Core muscle strength is developed when pregnancy yoga poses are held where a growing belly needs support. This will be beneficial in relieving back pain.
  • Preparing For Labour: Holding the poses will allow you to build stamina and strength that will be useful during labour while also ensuring that your pelvis doesn't distort.

Suggestions for doing Yoga practices while pregnant

1. Hear Your Body Talk: It's important to pay close attention to the feelings you get in each pose and avoid the movements and positions that may cause discomfort.

2. Be creative with poses: As your tummy expands, it is important to have some blocks or pillows handy to make these poses more comfortable.

3. Do Not Forget to Drink Fluids: Staying hydrated is key. Drink fluids, particularly before and after practice.

4. Call Your Doctor: speak to a healthcare professional when beginning any form of exercise during pregnancy to ensure it is safe.

5. Breathe Deeply: Breathe deeply at each pose to relax and increase the bond with your child.

In summary, engaging in these five specific yoga poses during the second trimester of pregnancy offers a wealth of benefits that can greatly enhance the overall experience for expectant mothers. Not only do these poses promote general physical fitness, but they also serve to strengthen the intimate connection between a mother and her unborn child. Through improved focus and relaxation, mothers can cultivate a serene environment that encourages mindfulness and emotional bonding. Embrace this beautiful journey by incorporating daily yoga practice into your routine, allowing yourself to fully appreciate the miraculous transformation taking place within you.


Is yoga safe during the second trimester of pregnancy?

Yes, with modifications and your doctor’s approval, yoga is beneficial and safe during the second trimester.

Which pose helps with back pain relief in the second trimester?

Marjaryasana-Bitilasana (Cat-Cow Pose) is excellent for relieving back tension and improving spinal mobility.

Can yoga help with swollen legs during pregnancy?

Yes, poses that improve circulation, like Trikonasana (Triangle Pose), can help reduce swelling in the legs and feet.

Should I modify yoga poses as my belly grows?

Absolutely. Use props like pillows or blocks for support and avoid poses that cause discomfort.

How does yoga prepare the body for labour?

Yoga builds strength, enhances pelvic flexibility, and improves stamina, all of which are essential for a smoother labour experience.