
Stages of Labour: How to Prepare for Each Phase

Learn about the four stages of labour and how to prepare effectively for each phase, ensuring a smoother childbirth experience.

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Dr Sangeetha Visweshwaran

At a Glance

Stage 1: Dilation

involves three phases - early, active, and transition, marked by increasing cervical dilation and contraction intensity.

Stage 2: Delivery

Starts when the cervix is fully dilated; it's time to push the baby through the birth canal.

Stage 3: Afterbirth

Includes delivering the placenta, aided by mild contractions within 30 minutes post-birth.

Stage 4: Recovery

Spans hours post-delivery, focusing on uterine contraction and recovery; breastfeeding can help.

Preparation Tips

Stay hydrated, rest, and consider childbirth classes for coping strategies during labour.

In this article

  • Understanding the Signs of Labour
  • First Stage of Labour
  • Second Stage of Labour
  • Third Stage of Labour
  • Fourth Stage of Labour

Hello Mamas! Labour is the final phase of pregnancy that your body goes through to bring your child into the world. It includes a series of physical changes that prepare your body for childbirth, from the dilation of the cervix and contractions to the birth of your child. Each woman's labour experience is one of a kind and varies in time, effort, and the stages she goes through.

Labour is usually divided into four stages, and understanding these stages can help you feel more organised and at ease. Effective planning, support systems, and awareness are critical components during labour, making the experience as smooth and positive as possible.

Understanding the Signs of Labour

As your due date approaches, it's natural to feel excited and anxious about the prospect of delivering your baby. But how will you know when it's time? The signs of labour can vary from woman to woman, but there are some common indicators to watch out for:

  • Period-like cramps or a dull ache in your lower back that comes and goes.
  • There may be false labour pains felt in your stomach just before the regular contractions known as Braxton Hicks contractions.
  • Contractions that become more regular and intense over time.
  • A small amount of bloodstained discharge, known as the "show," as the mucus plug drops out.
  • Loose stools or diarrhoea.
  • A gush or trickle of fluid if your water breaks.

It's always best to talk to your doctor or midwife for guidance if you're unsure whether you're in labour. They can advise you on when to head to the hospital or birthing centre based on your circumstances.

First Stage of Labour

This stage includes early labour, active labour, and the transition phase.

Early labour

  • During the first stage of labour, your body dilates the cervix in preparation for delivery.  A cervix dilation of about 2-4 cm and mild irregular contractions are the hallmarks of early labour. This phase may result in pain that lasts for hours or even days such as cramps or a backache. During this phase, it's crucial to keep your cool, get enough sleep, and drink lots of water.

Active labour

  • During active labour, your cervix dilates 4-7 cm. Contractions often intensify and become more frequent roughly every 3 to 5 minutes on average. Four to eight hours pass during this phase. You may manage the pain during this period by shifting positions, practising deep breathing, and relying on your support system. Breathing exercises help manage pain and keep you focused. Try deep, slow breaths: inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Repeat, keeping a steady rhythm to stay calm and centred.

Transition Phase

  • Your cervix dilates to a length of 8-10 cm during the transition phase. Contractions peak in intensity, every 2-3 minutes on average. It's possible to experience extreme pressure and the need to exert yourself during this phase. It can last for 30 min to 2 hours. It is the shortest but most difficult phase. You're almost ready to start pushing your baby, so it's important to keep your breathing in check and lean on your support system.

Second Stage of Labour

The second stage of labour begins when the dilation of your cervix reaches its fullest and you start pressing your baby through the birth canal. During this stage of labour, you will feel compelled to push as the baby descends. This stage can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours depending on the baby's position.

It's beneficial to practice pushing techniques with your gynaecologist or in childbirth classes to get ready. Maintaining energy and fluids is critical for maintaining the effort, and open communication with your team of nurses and doctors will help you navigate this phase with clarity and support.

Third Stage of Labour

The third stage of labour begins when the placenta is expelled following the delivery. This typically occurs 5 to 30 minutes after childbirth. In this stage, the uterus contracts to release and deliver the placenta. The placenta is delivered fully to avoid complications and your doctor will make sure that mild contractions help with this process. Since it's usually less intense at this point, you can unwind and savour your baby's early moments. Make sure you prioritise skin-to-skin contact and start breastfeeding if you'd like. This will help encourage uterine contractions and facilitate placenta expulsion.

