The fetus will expel when it attains Kala prakarshata, i.e. after attaining maturity. It is compared to a fruit that detaches from the stalk and comes down naturally. The Garbha or fetus will get detached from Nadi nibandhana (placental attachment) and proceed to parturition naturally.
Another interesting cause for parturition is explained in Harita samhita- Fetus feels a kind of aversion to intrauterine stay and hence initiates labor to escape from it.
But how can this be scientifically explained??
The onset of labor is initiated from the fetal brain which influences feto placental endocrinology through the Hypothalamic pituitary adrenal placental axis. This action has an effect on cortisol which increases maternal estrogen facilitating labor.
Normal labor is a complex physiological process influenced by various factors.
- Hormonal changes: The release of hormones like oxytocin initiates contractions and helps the body of the mother for labor.
- Fetal maturity : As the baby develops and reaches term (around 37-42 weeks), the excess pressure on the cervix and uterus stimulates labor.
- Cervical ripening: The cervix undergoes softening and dilation in response to hormonal signals from the fetal and mother's brain, facilitating the onset of labor.
- Uterine Contractions: Regular contractions help push the baby down the birth canal, signaling the start of labor.
- Maternal Factors: Physical and emotional readiness of the mother, including adequate nutrition and a supportive environment, can influence the onset of labor.
- Gravity and Positioning: The mother’s position and gravity can aid in the descent of the baby, encouraging labor to begin.
- Stretching of the Uterus: The stretching of uterine muscles as the baby grows can initiate contractions.
In conclusion, the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda emphasizes the profound importance of normal labor, intertwining the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the birthing process. This journey is not only about the arrival of a new life but also about the powerful bond forged between mother and child. Embracing the natural course of labor can lead to better health outcomes for both, allowing mothers to recover more swiftly and ensuring infants benefit from a nurturing environment.
As we navigate the complexities of modern pregnancy and childbirth, it’s essential to reconnect with these age-old practices and insights. By prioritizing both physical and emotional preparedness, we can create a supportive atmosphere that honors the natural rhythms of labor. Ultimately, understanding and appreciating the journey of normal labor can empower expectant parents, instilling confidence and joy in the miraculous process of bringing new life into the world.