
Preparing Your Birth Plan: Communicating Delivery Needs

Create a birth plan to communicate delivery needs. Learn key elements, flexibility tips, and communication strategies.

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Dr Sangeetha Vishweshwaran

At a Glance

Understanding Birth Plans

A birth plan is a written document that outlines your labour, delivery, and postpartum preferences.

Timing Is Key

Discuss with your doctor and partner before the due date to finalise your plan and allow necessary adjustments.

Essential Elements

Include your choice of birth location, delivery method, pain management options, and support persons present.

Be Prepared for Changes

Have contingency plans for unexpected scenarios like emergency Caesarean sections.

Postpartum Choices

Consider preferences such as skin-to-skin contact, breastfeeding plans, and newborn procedures.

Communication Is Crucial

Share your birth plan with all involved in your care to ensure everyone is aligned with your wishes.

In this article

  • Benefits of Preparing a Birth Plan
  • Creating Your Birth Plan
  • Pain Management Preferences
  • Preparing for the Unexpected
  • Using a birth plan template
  • Embracing flexibility and adaptability

Welcoming a baby is both exciting and overwhelming. As the big day approaches, it’s natural to feel a mix of joy, anxiety, and even a bit of nervousness. Especially if you’re a first-time parent. 

You may be wondering how to stay in control and make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible. This is where preparing a birth plan can make a huge difference. It will ease your mind and ensure your wishes are understood during this life-changing moment. 

Let’s look at how to prepare an effective birth plan to welcome your little one with confidence. 

Benefits of Preparing a Birth Plan

A birth plan is more than just a checklist. It’s your voice, communicating your needs and preferences leading up to the delivery day. It allows you to involve actively in the process and thus reduces your anxiety. Here is why you should prepare a birth plan:

  • Improved Communication: You can express your wishes to your doctor, family, and partner. This helps in understanding your choices.
  • Increased Sense of Control: When you control your birthing experience, you will have a more positive approach in managing your emotions.  
  • Better Support: Your loved ones can support you better when they know your preferences.
  • Reduced Anxiety: A birth plan reduces your anxiety and prepares you for unexpected challenges.
  • Informed Decision-Making: You feel empowered to make informed decisions about your delivery and postpartum care.

Creating Your Birth Plan 

Are you wondering how to write a birth plan? Think of your birth plan template is to prepare a list for your support team. This includes your partner, doctors, nurses, and family members. Remember that there is no one size fits to all in writing a birth plan because every mother is different, and so is her journey. 

From deciding how to handle pain and take medication at the time of labour. Birth plan is a road map that ensures your birthing experience feels supported and empowering. 

Key Components of a Birth Plan

Your birth plan should be a personalized guide detailing your wishes and preferences for your healthcare team. 

  1. Medical History:
    It is important to mention any previous surgeries, allergies, or complications you have faced before or during the pregnancy. This is helpful in emergency situation.
  2. Labour & Delivery: 
    Your labour and delivery preferences can include your choice of place to give birth. Would you like a c-section, or a normal delivery? Now you even have the option for a water birth with Apollo pioneering the practice in India. To feel more relaxed during delivery, try setting a calming ambience. Soft music, dim lights, with a supportive family member can make a lot of difference.
  3. Pain Management & Medication: 
    Think about how you want to manage labour pains. Would you prefer a natural pain relief massage over an epidural or other less invasive options? Your labour position is also a contributing factor to managing pain. You can try using a birthing ball or squatting to reduce contraction pains.
  4. Support:
    Specify if you want anyone present with you during labour for encouragement or birth recording. It can be your partner, a friend, or a family member. You can also mention how your husband can step up to some responsibilities.
  5. Post-Delivery:
    Include any post-delivery wishes like delay cutting the umbilical cord, saving the placenta, or immediate skin-to-skin contact with the baby. This can also include feeding your baby the first colostrum shortly after birth.
  6. Postpartum Recovery: 
    Address any after-delivery care for you or your baby. It can be anything from circumcising your baby to having a private room for recovery. You can also request an appointment with a lactation consultant to help and understand your breastfeeding journey.
  7. Emergency Care: 
    Yours and your baby’s health is the primary concern. So, your birthing plan should be flexible to accommodate any complications related to your delivery. You can also include the contacts of lactational consultants and perinatal or clinical psychologists.

By addressing these components, you create a comprehensive birth plan that reflects your unique needs and desires.

Pain Management Preferences

As you plan your birthing experience, one of the most important aspects to consider is labour pain management. Using a birth plan, you can specify the types of pain relief you'd like to try and those you wish to avoid. Additionally, you can list your preferred order of pain relief methods.