Fourth Stage of Labour

In the fourth stage of labour, known as the immediate postpartum recovery period, your body starts to heal and adjust after giving birth. During this period, the uterus contracts, causing what are known as afterpains. This aids in the uterus shrinking back to its previous size. You may also experience lochia or bleeding, in which your body disposes of the remaining uterine lining. You can rest easy knowing that the physicians will check your vital signs to ensure that nothing is wrong. Planning for rest and recovery during this phase is critical.

Pain Management Techniques During the Stages of Labour

Labour can be an intense and overwhelming experience, but there are many pain management techniques available to help you cope. Some women prefer non-pharmacological methods, such as breathing exercises, massage, or hypnotherapy, while others opt for medical interventions like epidurals or nitrous oxide.

During the early stages of labour, relaxation techniques can be particularly helpful in managing discomfort and promoting a sense of calm. Rhythmic breathing, visualisation, and progressive muscle relaxation are all effective tools for reducing stress and anxiety.

Preparing for labour: What to Expect and How to Cope

Preparing for labour can help you feel more confident and in control as you approach your due date. Managing high blood pressure in preparation for labour is crucial for the health and safety of both the mom and the infant. Regular monitoring and medication can help maintain blood pressure.

It's also important to have a birth plan that outlines your preferences for pain management, labour positions, and postpartum care.

Remember, childbirth is a natural process and your body has evolved for it. Trust in your body's ability to birth your baby, and know that you have the strength and resilience to handle whatever comes your way.

The Role of Your Support System Throughout the Stages of Labour

As you navigate through the stages of labour, having a strong support system by your side can make a world of difference. Whether it's your partner or a close family member, continuous emotional and physical support can help you feel more empowered and in control during the birthing process. Your support person can offer words of encouragement, provide gentle massages, and help you with breathing techniques to manage pain and anxiety. As you progress through each stage, your support system will be there to cheer you on and provide a comforting presence.

Working with Your Doctor for a Positive Birth Experience

Having regular and open communication with your doctor is key to having a positive birth experience. Prenatal classes can also help you understand the birthing process, build trust, and prepare for what’s ahead.

When preparing, discussing a birth plan with your doctor is essential. This plan should cover preferences like foetal monitoring, use of birthing equipment, and internal exams. Your doctor will provide details on risks, benefits, and pain management options to help you make informed choices.

The experience of the 4 stages of labour is an amazing, difficult, and exciting journey as you prepare to welcome your baby into the world. From going into labour to delivery and recuperation, every phase of this experience is essential. Believe in your support network and know that your medical team is always there to help you. Open communication and trust in your doctor's expertise can help you navigate the labour process with confidence.


How many stages of labour are there?

There are four distinct stages of labour: 1st stage (latent and active phases), 2nd stage (pushing and birth), 3rd stage (delivery of the placenta), and 4th stage (recovery).

How long can the early stages of labour last?

The duration of the early stages of labour, particularly the latent phase of the 1st stage, can vary greatly from woman to woman. It can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days, with contractions gradually becoming more regular and intense.

What are the physiological changes during the 1st stage of labour?

During the 1st stage of labour, the cervix begins to dilate and efface (thin out) in response to contractions. The cervix typically dilates from 0 to 10 centimetres during this stage.

What is the average duration of the 1st stage of labour?

The average duration of the 1st stage of labour is around 12-18 hours for first-time mothers and 8-12 hours for women who have previously given birth. However, this can vary significantly between individuals.

What are some techniques for managing the 1st and 2nd stages of labour?

Techniques for managing the 1st and 2nd stages of labour include relaxation methods, breathing exercises, position changes, hydrotherapy, and pain relief options such as nitrous oxide or epidurals or natural alternatives like massage and acupressure.

What complications can occur during the 3rd stage of labour?

Complications during the 3rd stage of labour can include postpartum haemorrhage, retained placenta, or uterine inversion. These complications are rare but require prompt medical attention.