Abnormal labour, also called "labour dystocia", happens when the progress of labour stalls or fails to proceed as expected. This can occur during any stage of labour and might involve issues like a slow dilation of the cervix or difficulties with the baby’s descent into the birth canal.
It's important to understand that abnormal labour doesn’t necessarily indicate something is seriously wrong—it simply means that labour isn’t following the usual pattern.
It’s more common than you may realise, and many mothers encounter it during their birthing journey. Studies by the World Health Organization (WHO) show that 10-20% of women experience labour dystocia globally, and the prevalence in India aligns with these numbers due to similar birth trends.
Rest assured, with proper medical care, most cases are managed effectively, ensuring the well-being of both mother and baby.
Types of Abnormal Labour
When labour doesn't follow the expected course, it can take different forms, depending on how it progresses. Understanding some of the most common abnormal delivery types can help you feel more prepared and less anxious if this situation arises.
Each type comes with its own set of challenges, but with the right medical guidance, these can be managed to ensure the safety of both mother and baby. Here are some common types of abnormal labour:
- Prolonged Labour: Labour that lasts more than 20 hours for first-time mothers or more than 14 hours for those who have given birth before.
- Arrest of Dilation: This happens when the cervix stops dilating before it reaches full dilation, typically at around 6 cm.
- Arrest of Descent: Once the cervix is fully dilated, the baby may not descend through the birth canal as expected.
- Uterine Inertia: The uterus may become weak and unable to sustain strong, consistent contractions, slowing the entire labour process.
Each of these situations may require different interventions, from medications to assist with contractions to possible caesarean delivery.