Types of Ovulation Test Kits Available in India
In India, ovulation test kits come in various forms, such as strips, midstream tests, and digital tests. Some popular brands include Apollo, Ova News, and i-Know. Let's take a closer look at these best ovulation test kits in India.
Apollo Ovulation Test Kit
The Apollo Ovulation Test Kit is priced at Rs. 449.1 for a pack of 5 tests. By using this kit, you can precisely identify the 2 most fertile days in your menstrual cycle, helping you time intercourse for better conception outcomes. With 5 test strips included, you can test over a 5-day period to ensure you don't miss your LH surge, even if it varies slightly from cycle to cycle. It also gives accurate detection of LH surges as low as 10 mIU/mL.
The kit's unique selling point is its fast and reliable results, ease of use, and free urine collection tray, making it ideal for women who are new to using ovulation tests.
Ova News Detection Kit
Priced at Rs. 600, the Ova News Detection Kit contains 6 single-use ovulation test strips, a disposable dropper, and a urine container. Use the disposable dropper to apply 3 drops of urine to the sample well on the ovulation test strip. It gives accurate results within 5 minutes.
Its standout feature is the extra-wide absorbent tip, which ensures precision by preventing oversaturation of the test strip.
i-Know Ovulation Testing Strip
The i-Know Ovulation Testing Strip comes in a pack of 5 tests, priced at Rs. 549. It is an affordable and reliable option for women seeking to understand their ovulation patterns and improve their chances of getting pregnant. Start testing a few days after your period ends, depending on the length of your cycle.
With 99% accuracy, this kit's ultra-sensitive strips can detect even the slightest increase in LH levels, making it perfect for women with irregular cycles.