Preparing Your Body for Labour
Preparing your body for childbirth is crucial for a smoother, more manageable delivery and faster recovery. Focusing on physical fitness helps build strength, improve flexibility, and boost stamina, all of which are vital during labour. It also reduces the risk of complications and promotes better postpartum recovery. Here are some key exercises designed to strengthen your body and prepare it for the challenges of childbirth, ensuring you’re physically ready for the journey ahead.
Kegel Exercises
In normal delivery scenarios, pelvic muscles play a vital role. Hence, pregnant women have to strengthen their pelvic muscles through regular workouts. Kegel exercises help a lot in tightening these muscles. The perfect technique to do Kegels is imagining that you are sitting on a marble and you're tightening your pelvic muscles to lift it. Keeping this in mind, tighten your muscles and relax them immediately. Repeat the same process at least three times per day. When you are doing Kegels, be careful about your abdominal muscles, and if you feel any discomfort, please stop the exercise immediately.
Perineal Massage
Perineal massage helps stretch the muscles around the vagina which can be very beneficial during labour. Not to mention, you will find it very relaxing too. This massage can be done with the help of your partner. He may use his index finger to massage your perineal instead of his thumb. In case you are doing it yourself, use your thumb for convenience. You can place your thumb just inside the back wall of your vagina and apply pressure down towards your perineum. If you find it uncomfortable or painful, please stop immediately.