How Ayurveda Defines Pregnancy??
Ayurveda classics describes pregnancy as follows:
“Sukra shonita jeeva samyoge thu khalu kukshigatho garbha sanja bhavathi.”
Garbha is the term for an embryo or fetus, which is defined as the union of Shukra (sperm), Shonita (ovum), and Atma (soul) in the uterus. The process of the fetus developing from two cells to a mature fetus is called Garbhavakranti.
Ayurveda also gives a more authentic definition to Garbha (embryo) as
“ shudhe sukra arthave satwa swakarma klesacha udhithàha;
Garbha sampadyathe yuktivasha agniriva aaranou”
This is one of the beautifully written yet scientific verses about the foetus in Ayurveda. It is said that only Shudha (healthy) Shukra(sperm) and Arthava (ovum) can form an embryo. Prepurificatory procedures, or the process of preparing the body for pregnancy, which involves various physical, emotional, and lifestyle adjustments aimed at optimizing health and well-being, gain importance here.
The Atma (soul) impelled by the afflictions of its past actions enter this union of Shukra (sperm) and Arthava (ovum) to give rise to the formation of Garbha. And it can be understood only through Yukti (rational thinking) just like a spark is ignited from firewood.
Gradually, the development of the embryo happens through Satmya rasa upayoga (good nutrition ) and Achara of Garbhini (good regimens of pregnant women), leading to Bala (strength ), Varna (complexion ), Satwa (personality ) and Samhana (built) of the foetus.
Another concept pertaining to pregnant women is explained in Ayurveda. Read on to find out.