Some of the most commonly available options include: 

  • Epidural analgesics numb your legs from the hipbone to the toes and reduce pain during labour. A tiny epidural catheter will be sticked into your epidural space through your back bone and medicines will be given through it. You will, however, be awake and sensitive to touch. It is advisable for caesarean deliveries and prolonged labour.
  • Intravenous medications will provide you with temporary pain relief between contractions. These medications include opioids that can make you sleepy and you will not feel pain.
  • Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, is also an excellent option for pain management during childbirth. It provides an illusion of relaxation by taking your mind off the pain. Pregnant women who avoid epidurals often opt for this non-invasive option.
  • Natural methods to manage pain during childbirth are also very common among women who want a medication-free birthing experience. These natural techniques include breathing exercises, hydrotherapy or water immersion, and healthcare-approved massages. 

While it's important to have a plan, remember to remain flexible. Your preferences may change during labour, and that's perfectly okay. Include a note about any pain relief methods you definitely want to avoid, but keep an open mind about the rest. Your doctor will support you in finding the best approach for managing your labour pain.

Preparing for the Unexpected

Despite your best efforts, remember that your birth plan ist fool-proof, implying you will have to account for unplanned emergencies if necessary. Consider how to deal with these situations if and when they happen.

The unexpected can happen for various reasons and require you to make quick and tough decisions. For example, switching to a c-section from a vaginal birth. In such cases, would you like to be part of the decisions, or a family member can approve the procedure? Discuss such questions with your doctor and consider including your partner or family members in such discussions.

By addressing these potential deviations from your ideal birth plan, you maintain a sense of control, even if the unexpected occurs. Remember, the ultimate goal is a safe and healthy delivery for you and your baby, and your doctor will always prioritize your well-being.

Using a birth plan template

A birth plan template is a helpful tool for organizing and communicating your labor and delivery preferences to your healthcare team. This template typically covers various aspects of the birthing experience, such as pain management options, preferred birthing positions, newborn procedures, and the birthing environment.

partner’s Name  
Due Date 
Doctor’s Name & Number 
Blood Group 
Pre-existing Medical Conditions, if any 
Delivery Type Normal | C-Section | Water Birth
People in the roomPartner | Family | Friend
Labor Room specificationsLight Music | Dim Lights | Birthing Ball
Pain Relief ManagementEpidural | Natural | Intravenous
Post-DeliveryDelay Umbilical Cord Cutting | Save Cord Blood & stem cells
Post-Delivery Baby CareSkin-to-skin | Feed Colostrum | Feed Formula 
Post-Delivery Mother’s CareStool Softener | Laxatives | Lactation Consultation
Emergency Care OptionsCan include decision maker’s name.

Embracing flexibility and adaptability

Remember, while having a birth plan is important, it is not a script for how your birthing experience will be. It is crucial to understand that much like life, every pregnancy is unique. Staying open to the possibilities of change will help you stay calm during challenging situations.

In situations like these, an adaptable mindset helps you make clear-headed decisions that prioritize both your and your baby’s well-being. Remember that you are not alone in this journey, and many mothers make changes in their birth plans as and when required. 


How to prepare for a smooth birthing experience?

For a smooth birthing experience, speak to your gynaecologist about the recommended weight at your age before conceiving. As advised, follow a healthy diet with regular walks to stay active through your nine months. Get regular check-ups to monitor both your and your baby’s health. Stay positive about your motherhood journey and embrace the new changes it brings to your body. 

What is a good time to start a birth plan?

You should ideally create a birth plan around the beginning of your third trimester, i.e., around 28 weeks. It is the perfect time to begin planning your nesting period, where you devote time in making choices about labour, delivery, preparing postpartum food, and making your home more comfortable to welcome a newborn. Always consult your doctor when making a birth plan to align them with your choices.

Is water birth less painful?

As compared to vaginal delivery, many pregnant women who opted for water birth have admitted to lesser pain because the muscles are more relaxed when submerged in lukewarm water. Floating in water is a soothing experience, and it also helps to maintain your blood pressure and better blood flow to the baby during labour. However, it is advisable to consult your doctor before choosing a delivery plan.

What can I refuse during my labour?

Giving birth is a liberating experience that you cherish for life. As an active participant, even in unplanned situations, you have the right to refuse to induce labour. You can also choose whether you want an epidural, opioid medication, or any medication during delivery. Additionally, depending on the medical risks of your pregnancy, you can choose your delivery position, place, and support team. 

How can I preserve my baby’s umbilical cord?

Your birth plan can mention your desire to save your baby’s umbilical cord. After the cord blood has been collected, you can choose to store it at a stem cell blood bank or dispose of it. A nurse will clamp a part of your baby’s umbilical cord and cut the rest. The cord is stored in a clean, sterile container for you to take home. It is a very safe and painless procedure for both you and your child.